Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 594 Contempt

Thunder started, and the pace slowed down. Ye Zi stopped because a strong man stood in front of him.

The crisp sound of the long knife sliding out of the sheath was swallowed up by the thunder, and a slightly dazzling thunderstorm stirred up the body. Many thunderstorms as thick as a little finger even burned black marks on the ground at his feet.

No immortal mode was turned on, no black thunder was used, just ordinary lightning escape possession.

Ye Zi held the long knife and stared at the loess falling from the sky indifferently.

He remembered that he had met this man once in a tavern in the Land of Earth. In the information provided by Bai Zetsu, he was listed as Yellow Earth, and he was the son of Tsuchikage Onoki.

After all, Loess is one of the few powerful characters in Iwa Ninja Village. His strength is close to that of Onoki, and he is worthy of Ye Zi's attention.

For revenge... Ye Zi thought silently. Since he had a general understanding of Huang Tu, he naturally also knew why Huang Tu took the initiative to find him.

Huang Tu left the battle group and took the initiative to find Ye Zi, of course for revenge.

Ye Zi was the murderer of his wife. When the perception team discovered Ye Zi and spread the news, he immediately approached Ye Zi.

This is a rare opportunity, how could he let it go.

As for whether he can beat Ye Zi, he won't think about it at all, because this is what he should do at this moment.

Earth Escape, the sky rains down the stone cover!

After arriving in front of Ye Zi, Huang Tu formed a seal and used Earth Escape without saying a word.

Located above Ye Zi, a stone lid with a diameter of twenty meters, like a pot lid, was formed in an instant.

At the same time, Huang Tu's expression was cold, and he continued to form seals with his hands quickly. After completing the seals, he pressed one hand on the ground.

Earth Escape, the earth moves its core.

Ye Zi raised his head slightly and looked coldly at the stone cover falling from above. Just as he was about to avoid the stone cover with speed, a strong earthquake suddenly came from the ground.

The seal releases ninjutsu very quickly. After all, he is one of the few masters in the ninja village.

Ye Zi just stood there, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly rose, pushing him directly towards the falling stone cover.

Strong vibrations can make people unstable, but Ye Zi used chakra to firmly absorb the ground, so that the vibrations during the earthquake did not affect him in the slightest.

Then, he swung his knife upward.

A bright sword light flashed from the middle of the huge stone cover without any sound. The stone cover split into two halves, falling on Ye Zi's left and right sides, making an ear-splitting sound.

The stone cover was cut in half by Ye Zi's sword, and the effect of the seismic core also disappeared, causing the ground more than five meters high above Ye Zi to stop shaking.

After seeing Ye Zi effortlessly break the sky-falling stone cover, there was no reaction on Huang Tu's face. Just like in the intelligence, this was a terrifyingly powerful enemy.

When he was fighting against the White Jue clones, he did not easily use large-scale earth escape. Instead, he tried to use chakra sparingly and only wrapped his arms with rocks. He could kill at least one clone with one punch with minimal consumption. , to achieve the greatest effect.

However, when facing Ye Zi, he had no reservation at all. As soon as he came up, he threw two earth escapes that were not weak at Ye Zi's face. As a result, he was easily broken. The key is...

I didn't use black thunder, and I didn't turn on the immortal mode. Are you being underestimated...

Konoha has long shared information about Ye Zi with various ninja villages, including Ye Zi's sage mode and representative black thunder. It is these two abilities that give Ye Zi a strong individual combat capability. .

However, Ye Zi in front of him not only did not activate the immortal mode, nor did he use black thunder, he just used the same thunder escape as the fourth generation Raikage.

Ye Zi didn't know what Huang Tu was thinking at this time. On the one hand, he didn't want to waste too much meaningless chakra, and on the other hand, he didn't want to waste too much time here.

Uchiha Madara's incident made him even more urgent to resurrect the Ten-Tails as soon as possible.

We can't waste time here, not even a minute.

Ye Zi's eyes were cold, he turned his wrist, and suddenly put the long knife back into its sheath.

Less than ten seconds after pulling out the sword, after cutting off a move of Earth Escape, it was taken back.

Ye Zi had a plan in his mind and quickly formed seals with his hands. When Huang Tu saw Ye Zi's movements, he immediately became highly concentrated. It was very irrational for him to come to confront Ye Zi alone. Regarding this, he was also very concerned about this. It was clear, but there was a reason why he had to come.

It is precisely because he knows Ye Zi's powerful strength that he is so sensitive.

Wood escape, wood clone.

After sealing and falling, Ye Zi separated into a wooden clone.

One-tenth of the chakra should be enough to deal with you.

Ye Zi glanced sideways at the wooden clone, and then looked at Huang Tu. This was the wooden clone to which he had allocated one-tenth of his chakra. He was left to deal with Huang Tu so that he would not waste time here.


Hearing Ye Zi's words, Huang Tu, who had always been as calm as a mountain, suddenly changed his face, and his eyes showed deep anger. This was the anger that arose when he saw Ye Zi, but it was firmly hidden, not wanting to affect the battle. status.

But seeing that Ye Zi actually wanted to use a clone with only one-tenth of the chakra content of his body to deal with him, he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

He admitted that Ye Zi was very strong. This judgment was based on the information provided by Konoha and Yun Ninja. However, even if Ye Zi was very strong, he would not underestimate himself. Seeing that Ye Zi planned to use one-tenth of the chak's amount of wood clones Come and deal with him, how can you bear it with a spirit that matches your strength?

Ye Zike didn't care what Huang Tu thought. To put it bluntly, he didn't take Huang Tu seriously at all. Even if Onomu came to him, he didn't take it seriously.

This is a sign of arrogance, but for a person with great strength, this is confidence.

I don't know how long it will take you to condense one-tenth of the amount of chakra.

Ye Zi thought silently, ignoring the existence of Loess and continuing to move forward. This war is his most critical and final step. If he wastes a little chakra, it may lead to a bad situation. So he was very cautious.

Next, he wanted to find Kushina as soon as possible and drop the dirty coffin along the way so that Orochimaru could disperse the main combat force to the appropriate location.

Not long has passed since the war started, but Ye Zi believes that the clone army alone will probably not be able to stop the coalition forces of the five major ninja villages, so it is necessary to reasonably distribute the small number of dirty soil bodies and throw them on various battlefields. Anyway, in the end , the filthy earth army headed by the First Hokage will definitely crush the coalition's vanguard team in the end.

The battlefield there can be regarded as '1'. As long as the battle is over, the main army of dirty soil will take the remaining clones and march towards the second group, which is '2', and just push forward step by step.

Huang Tu saw that there was no reflection of him in Ye Zi's eyes. He took a deep breath, turned his anger into motivation, and rushed towards Ye Zi's body.

However, he was naturally blocked by the wooden clone.

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