Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 605: Unavoidable

The team that contained Ye Zi failed.

The coalition's rear immediately learned that Ye Zi's traces had been temporarily lost, but they knew the general area and it shouldn't be difficult to find Ye Zi.

The four shadows are already heading towards the place where Ye Zi is. It won't be long before there may be another fierce battle.

Ye Zi walked forward silently, and four shadows came silently.

In multiple battlefields, things are changing rapidly, and people fall every second.

The coalition's surprise attack force launched a fierce attack on the Snake Team, falling from the sky and seizing the opportunity. In just one round, more than a dozen members of the Snake Team fell.

They had taken a big advantage from the beginning, but with the strength of the Snake Team, how could they be eliminated so easily? They started a fierce battle with the coalition's surprise attack force.

Susumu Uchiha who transplanted the Samsara Eye, Scorpion who controls human puppets, Kisame who has amazing chakra...

With these main forces present, it is not certain who will live and who will die between the Snake Team and the coalition's surprise attack force.

After the encounter between Ye Zi and Shisui's team, Orochimaru left a dirty earth body to watch the battle, and on the other hand, he released most of the remaining main forces to face the special combat force that completely suppressed the clone army.

This force is the strongest in the coalition. Even if the clone army uses enhancement potions, the effect is still not high.

The addition of the dirty earth body was like a shot in the arm, delaying the defeat, but there were only less than a thousand clones left in the army.

On the wasteland that was razed to the ground by Shinra Tianzheng.

When we say goodbye, can't you even look down on the kaleidoscope?

After Ye Zi left, Orochimaru controlled the dirty earth body that stayed to watch the battle to put away Itachi's kaleidoscope eyes. Then, he began to pay attention to the situation on each battlefield.

Most of the final main force was thrown into the final battlefield by him, and the remaining main force was in Ye Zi's hands.

The Gold and Silver Brothers, the Second Hokage and other foul earth bodies have been released one after another. If there is any foul earth body that Orochimaru deserves to care about, there is only one left, and that one is in Ye Zi's hands.

The fourth battlefield is also a land of rock and earth, with strange rocky mountains standing all over the area.

The coalition team led by Ye Cang was in full force. When the Gold and Silver Brothers and the Second Hokage came here with other filthy earth bodies, the situation suddenly became confusing.

A strong person may not be able to control the trend and outcome of a battle, but a top strong person has this ability.

The Gold and Silver Brothers of Kumo Ninja and the Second Hokage have this qualification.

If I have the chance, I will definitely kill you.

Standing on a pillar-shaped stone mountain, Qianju Feijian crossed his arms and stared coldly at the gold and silver brothers next to him.

Do you think if we do it again, we will bury you with you because of your carelessness? Yinjiao, whose hair style resembled a spread banana leaf, said coldly.

If you hadn't attacked me you really think I would have lost to you? Qianju Feijian's eyes widened, invisible momentum burst out from his body, and cracks appeared on the ground where his feet stood.

In the first ninja war, the Gold and Silver Brothers once forced Senju Tobirama into a desperate situation.

If Tobirama, who possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique, wants to run away, there is nothing the Gold and Silver brothers can do. However, Tobirama continues to stay at a disadvantage because of his companions, and eventually dies with the Gold and Silver brothers.

By a strange combination of circumstances, the three people who had perished together found themselves together again in dirty earth bodies. What's even more ironic is that the three of them were in the same camp.

This was not a deliberate arrangement by Orochimaru, it was just a coincidence.

It seems that you have healed your wounds and forgotten your scars. Jin Jiao said sarcastically.

If the two brothers hadn't been careless at the last moment, how could they have been dragged into hell by Tobirama with a huge advantage.

Tobirama frowned and didn't waste any more words. He looked directly at the battlefield below. When he first arrived, the clone with the chakra fluctuations of his elder brother was at a disadvantage. However, when the dirty earth body that came with him joined in, Gotta pull it back a little bit.

Who is the caster? He actually has my brother's chakra, and he specifically targeted me, not allowing me the chance to unlock the art of reincarnation.

Brother, I don't know what the situation is. After I regain consciousness, he must be able to sense me.

With my eldest brother's ability, it is not a problem to break free from the shackles of the filthy soil reincarnation technique, but I can't just rely on my eldest brother to find opportunities to unlock the filthy soil reincarnation technique.

Then...go find out what's going on.

Tobirama's thoughts were spinning, and he jumped off the rock mountain and began to rush towards the special operations force led by Ye Cang.

After he was released from the dirty earth, he immediately tried to take the initiative to unlock the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth, but failed. He realized that he was being targeted and restricted. Based on this, he knew that the caster knew him very well.

After all, he created this art of filthy earth reincarnation. Since the caster can use filthy earth reincarnation to such an extent, it is not surprising that he would be on guard against him.

He still didn't know if he would have a chance to unlock the art of reincarnation in the dirty land. What he cared about more was the chakra fluctuations of his elder brother at the back, and the chakra fluctuations that he hated very much.

Uchiha Madara...

Tobirama's speed was astonishing as he rushed towards the enemy. In one flash, he killed three coalition ninjas with his sword.

Could it be that all this was caused by that man? A man who doesn't want peace in the ninja world even after his death.

With this doubt in mind, Tobirama rushed into the battlefield and killed everyone.

Incomparable superb sword skills, lightning-fast movement, experience in hundreds of battles, an astonishing amount of chakra, and superb ninjutsu attainments.

Any Jonin can become a strong person as long as he has one of the above, and Tobirama has all the advantages.

Although the strength of this unit is good, Tobirama is still like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep when he rushes into the battlefield, and his sense of presence explodes instantly.

Seeing Tobirama being in the limelight, the Gold and Silver brothers would not just watch obediently. They all used the ninja tools of the Sage of Six Paths to rush into the crowd.

In the state of dirty earth, they know that they will not die at all, and chakra can be used casually, so there is no caution at all.

They are different from Tobirama. They don't have so much little Jiujiu in their hearts, and they don't care who is righteous or evil, right or wrong in both camps. They are obviously dead and have the chance to return to the living world. Their only thought is to have fun again.

If they were like Tobirama and understood the art of reincarnation, they might have another idea.

The art of reincarnation in the dirty earth is the most practical art in the ninja world, but it also has risks.

As a spell caster, Orochimaru naturally knows where the risks lie. He neglected Uchiha Madara, but he will no longer neglect the first generation Hokage and the second generation Hokage. Only these two people are careless and can reduce the control accuracy of others. But they must tightly restrain the first and second generation Hokage.

When Tobirama and the Gold and Silver brothers joined the battlefield, the special combat forces felt the pressure for a while.

If... Shisui had not led the team to stop Ye Zi, perhaps the special combat forces could have maintained their advantage. This was the change after a decision.

The news of the appearance of the Second Hokage and the Gold and Silver Brothers was immediately passed to the rear, and then to the leaders from the rear.

The Second Hokage actually...

Sarutobi looked solemn when he heard the news.

After this news was received, personnel in various battlefields were scheduled to a certain extent.

Time passed by minute by second. From the beginning of the battle to now, the number of deaths soared rapidly. This pure number also included the clone army.

A war organized by several battlefields will not end so quickly, and the situation is not one-sided.

The four shadows who wanted to intercept Ye Zi relied on the abilities of the mountain clan to learn the news immediately even if they had not joined the battle. However, without Bai Jue by his side, Ye Zi could not grasp the situation on other battlefields, but he was not Very concerned.

Some encounters may be unavoidable, and Siying and Ye Zi meet unexpectedly.

At this moment, the eyes of both parties collided in the air.

The chakra belonging to each suddenly surged.

At the same time, Kushina, who was being protected behind, changed her eyes slightly, moved her lips slightly, and almost screamed.

The two Anbu who were guarding her were slightly more perceptive, and both glanced at Kushina immediately.

Kushina did not look at the two Anbu, her expression was calm, but her heart was not calm.

She sensed Ye Zi's chakra, and Minato and the others were there.

I...can I just stay here and do nothing?


The situation on other battlefields has been briefly summarized, so as not to criticize me, otherwise I would have to write a paragraph about the situation on these battlefields, and I also tried to be as concise as possible about the battles.

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