Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 602 Danger

When Itachi's chakra fluctuation disappeared, Ye Zi was sure that Itachi was dead, but he didn't pay attention to the result of the knife.

The long knife made of a black rod penetrated deeply into the ground, and the attacks directed at him by Shisui and Obito were about to come, but Shinra Tenzheng was still cooling down.

Ye Zi had no intention of controlling Wood Release Susanoo to dodge this wave of attacks, because he couldn't dodge even if he wanted to.

It doesn't matter even if Wooden Release Susanoo is strong enough to withstand attacks from green arrows and Kamui Shurikens, as long as others are fine.

Green arrows flew in clusters and hit the upper body of Susanoo, the Wood Release, causing a dense explosion, and red flame flowers bloomed on Susanoo's body.

Then, two black shurikens accurately stabbed the head of Susanoo, the Wood Release, and the space was distorted. In less than a second, the huge head of Susanoo, the Wood Release, was actually Being pulled into a different space is like being wiped away from this world with an eraser.

After the attack worked perfectly, Shisui and Obito did not feel any joy, and both looked sad and angry.

Their kaleidoscope could clearly see that when the attack was about to land on the head of Wooden Release Susanoo, Ye Zi moved downwards at a very fast speed, so the attack only hurt Wooden Release Susanoo, but not Cause substantial damage to Ye Zi.

Ye Zi has the art of earth ephemera and the art of inorganic reincarnation. If he wants to control the Wood Release Susanoo, he does not have to be inside. Even if he leaves the Wood Release Susanoo, he can control it, but he is in the Wood Release Susanoo. Within Susanoo's body, it can cooperate with the ability of the Samsara Eye and the Wood Release to enhance the attack power of the Wood Release Susanoo.

When Shisui and Obito's attacks came, he moved directly to the feet of Wooden Release Susanoo, avoiding the range of the Kamui Shuriken.

This move made Shisui and Obito a little desperate.

Green arrows like Shisui's are area-of-effect ninjutsu, and their lethality will be lower. They have a wider range, but at most they can only cover the upper body of Wooden Release Susanoo, while Obito's Kamui Shuriken can be called There is no anti-kill device, and the destructive power is astonishing, but the range is too small, and it can be said to be very difficult to hit Ye Zi.

Ye Zi can move around freely in Wooden Release Susanoo. If he can't be hurt at a certain point, how can he win?

Itachi... Shisui looked filled with grief and anger, and the sadness in his heart washed over him like a tide.

Neither he nor Obito could see Itachi's chakra, which meant... Itachi was dead.

Death is a normal phenomenon in war, and it is the same in missions. In other words, death is a normal ending for ninjas.

Although one is ready to accept it, how can one control one's emotions when a close companion falls in front of oneself.

Once you lose an important person, you will be sad to the core and hate to the bone.

This is the essence of plundering, not only plundering materials, but also plundering lives, and even anything intangible, such as spiritual sustenance, such as emotions that have not yet sprouted.

Therefore, this is war. Either you die or I die. It is extremely realistic and cruel.

Obito remained silent, a slight chill wrapping around his heart like maggots on his tarsal bones.

Itachi's death filled him with rage, but there was also a hint of chill. He didn't know why, but at this moment, he started to worry about Qi Lin.

As long long as you kill Ye Zi, you won't lose anything anymore.

Obito and Shisui's emotions fluctuated violently because of Itachi's death, but they still had reason and understood the situation at this moment.

We can't let Weasel's death be in vain.

There was no verbal communication or eye contact. The two people's thoughts were synchronized. They suppressed the sadness in their hearts and controlled Susanoo to rush towards the seriously injured Wood Release Susanoo.

The unrestrained use of eye power puts an increasing burden on their bodies. If they continue to fight at such a high intensity, regardless of whether the chakra is sufficient, after a while, the kaleidoscope may not be able to bear it and automatically shut down.

They had to fight quickly. It was difficult to deal with Ye Zi even with Susanoo. Without the ability of Mangekyo, they would not even be qualified to struggle.

At this time, Obito and Shisui simply forgot about their containment tasks. They just wanted to win the battle.

Staring at the two Susanoos rushing towards him, Ye Zi checked the situation of the Shimoki Release Susanoo. It was bombarded by so many green arrows and became terrible. It would cost a lot of money to repair it. Chakra, and it doesn't seem necessary.

Ye Zi quickly made a decision. He didn't want to waste chakra on repairing the Wooden Release Susanoo, but he still had to squeeze out the last value of the Wooden Release Susanoo.

Both of them must be killed.

Ye Zi's eyes were cold, and he used the earth ephemeral technique to break away from the Wood Release Susanoo, and then controlled the shapeless Wood Release Susanoo to face Shisui and Obito's Susanoo.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Wooden Release Susanoo suddenly raised his arm and threw the long knife in his hand towards Obito's Susanoo.

This is Ye Zi's usual trick. Since he doesn't want to continue to spend a lot of chakra to repair the Wooden Release Susanoo, the black sword he created will be useless.

The reason why Obito was chosen as the target of the throw was because Obito's Susanoo did not have a spiritual weapon.

The long sword flew through the air, making a roar like an airplane engine, and flew straight towards Obito.

Seeing the long knife flying towards him, Obito took a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes wide. His eyes were bloodshot and a large amount of blood flowed out from them.


I saw Obito Susanoo actually condensed a black energy sword in his hand. The color was the same as the Kamui Shuriken. Then he controlled the Kamui sword and accurately chopped the sword thrown by Ye Zi. .

The two collided together, silently and calmly, but the upper part of the long knife, which contained the power of divine power, twisted for a while, and together with Ye Zi's long knife, disappeared in an instant.

Obito's Susanoo held the remaining half of the Kamui sword, and together with Shisui, came to the Wooden Release Susanoo without any weapons, and launched an attack together.

Without the long sword shaped by the black stick, Wooden Release Susanoo faced the double attack of Obito and Shisui. He didn't even make a move to resist, and was chopped into half.

Because Ye Zi gave up the Wooden Release Susanoo, it was so easy for Shisui and Obito to kill the already ruined Wooden Release Susanoo.

Surprised that Obito still had such an ability, after they killed the Wood Release Susanoo, Ye Zi looked calm and took advantage of this opportunity to quickly form a seal.

seal up!

The ground around Susanoo suddenly moved, and eight wooden pillars covered with black curses broke out from the ground under Shisui Susanoo's feet, crossing and blocking Susanoo's body. It looked like Irregular shaped antlers.

Not only was Shisui's Susanoo hit, but Obito's side was also blocked by eight wooden pillars. For a time, both of them were in a very dangerous situation.

There are many ways to deal with you. I will try them one by one and be prepared.

Looking at the two Susanoos stuck in the Seal Wood Release, Ye Zi looked cold.

Since he had planned to get rid of the three Shisui people who owned the Mangekyo, he would never let them survive.

Itachi had died in his hands, Shisui and Obito must also die.

Trapped by the cross wooden pillars, Susanoo struggled suddenly, causing the wooden pillars engraved with the sealing technique to shake violently.

It seems that we can't neglect it for a moment. Ye Zi's eyes turned cold.

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