Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 624 I don’t want to wait anymore

During the chaos, most eyes fell on Kushina and Ye Zi.

The black sealing spell was blessed on the roots of the tree, and through the properties of the golden chain, it imprisoned Kushina's actions. However, Kushina's sealing skills were more advanced than Ye Zi's, and she wanted to use the sealing technique to seal her. Taking action is more difficult than reaching the sky.


People who are good at unsealing may not necessarily be good at sealing, but people who are good at sealing are definitely good at unsealing.

Kushina just made a gesture and used the golden chain as a medium to eliminate the black spell on the tree roots.

Seeing Kushina breaking off the sealing technique so easily, Ye Zi frowned slightly, jumped into the air, jumped to the root of the tree, followed the golden chain, and rushed towards Kushina with a knife, looking from a distance , like a black lightning moving straight forward.

Kushina's expression was as calm as water, and she controlled dozens of golden chains and patted Ye Zi who was rushing over.

Ye Zi raised his head slightly and looked at the golden chains falling from the air towards him. He kicked off his feet and jumped to the root of a tree ten meters away to the right. After dodging the golden chains, he continued to move forward.

King Kong, bound to the world!

Kushina's eyes condensed, and she pulled back the dozens of golden chains that had failed, and at the same time, dozens of golden chains emerged from behind, attacking Ye Zi in a flanking posture.

A total of eighty-eight golden chains suddenly opened like a spider web, covering Ye Zi inside. The empty grid between the chains formed a transparent red barrier.

The chains weaved into a semicircle, covering Ye Zi inside, but it was a barrier built using golden chains.


The long knife in Ye Zi's hand suddenly became extremely dark, and the black thunder wrapped around the blade seemed to become concentrated and sticky, exuding terrifying chakra fluctuations.

He attached a large amount of black thunder converted from senjutsu chakra to the sword, and under Kushina's attentive gaze, he rushed straight towards the Vajra Bound Realm.

The pitch-black tip of the knife suddenly pierced the red barrier between the chains.


Countless thin cracks suddenly appeared in the red transparent barrier, and the next moment, it shattered into countless pieces like glass.

The sword pierced the barrier, and Ye Zi's expression changed slightly, bringing the distance between them closer and closer.

Kushina took a deep breath and felt a lot of pressure. After informing the Nine Tails in her body, she diverted a large amount of chakra.

Suddenly, ten two-finger-wide golden chains sprouted out of the slightly thin body again. As they flew in the air, hundreds of them sprang out in an instant, like thousands of arrows shooting at Ye Zi. And go.

Clang Clang…!

Ye Zi swung his sword to create a screen that could not be splashed by water, and chopped away the chains that were coming. However, there were too many chains, and no matter how fast he swung the sword, his speed was still restricted and slowed down.

One hundred meters...

Golden chains were reflected in Ye Zi's eyes. At this moment, he had no time to take into account the surrounding situation. He concentrated on resisting the golden chains and wanted to get closer.

Ninety meters…

Eighty meters…

Seventy meters…

The distance is getting closer and closer, and Ye Zi's speed is getting slower and slower, because these golden chains are so hard that they cannot be cut off with a knife, they can only be chopped away, and Kushina can control them with just a thought. The flying chains continued to attack Ye Zi.

Can't this stop you... Kushina gritted her teeth slightly.

Although Ye Zi could not easily cut off the golden chain, the golden chain could not stop Ye Zi's progress. At most, it only slowed down his speed.

The offensive was obviously so dense and fierce, but Ye Zi was able to handle it with ease, just like a general who could face thousands of arrows and remain unscathed.

As Ye Zi drew the distance closer and closer, Kushina's pressure increased.

Fifty meters!

Ye Zi's kaleidoscope eyes looked at Kushina with a faint red light, and the illusion energy residing in the 'Goten God' was injected into Kushina's eyes through his sight.


Kushina's body suddenly trembled, and her expression showed a look of confusion. The offensive organized by the golden chain that was volleyed towards Ye Zi suddenly stalled. The next moment, as Kushina's expression returned to normal, the golden chains flying in the sky were The golden chain also recovered from the stagnation.

The stagnation time was extremely short, but it was enough.

Ye Zi took advantage of this gap to get rid of the offensive of intertwined golden chains and came to Kushina.

After being apart for many days, the distance between the two shortened to an arm's length.

As long as you raise your hand, you can gently caress the other person's cheek. As long as you take a step forward, you can hug her into your arms and rub your ears together.

However, this distance is also the attack range of the long knife.

Kushina looked at Ye Zi who was close at hand, pursed her lips and said nothing. No matter whether the long knife would fall or not, she would not sit still and wait for death. Her thoughts moved slightly, and the golden chakra coat covering her body quietly condensed. Show a pair of big hands.

At this moment, two figures burst into it.

The statement that no one should be allowed easy access to this battle does not apply to everyone.

At the very least, with the main force being restrained, two people would not watch Kushina fight alone.

These two people were obviously Kakashi and Akai.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, kicked Ye Zi at the same time.

With a muffled sound, Ye Zi flew backwards and lost this opportunity.

Akai, Kakashi.

Kushina looked at the two people in front of her with a look of surprise. She and Ye Zi were concentrating on each other's attacks. Not to mention that Ye Zi didn't notice the movements of Akai and Kakashi, even she was the same.

Kushina-sensei. Kakashi looked at Ye Zi who flew out with a low tone.

Akai remained silent, it was time to make a decision...

He finally got close to Kushina, but was destroyed by Kakashi and Kai.

Ye Zi adjusted his posture in the air, then landed firmly on the ground, his face becoming slightly ugly.

These two kicks did not cause any harm to him, but they succeeded in repelling him and ruined the rare opportunity.

The effect of the illusion on the jinchuriki is low, but it is effective after all. The short moment when the tailed beast unlocks the illusion for the jinchuriki is an opportunity that can be used. Ye Zi used this opportunity and finally got close, not wanting to break out halfway. Two Cheng Yaojin.

Kushina took advantage of Ye Zi to fly out, controlled the chains to suppress the roots of the tree, and retracted most of the chains.

Maintaining the form of the chain requires continuous consumption of chakra. Even if there is nine tails in the body, it cannot be abused like this.

Seeing Ye Zi return empty-handed, the coalition ninjas who were watching the battle breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the battlefield, Uchiha Madara was completely impatient and walked into the battlefield.

His presence is like a bright, powerful light, and his every move will attract attention.

Where are the hostages?

Uchiha Madara looked at Ye Zi from a distance and asked Black Zetsu beside him.

Almost there. Black Jue replied.

I don't want to wait any longer. Uchiha Madara's eyes were cold.

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