Sengoku Ren didn't know what method he used to hide his body. Kato Dan couldn't find it even in his soul state, and it was even less possible to find him when his soul returned to his body. Therefore, he remained vigilant and broke the stone cage first to escape.

Ye Zi, who was hiding in the dark, actually didn't see how Qian Shiren disappeared. At that moment, Qian Shiren had no seal at all. He suddenly disappeared in that moment, disappeared without a trace, and could not even feel his breath. .

With no trace of the enemy, the surrounding atmosphere became solemn. The wind blew by, and the rustling leaves seemed to be the enemies who moved at the sound.

Kato Dan looked around, frowning deeply. He could vaguely feel the faint hostility in the air, but could not judge the enemy's position. When ordinary people encounter this situation, their mood will be affected, and even as time goes by , the mentality will become restless, but Kato Dan has always been very calm and has not been affected at all.

He turned his fingers, flipped the kunai in his fingertips, held it with his backhand, and held the tiger seal with his other hand.

Perhaps seeing that Kato Dan was not affected by the heavy atmosphere, Sengoku Ren suddenly appeared behind Kato Dan. Chakra fluctuations suddenly appeared in the air. He wrapped his fist around the hard rock and punched Kato. Broken back.

The fluctuation of chakra only appeared when Sengoku Ren flashed out. When Kato Dan noticed it, Sengoku Ren's Rock Fist was almost close to his body. If this punch was carried out, Kato Dan would definitely die.

The sense of crisis on the verge of death burned his thoughts crazily. However, even if he was always on guard, he had no way to deal with the enemy who only showed his breath the moment he appeared. This was a dead end.

He couldn't break it, but someone could, and that person was Ye Zi.

With his excellent perception ability, Ye Zi cannot sense where the enemy is, but he knows that the enemy will definitely appear, so he only needs to pay attention to Kato Dan's back. If the enemy wants to attack Kato Dan from the front, Then there is no need to hide the traces by unknown means.

He was very sure that the enemy would only choose to appear from the back, and just as he thought, Qianshi Ren used unknown means to hide his aura and figure to touch the back of Kato Dan, and launched a fatal blow.

The stone fist pushed towards Kato Dan's back with the breath of death, but a beam of lightning was faster and made a squeaking sound. In Qian Shiren's shocked eyes, it was like a sharp arrow penetrated his fist and wrapped around it. The rock above instantly shattered into countless stone particles, and his fist was pierced with a blood hole two fingers wide. The force of the sudden forward force drove the blood, and the blood hole emerged crazily, and a large amount of blood suddenly spurted out.

Already unstoppable, Qian Shiren stepped on his feet and jumped back, intending to distance himself from Kato. However, this was also part of Ye Zi's calculation. The moment Qian Shiren landed, Ye Zi had already He stood behind him, his eyes were cold and ruthless, and there was no lightning wrapped around his thunder teeth, and he slashed directly at Qian Shiren's back.

The sword wind was sharp and came with a murderous intent.

Qian Shiren's expression changed drastically, and he pounced forward with all his strength, but he was unable to escape the blow, and a deep bloody mark was cut directly on his back.

He fell to the ground, Ye Zi stepped forward with his front foot, and slashed at Qian Shiren with another sword in the air. At this moment, Qian Shiren's figure suddenly disappeared in an instant, but Ye Zi's thoughts did not pause at all, as if he did not believe in evil. Still slashing towards the direction where Qian Shiren was.


This sword failed.

Ye Zi quickly put away the knife and suddenly saw several traces of blood moving in mid-air, as if they were stained on invisible objects. They were moving quickly, and he could also detect the wind generated by the violent movement.

I see.

Ye Zi raised his head and looked at the blood stains leaping into the air. He smiled coldly. The magic seal was formed within a few breaths, and thunder and lightning appeared on the palm of his hand.

Thunder Escape, Riptide!

He put his index and middle fingers together and pointed directly at the invisible object that happened to fall on the tree trunk. A beam of lightning shot out from his fingertips and penetrated the unknown invisible object in the blink of an eye. Only a hissing sound was heard, and a huge chameleon slowly Show body shape.

Kato Dan, who had escaped the disaster, looked at Ye Zi in shock. His eyes quickly moved towards the chameleon on the tree trunk. At that moment, he seemed to have foreseen his death. However, at the most critical moment, Ye Zi saved him. He also seriously injured Qian Shiren. In his opinion, Ye Zi had enough capital to face the Jonin test.

Thank you. Kato Duan nodded to Ye Zi, then stared closely at the chameleon, and used the soul technique without saying a word. Qian Shiren's ability to hide his figure and breath probably relies on this chameleon. The soul leaves the body and goes straight to the chameleon.

The chameleon stained by blood lost its ability to become invisible. He opened his mouth, rolled up Qian Shiren's body with his long tongue and swung it towards the distance. Blood spilled from the air, slightly aggravating the injury, but it also allowed Qian Shiren to escape from the dangerous area.

Kato Dan watched Qianshiren being thrown away without changing his target. The spiritual soul penetrated directly into the chameleon's body. Within a moment, the chameleon let out a scream and the light in his eyes slowly dimmed.

Kato Dan's soul emerged from the chameleon's body and returned to its original body. At this time, the chameleon fell from the tree and lost its life.

At the same moment, Ye Zi held Lei Ya and chased Qian Shiren, and the victory was determined.

Soon, Ye Zi caught up with Qian Shiren with his terrifying speed. The latter also gave up retreat, turned around, and stared at Ye Zi coldly.

Looking at the features and thunder teeth, Qian Shiren said indifferently: You are Ye Zi, you are indeed worthy of Konoha's little white tooth.

He really fell badly in this fall, and even lost his life. He really didn't expect that his target would have been waiting around for an opportunity. If it weren't for Ye Zi, his punch would have definitely knocked out Kato. Broken organs.

Ye Zi didn't respond, and his whole body was filled with lightning.

Now, he has reached a certain level of control over Lei Dun.

Qian Shiren looked at Ye Zi, whose whole body was shrouded in lightning, and his eyes changed slightly. Based on the strength in the intelligence, there was a big gap with the target in front of him. Was it because he had hidden his strength before, or in this short period of time? Here, the strength is so enhanced?

You shouldn't chase me. Qian Shiren said coldly. He had already made up his mind and tried his best to kill Ye Zi.

Now that I'm chasing you, I'm already sure of killing you.

Ye Zi looked at Qian Shiren, who was pale due to excessive bleeding. He had full advantages in chakra and physical strength, so he did not choose close combat.

Thunder Escape, the art of singing among wolves!

The condensed thunder and lightning shot out from Ye Zi's body into the sky, and five thunder wolves separated, running rapidly in mid-air, biting Qian Shiren from five directions.

Qian Shiren laughed wildly, ignored the running thunder wolf, and rushed straight towards Ye Zi.

Ye Zi raised his brows, stood on the spot and controlled the pack of wolves, surrounding him and devouring Qian Shiren.


There was a roar of thunder.

Terrifying thunder and lightning enveloped Qian Shiren.

Come die!

However, Qian Shiren's eyes flashed with madness, and he drove his paralyzed and burned body, rushed to Ye Zi, and punched Ye Zi.

Ye Zi looked at the approaching fist with an expressionless face, his upper body was slightly shorter, and he assumed the posture of Iai Slash. The thunder fangs suddenly unsheathed, the sword flashed, and the huge fist flew into the air with blood spurting out.

The power has declined.

Ye Zi struck another blow and chopped off Qian Shiren's head.

Blood spurted out, extremely bloody.

Kato Dan, who came to support, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. He couldn't keep up with Ye Zi's speed, and was worried that Ye Zi would be unable to defeat Qian Shiren, but he didn't expect that Ye Zi could kill him in such a short time. Qian Shiren, although this is related to Qian Shiren's injury, it is also inseparable from Ye Zi's own strength.

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