Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 598 Three Susanoos

When the strength is not at the same level, any resistance will seem feeble.

One stroke of the knife is a life.

It is not that easy for the Ninja Village to cultivate a Jonin, but in front of Ye Zi, it is like nothing.

The perception ability of the immortal mode allows Ye Zi to easily dodge the ninjutsu and slashes coming from the attack.

Under the possession of black thunder, the long sword is extremely sharp. No matter how you resist, it will be cut in two with one strike.

He rushed into the enemy formation and started killing, and the targets that Ye Zi targeted were not even able to stop him with a single blow.

Ye Zi did not use other ninjutsu, not even the art of inorganic reincarnation. He only used the killing sword skills that had been tempered through hundreds of battles, in the simplest and most efficient way, without wasting any effort, and without Fancy pose.

He ducked and approached, and the knife passed through, leaving a corpse behind.

In less than ten seconds, more than a dozen bodies were dumped on the field.

It wasn't that the Jonin present was unbearable, but that Ye Zi was too strong.

Although the increase in Sage Mode is not as terrifying as the Eight Gate Dunjia, it is not something that a jounin-level ninja can easily contend with.

The increase in thunder escape mode, coupled with the immortal mode, is so fast that it is definitely not comparable to the fourth generation Raikage. Therefore, even if the hundreds of ninjas present are spread out as much as possible, Ye Zi's efficiency in killing enemies cannot be reduced.

But Ye Zi's way of mowing grass was something Zhisui and the others couldn't stop.

If the illusion is useful to Ye Zi, it can limit Ye Zi's continuous attacks, but Ye Zi is immune to the illusion.

Even without using the ability of the Samsara Eye, there were more and more corpses on the ground, all of them split in half with a knife, and their deaths were miserable.


Human life has completely become a number.

Ye Zi killed the enemy in front of him with one strike, then ignored the hidden weapons and fire escapes coming straight at him, resisted them with Black Thunder's defensive power, and rushed to the next target.


Obito watched helplessly as his teammates fell one by one, but was unable to stop Ye Zi's killing. His unwillingness gradually turned into overwhelming anger.

The same goes for Zhisui and Itachi. They both realized that Ye Zi was deliberately avoiding them and only targeting their companions.

Such an approach made their fists punch in the air, and with their companions dying in such a tragic way in front of them, every nerve was affected by emotions.

Let alone containment, I can't resist it at all! Zhishui gritted his teeth.

The seventy-sixth one...

His eyes were tinged with bone-chilling coldness, and along the way, he carried a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of corpses on his back. Every time he swung his sword to kill an enemy, it was like just trampling an ant to death. I don't know whether it was numbness or cold-bloodedness.

When killing enemies becomes a habit, this is the state, right?

His bones and blood were cold to the core.

The eighty-second...

A flying goose leaves no mark, a knife passes without blood.

The body and the knife seemed to be integrated into one. When the blade cut through the bones and internal organs, it was as if they were caressing them with the palm of their hands.

These are hands soaked in blood for decades, but now they are not stained with dust, let alone dazzling red.


It doesn't matter whether it's numb or cold-blooded.

All this is almost over.

the last one.

After wielding the last knife, Ye Zi looked at the Zhishui trio in front of him with an indifferent expression.

There were corpses all around, the traces of bombardment by various escape techniques were extremely obvious, and there were countless hidden weapons falling everywhere.

Only Shisui and the other three were left, and all the remaining fish were swept away, which took less than five minutes.

Even if you don't use ninjutsu, just maintaining the possession of black thunder will consume chakra every second. This is an inevitable result and cannot be avoided.

Just watching Ye Zi kill all his companions, and they were unable to stop them, like clowns who were ignored.

Many mixed emotions of unwillingness and anger made his face very ugly.

Do you think you can stop me?

Ye Zi said coldly, and before he finished speaking, he made a futile move and attacked the nearest Itachi.

In his opinion, Itachi, the youngest among the three, was the weakest, so he became his primary target.

Without the danger perception ability of the immortal mode, it is difficult to dodge Ye Zi's attack with only the vision of the kaleidoscope.

Even if you can dodge, it won't last long, so when facing Ye Zi's attack, you can't hesitate at all. Directly activating Susanoo is the only option.

When Itachi made a move at Ye Zi, he activated Susanoo, and the red solid chakra formed into a human shape and enveloped him.


The tip of the knife, which was as black as jet jade, struck hard in front of Itachi, but was blocked by the red bones.

Looking at the tip of the knife so close at hand, Itachi's eyes narrowed slightly. Even though it was clear that the terrifying black knife had been blocked, his eyes still had the illusion of a slight sting.

What a troublesome move.

Seeing Susanoo who was not injured at all, Ye Zi frowned slightly, kicked his feet down, and swept back quickly.

The fist with obvious flesh and blood in the meridians struck the position where Ye Zi was originally located. With a bang, the ground cracked and earth and rocks flew everywhere.

The second form is the Susanoo form that Itachi can currently master.

Being in Susanoo's body is absolutely safe.

Itachi took a deep breath, controlled the red chakra, and continued to shape the unfinished parts.

The upper body of a red giant was formed in this way, and the meridians and flesh all over the body were clearly visible, while Itachi stood inside the Susanoo, staring at Ye Zi with sharp eyes.

Only Susanoo has a chance to defeat Ye Zi, because Ye Zi cannot break Susanoo's defense. In this way, he can ensure his invincibility and find opportunities to hurt Ye Zi.

After Ye Zi retreated and dodged Itachi Susanoo's punch, he looked at the other two people silently.

Shisui and Obito, without any hesitation, activated Susanoo.

A green giant wearing armor and holding a blue spiral spear formed in the blink of an eye, standing in front of Ye Zi, extremely tall, while Itachi's Susanoo, who was only the upper body, looked particularly small in front of Shisui's Susanoo.

Itachi's Susanoo level is not yet able to shape a complete human body, but Shisui can, but the form Shisui can control is still far from the limit.

Shisui's Susanoo is green, Itachi's Susanoo is red, and Obito's Susanoo is cyan.

When Obito's cyan solid chakra burst out, Shisui turned his head and looked, and couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw that the samurai created by Obito also had a complete human form, not the upper body form of Itachi.

Have you mastered it to this extent so quickly? Shisui looked at Obito's Susanoo, feeling surprised.

Itachi's talent is very high, but even now that he has turned on the Mangekyo, he still cannot reach the level of Shisui, but Obito has managed it.

The three Susanoos stood in front of Ye Zi like this.

The complete human forms of Shisui and Obito stood on the left and right sides of Itachi. At a glance, they looked like a family of three.

Ye Zi stared at the three Susanoos expressionlessly. He could choose to leave, because the Susanoos' defense was extremely strong. Even if he wanted to deal with the three of them, he would have to waste a lot of time, but he didn't want to at this time. Just left.

He doesn't think the three of Shisui can pose much of a threat to him, but if these three top combat forces can be solved here, it can reduce some pressure on his own side.

It's better to waste some chakra. Ye Zi thought silently.

The three Zhisui people are different from the other dead fish around them.

The art of wooden man!

Ye Zi quickly formed the seal!

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