Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 642 Death


The black rod pierced Minato's right arm and Kai's left shoulder. Suddenly, blood-stained black corals penetrated from their entire arms like branches and leaves. In just an instant, this covered the entire arm. Penetrating injuries to the arms were enough to cripple two people's arms.

As the blood spattered, both of them groaned, their expressions became solemn, and a strong sense of danger eroded their whole bodies.

The black rod disturbed the characteristics of chakra, making it impossible for Minato to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer it immediately. He could only stick to Ye Zi like fish on a chopping board.

Tobirama, who was nailed to the ground by a black rod in the distance, saw this scene. His expression suddenly changed. He wanted to rescue him, but he was too determined to rescue him. Now he couldn't even move his head. The reason why he could see Ah Kai and Minato's situation was just a coincidence.


He couldn't even move his head, let alone the unwilling action of raising his hand to hammer the ground.

That's it.

Ye Zi looked at the two people who were close at hand and showed signs of struggle indifferently. With a move of his hands, he knocked the two people to the ground. With two muffled sounds, many cracks appeared where the two people hit the ground.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, lay down at Ye Zi's feet in such a state of embarrassment.

Due to the interference of the black rod, Minato was forced to exit the Sage Mode. Without the pain tolerance and anti-hit ability of the Sage Mode, when he was hit by Ye Zi and fell to the ground, his back suffered a heavy blow, which directly injured his internal organs and face. Pain suddenly appeared on his upper body, and blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Compared to Minato, the remaining effects of the seventh gate of the Eight Gate Dungeon allowed Akai to barely withstand the heavy blow, and the blue steam on his body gradually disappeared, but for some unknown reason, even though his left arm was hit by the black stick A dozen wounds were made, and the chakra in the body was disturbed, but the body did not completely lose control.

After knocking Akai and Minato to the ground, Ye Zi had no intention of dealing with them like Tobirama. After all, Tobirama had an earth body, but Akai and Minato were not.

Feeling the difficulty of Flying Thunder God's technique, Ye Zi condensed a meter-long sharp black rod in his palm, and planned to take care of Minato first.

The Toad Immortal who lived in Miaomu Mountain saw this scene through the crystal ball, and even though his mind had never been disturbed for many years, he couldn't help but tremble at this moment.

If Minato dies in the hands of Ye Zi, then the prophecy will not come true, and the future of the ninja world will lead to an unknown change.

For thousands of years, once a prophecy appears, the outcome is determined. But a pure outsider enters the world enclosed by the prophecy, like a tiny butterfly, stirring up a storm and destroying all prophecies. completely and lead the world to an unknown ending.

The Toad Immortal stared at the image that appeared in the crystal ball, praying in his heart that something unexpected would happen instead of ending so easily.

The black snake blocks the light... blocks the light...!

But he saw Ye Zi's eyes were slightly cold, and the raised black stick fell ruthlessly towards Minato's chest, who had lost the ability to struggle.

At this moment, Akai suddenly moved, stood up, raised his head and bumped into Ye Zi, trying to save Minato.

Ye Zi noticed Akai's movements and couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect that Akai, who was pierced into the body by the black rod, could make such a big move.

But unexpectedly, Akai's collision seemed quite weak compared to his posture in the previous battle.

Ye Zi did not withdraw the black stick that stabbed Minato's chest. He hurriedly kicked Akai's chest. The latter suffered a heavy blow to the chest and vomited blood and flew out. Before he could hit the ground, Ye Zi's hand The black stick penetrated Minato's chest and stabbed into the heart with precision.

His heart was mercilessly penetrated by the black rod. Minato's eyes suddenly widened when he looked at Ye Zi, feeling that all the strength in his body was rapidly draining from his body.

Are you going to die? In the end...I still couldn't...

Staring straight at the indifferent Ye Zi, Minato didn't have any resentment or anger at the moment when his life was about to disappear. The most difficult emotions to let go of were unwillingness and regret.

The clear sapphire-like eyes slowly lost their luster.

Ye Zi's palm slowly left the other end of the black stick, and he stared indifferently at the process of the light in Minato's eyes slowly changing towards the darkness. This is the process from life to death, it is very short.

When he was dying, Minato's lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

The light in his eyes was as bright as a candle. The weak firelight was blown out by the cold wind, and he fell into eternal darkness.

There were three people who saw this scene intuitively, one was Toad Sage, one was White Snake Sage, and the other was Tobirama.

Did the prophecy... go wrong again? Immortal Toad suddenly lost some of his life.

Tobirama, who was imprisoned by the black rod, looked at this scene and couldn't help but close his eyes.

After confirming that Minato was dead, Ye Zi turned to look at Akai who had just landed. As long as Akai was dealt with, the next target would be Kushina. If there was someone blocking the way, the end would be the same as Minato's.

Ye Zi's kick directly kicked Akai to a distance of more than 300 meters. After he landed, he slid some distance on the ground and then struggled to get up. But when he got up, he saw something he didn't want to see. One scene.


Akai's left arm was hanging weakly, and the black stick blooming on his arm like coral seemed not to be clear enough to suppress him, so he only had enough energy to rush Ye Zi when Ye Zi raised the black stick to stab Minato.

But the black stick still had some effect after all. It not only crushed his Eight Gate Dunjia, but also weakened his strength a lot, so that the rescue operation was easily blocked by Ye Zi. However, it was his rescue behavior that surprised Ye Zi. As expected, he was kicked away. At the same time, he stayed away from Ye Zi and gave himself a chance.

Annoyance and unwillingness filled his whole heart. Akai faced Ye Zi's cold eyes and bit his lip hard, biting out a trace of blood from the corner of his lip. Then, he put his right hand on his left shoulder. When the tide hit his whole body, he still gritted his teeth and used all the strength he could muster.


The entire left arm that was pierced by the black rod was actually torn off by him. A large amount of blood flowing in the blood vessels had no place to go, and it gushed out from the location where the arm was twisted.

Akai endured the unbearable pain and let out a loud noise like an ox.

Now he is both annoyed and regretful. If he had not opened the seventh gate before, but decisively opened the eighth gate of the Eight Gates of Dungeon, maybe Minato-sensei would not have died.

Maybe it's too late now, but there's still a chance.

Ye Zi looked at Akai who had torn off his left arm. His face was expressionless, but his feet were moving. He wanted to quickly deal with Akai to eliminate future troubles.

At this time, Akai's eyes widened.

Door six, open!

Green light appears around the body.

The seventh door, open!

His face flushed red with blood in an instant, the green light surrounding his body turned into blue steam, and an invisible aura was generated out of thin air, shaking the dust around his feet into the distance.

The eighth!

Akai's expression suddenly became slightly ferocious, and the blue steam around him turned directly into blood-like red steam, and his hair and eyebrows also turned red, like leaping flames, driven by the aura generated out of thin air. , constantly floating upward.


A terrifying strong wind surged out of Akai and pushed around.


Ye Zi was the first to bear the brunt. The strong wind brought a lot of dust, so he subconsciously stopped.

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