Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 608: Heavy damage

The mountain collapsed, dust flew into the sky, and rubble fell to the ground with loud roars.

Ohnoki's short figure fell like a meteor, collapsing a mountain with his body, which shows that the force of the collision was extremely shocking.

The contrast between the mountains and wild trees is like stabbing a wooden board with a needle until it cracks. Such a scene is extremely impactful.

It is difficult for anyone to survive such a strong force. It is not surprising that when it comes into contact with the mountain, it will turn into a blur of flesh and blood. However, in Ye Zi's perception, Onoki's chakra is still lively and jumping, which shows that this collision , the effect seems not to be very good.

Ye Zi used the ability of the Samsara Eye to float high in the sky, looking coldly at the fluctuating chakra in the dust and mist.

He never considered himself a generous person. He was like a lone wolf walking in the wilderness. If anyone hurt him, he would never forget it.

How many times do people have the opportunity to experience despair in their life?

Ye Zi has experienced it many times, and the desperate experience he got from Onomu is one of the most profound. It is engraved in his bones and engraved in his heart.

If he hadn't distinguished the priorities, Ye Zi would have wanted to settle the score with Onomu many times, but for more important things, he chose to put aside this grudge. If Onomu had not appeared in front of him now, before he went back, They won't bother Ohnoki.

However, Onoki took the initiative to present this opportunity to him.

Just in time, take this opportunity to settle the score.

Ye Zi's eyes were as cold as poisonous snakes. He stretched out his arms above his head, with his palms facing the sky, and condensed a chakra sphere out of thin air, which turned out to be a Rasengan.

The Rasengan filled with chakra emerged from the palm of his hand, and then expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a moment, it turned into a chakra sphere with a diameter of two meters.

When this chakra wave rippled around, Minato, who was fighting Jiraiya with the dirty earth body, couldn't help but look at where Ye Zi was. When he saw the familiar technique, his expression suddenly froze, and he slowly An expression of disbelief emerged.

Otama Rasengan?

Minato was shocked.

Jiraiya was not as shocked as Minato, but he still couldn't calm down.

From the research and development to the improvement and enhancement of this Rasengan technique, Minato spent a lot of energy and time before he mastered it to its peak. It is not that simple to master this technique. Although Jiraiya's talent is not first-rate, he wins. Although diligent, it also took a lot of time to reach the level of proficiency, which was far inferior to Minato's mastery at its peak.

However, Ye Zi was actually able to master the Rasengan to this extent. How did he do it?

What shocked Minato even more was what happened later. He noticed obvious changes, so he was distracted and glanced at Ye Zi again.

He saw the color of the big jade spiral pill condensed in Ye Zi's palm change, turning towards black, and countless strands of black lightning emerged around the periphery of the sphere.

Change in nature!?

A feeling of powerlessness arose from the bottom of Minato's heart.

At this moment, he could no longer see the gap between him and Ye Zi.

Don't be distracted. Jiraiya quickly reminded him that his proud disciple was distracted during a crucial battle. This was not like Minato's style at all, but he understood Minato, after all, he had experienced it too This feeling.

Competitors can give people motivation to pursue, but if the gap makes people feel desperate, then they are not competitors.

When you leave many people behind, there will be one person who will leave you behind.

There is always only one person running at the front.

Hearing Jiraiya's reminder, Minato nodded slightly and changed his mentality in an instant.

It’s yellow glitter after all…

When Minato and Jiraiya were fighting fiercely, the concentration of the Thunder Rasengan in Ye Zi's palm quickly ended.

The huge chakra sphere, which looked like it had been eroded by black lightning, emitted astonishing chakra fluctuations, which was intimidating.

Countless small black snake-like thunder currents surged around the sphere, making a sound like the cry of thousands of birds.

Immortal magic, thunderstorm.

Ye Zi's arm suddenly exerted force and threw the thunderstorm towards Ohnoki's position.

The thunderstorm carried astonishing chakra fluctuations and fell rapidly.

Even though Onoki was not a perceptive type, he could still feel the terrifying chakra contained in the thunderstorm, and his expression suddenly changed.

Ouch, my waist.

Onoki, who was slightly injured after lifting huge stones of heavy weight, was about to move when a slight crunching sound suddenly came from his waist, followed by severe pain.

He clutched his lower back, a look of pain on his face.

Being hit by Ye Zi was not as harmless as it seemed. Although he used his superb earth escape to resist the damage as much as possible, he could not completely offset it and always suffered part of the impact.

The injury was not serious, but it affected my waist, which is life-threatening.

People become useless as they age, but I don't want to be one of those useless people yet.

Onoki gritted his teeth hard, held back the pain in his waist, and quickly formed seals, and the chakra in his body was instantly mobilized.

At this moment, it was too late for him to escape from the thunderstorm. For now, he could only resist.

Earth escape, stone giant.

Layers of rocks appeared out of thin air, covering Onoki's whole body, one layer after another, very fast, and in a few breaths, a huge stone statue was formed, with Onoki located at the innermost part of the stone statue.

After the stone statue was formed, the formation of rocks did not stop. When thunderstorms came, rocks continued to accumulate, increasing the size of the stone statue.

The thunderstorm of black thunder accurately fell on the stone statue, and the light shrank suddenly. After stagnating for a short moment, the dazzling light suddenly bloomed, followed by a loud bang, and a violent explosion was triggered on the ground.

The stone statue was instantly submerged by the explosion. The turbulent air waves rolled up countless sand and stones, and a small mushroom cloud emerged in the sky.

Ye Zi stared indifferently at the violent explosion caused by the thunderstorm. Behind him was the Fourth Raikage who was ready to move. However, Ye Zi's target was always Ohnoki.

He stretched out his right arm again, and in his palm, an irregular-shaped black thunder spear was condensed.

During the perception, Onoki's chakra fluctuations did not disappear, which meant that the thunderstorm did not kill Onoki on the spot.


Ye Zi opened his eyes slightly and threw the black thunder spear at the location of Onoki's chakra.

This is the power of the perceptive ninja. Even if the aftereffects of the explosion have not dissipated and the vision is obscured by thick smoke, he can still identify the enemy's location immediately.

The black thunder spear rushed into the thick smoke and pointed directly at the place where the stone statue was.

After facing the thunderstorm, the stone statue had long been changed beyond recognition. The body piled up layer by layer looked like an extremely fat man who had been cut into a skeleton by a big knife.

Onoki struggled to get out of the stone statue. At this time, the black thunder spear came straight towards him.


Ohnoki's eyelids twitched, and a strong sense of crisis instantly enveloped his whole body. Chills arose without root, irritating his skin.

His heart was beating fast, and at the critical moment, he moved a distance to the left.


The black thunder spear passed by, instantly tearing Onoki's entire right arm into pieces, and then fell on the ground. The black thunder suddenly ran around on the ground and flowed into Onoki's body.


Ohnoki screamed several times and endured the erosion of the powerful thunder flow.

Although Ye Zi couldn't see Ōnoki's condition clearly, he still sensed that Ōnoki's chakra fluctuations had not been significantly weakened, indicating that the black thunder spear still did not kill Ōnoki.

Just as he was about to continue to make up for the damage, a powerful chakra wave came from behind him.

It's the Fourth Raikage.

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