Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 6 Strange

Searching memories can also be called reading thoughts. This is a choice that is avoided as much as possible in peacetime. However, it is very common during wartime. During this period, in order to seize all available information, ninjas read the target's thoughts. The most useful method, but not many people are proficient in this method, and the Yamanaka clan of Konoha Village is considered the best.

Generally speaking, ninjas usually use torture methods first, and after failure, they will use illusion-like ninjutsu to make the person who is casted voluntarily reveal information. If even illusion and hypnosis cannot break the target's will, they can only directly invade the target's head. Thoughts and memories can be read in it, and the third method can cause mental trauma to the person being casted, or can cause amnesia or become an idiot in the worst case, so it is generally not used easily, but no one insists on humanitarianism during wartime. Even small pieces of information have a certain impact, so in order to obtain information, ninjas can do anything.

Ye Zi is just a child without chakra. Even if Sarutobi considers Konoha as a starting point, he will not take the last resort as the first step.

However, if illusion hypnosis is not effective for Ye Zi, then it is really necessary to consider whether Ye Zi is a spy from another village. After all, one of the conditions for a spy is absolute will. It is normal to be unable to use illusion hypnosis. Some are extremely A good spy can tell false information while in a hypnotic state.

The execution of the ninja was always fast. Only three minutes after the decision was made, two Anbu appeared in the resettlement room where Ye Zi was located using the teleportation technique. At this time, Ye Zi was trying hard to stuff food into his mouth without noticing it at all. Behind him stood two pretty and silent uninvited guests.

Ye, Zi?

The ANBU on the left wearing a gray fox mask read Ye Zi's name with a slightly awkward speech.

Ye Zi was startled when he heard the sound. He turned around suddenly and saw two guys dressed in strange clothes.

Wearing tight-fitting black clothing, he carried a knife on his back and wore a mask that completely obscured his face.


Ye Zizheng was about to ask who you were, but was interrupted by the person who spoke first: Come with us.

The weird outfit and the unceremonious and slightly indifferent tone made Ye Zi tense up. Without any hesitation, he picked up the ceramic bowl and immediately ran towards the window. When he was brought to this room, He took the first step to familiarize himself with the environment and planned two escape routes for himself.

Konoha ANBU completely did not expect that Ye Zi would have such an overreaction. When he was slightly stunned, Ye Zi had already put one hand on the window edge and was about to jump out of the window and escape.

The ANBU's dress and the stinging tone alone touched Ye Zi's sensitive nerves, so he ran away, but he didn't take the ANBU's skills into consideration.

His hand was pressed against the window sill, and the Anbu who had reacted quickly came up behind Ye Zi and stunned Ye Zi with one palm without causing any harm to him. It can be seen that this person has a good grasp of strength. After all, Ye Zi He was still a child and his body was still very fragile.

The back of his neck hurt, and when his consciousness fell into darkness, he felt a chill in his heart. While eating, he felt very at ease, because he felt that this would be a safe place to understand the world, and only after he was knocked unconscious did this The ideas that had been laid for a long time were directly pushed away, and his perception of Konoha took shape at this moment. The first impression and the second impression were so bad that it would be difficult to correct them in the future.

If there were what-ifs in this world, I might still regret today's decision when I think about it...

Ye Zi opened his eyes, and the first thing he felt was the discomfort of his hands and feet being imprisoned. He looked down and saw that he was tied to a chair. He did not panic or curse. From the moment he met Orochimaru and Tsunade, he I understand that I am a poor person who is being kneaded at will. It would not be surprising even if I am crushed to death in the next second.

He knew it was useless to panic, so he began to observe the surrounding environment. It was quite dark in the huge room. The only light source was the two white candles on the handles of the chairs. The weak light sources could not even illuminate the walls where they were. He could only roughly see the floor two meters away, and other than that there was only darkness.

Withdrawing his gaze to observe the environment, Ye Zi used a little force, but his tied hands remained motionless.

I'm so stupid...

Ye Zi thought silently, but when he encountered Orochimaru, he had no choice. Now it seems that it is just the difference between dying early and dying late.

Ye Zi's childhood experience has made Ye Zi have a deep-rooted guard against outsiders, and he will think about the worst results in advance for everything. This is not only as simple as preparing for a rainy day, but also seeing too much darkness...

Just like at this moment, he imagined several tragic endings. Except for the different processes, these endings all resulted in death.


Ye Zi didn't want to die, his eyes rolled slightly, his expression was calm, but the thoughts in his mind began to surge.

The unknown room, the tightly imprisoned hands and feet, the low-light environment, and too many unfavorable conditions.

Don't worry, I won't hurt you.

Suddenly, a slightly gentle voice sounded from the dark room, and with the sound of slight footsteps, a figure emerged from the darkness and walked slowly one meter in front of Ye Zi.

Ye Zi was startled, but his expression remained calm. He raised his head slightly and looked at the person quietly. His eyes swept past the dress he had seen many times before finally settling on his face.

His thin lips were pursed into a straight line, his nose was strong, and under his straight eyebrows were a pair of piercing eyes. This was a man with both spirit and appearance.

Is this the child...

Shanzhong Yuanye didn't pay attention to Ye Zi's scrutinizing gaze. According to the pre-established process, he first opened the target's defenses with words, and then used illusions to get all the details, trying to avoid using family secrets.

Do you think I would believe this kind of lie to a child?

Ye Zi dismissed what the visitor said.

Shanzhong Yuanye was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Ye Zi with a hint of surprise. He looked carefully at Ye Zi's eyes, and only saw the indifference and fear of death in them... and the unabashed precautions. This child…

He stretched out his index finger and scratched the forehead protector tied to his forehead. After laughing at himself, he said lightly: It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The facts will tell everything.

After saying that, he stared closely at Ye Zi's eyes that were not suitable for his age, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Illusion. Dream state.

Ye Zi looked at Shan Zhong Yue's gestures that had changed several times in surprise, and found that the gestures just now were clear and picturesque in his mind. Before he had time to wonder when his memory and eyesight became so good, he saw Shan Zhong Yue's eyes suddenly It turned into a rotating vortex, and then expanded instantly, and everything including myself was sucked into it.

Endless darkness swallowed up everything, but in an instant, light returned.

Ye Zi opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Ye Rui sitting on the bed, and his eyes couldn't help but be in a trance.

Brother, what's wrong with you? A look of concern appeared on Ye Rui's thin and pale face, and her big eyes were full of inquiry.


Ye Zi shook his head slowly. The sun shone warmly on his body through the window. He stretched out his hand to hold Ye Rui's little hand. The tentacles were cold and very real. This was not a dream, not...

Brother, why are you crying?


Ye Zi reached out and touched his cheek, and there was a touch of moisture on his fingertips. He turned to look at the blue sky outside the window, and said with a smile: Sand has entered.


Looking at Ye Zi, whose eyes were lifeless, Shanzhong Yuanye put down his hands and asked softly: Where are you from?


Ye Zi didn't respond, just like a puppet, motionless.

Yamanaka Yuanye frowned. The illusion was undoubtedly successful. He paused and asked again: What's your name?

Still no response at all...

Yamanaka Yuano's brows furrowed even more tightly. He asked several questions one after another, lowering his standards with each question, but still did not receive any response.

Is there a possibility of espionage...

Shanzhong Yuanye murmured in a low voice. He didn't believe it when he saw Ye Zi at first, because the guard in Ye Zi's eyes was too strong. This was not what a spy should do, but when Ye Zi was hit by an illusion, he acted like this The performance made him doubt his initial guess.

I spent half an hour without getting any information.

no solution anymore.

Shanzhong Yuanye sighed softly. He didn't want to use the family's secret technique on the child under the circumstances.

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