Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 650: Take action

Poison is a very common method used in battles between ninjas, but there are only a handful of people who can use poison well.

Ninjas have a very strong physique and have a certain degree of resistance to poison, so only strong poison can exert excellent effects.

The rain ninja Hanzo, the sand ninja Chiyo, Konoha Tsunade, and Orochimaru are all masters of using poison, but even if Ye Zi knows that Orochimaru is good at using poison, it is still quite impossible to use poison on White Snake Sennin. déjà vu.

Orochimaru ignored Ye Zi's strange expression and did not explain. Instead, he summoned the things stored in the scroll.

After a burst of white smoke, three ordinary-looking Senbon appeared out of thin air in Orochimaru's hand.

Ye Zi looked at the three senbon held by Orochimaru in his fingertips, and immediately thought of Yan Ye.

This is a specially made Senbon. Orochimaru pinched Senbon, with a dangerous smile on his face, and said lightly: Once the target is stabbed, Senbon's venom will be injected into the target's body immediately.

Is this poison very powerful? Ye Zi asked.

Orochimaru sneered silently and said, Do you still remember the poisonous insect in the Aoki Forest?

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly.

The venom in Senbonli is extracted from its poison sac. At this point, a trace of regret flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, and he said lightly: After all, a poisonous insect with intelligence was born. I wanted to keep feeding him poison. Then he mass-produced venom, but he would rather die than give me this chance.

That time he caught the King of Poisons, the Bone-sucking Insect, from the Aoki Forest. After returning to his base, Orochimaru planned to study the Bone-sucking Insect and at the same time extract the extremely powerful venom from the Bone-sucking Insect that could instantly melt bones. The insect is so stubborn that he doesn't know how to kill himself.

In desperation, Orochimaru extracted 5 milligrams of venom from the bone-sucking insect's thumb-sized venom sac, and then put it into a specially made Senbonli and kept it as a killing weapon.

Let's not talk about whether the poison is useful. Can these Qianben break the White Snake Immortal's defense? Ye Zi looked at the rather ordinary Qianben.

Orochimaru was silent for a moment. After all, neither of them had ever fought against White Snake Sage, so how could they know how good White Snake Sage's defense was? It would be embarrassing if Qianbon couldn't break the White Snake Immortal's defense.

Bone-sucking insects are extremely poisonous and can melt bones in an instant. Even the strong men of the Takeori clan cannot withstand this kind of toxin. Even if the White Snake Sage has a strong self-healing ability, it will take a long time before the melted bones can be restored. , is an opportunity.”

Orochimaru frowned slightly and said calmly: The problem to be considered is to ensure that Qianbon can penetrate into the body of the White Snake Immortal. Also, if the White Snake Immortal is poisoned and you rashly swallow the White Snake Immortal, you don't know what will happen. You won’t be infected with toxins.”

Ye Zi also thought about this question, so he returned to the sealed space in silence and asked the question. The answer he received was that there was no need to worry about it.

Thinking about it carefully, if a ghoul who can swallow the whole world needs to worry about poison, how can he swallow a world? After all, no matter which world he is in, there will always be terrible poisons.

It won't be infected, but we only have one chance. We must ensure that the White Snake Immortal can be poisoned. Ye Zi, who got the answer from Nao, said immediately.

Orochimaru said calmly: Maybe you can ask Kotonoha to come out and help.

There is indeed only one chance. If it fails once, Immortal White Snake will definitely destroy the psychic contract. By then, it will not be so easy to go to Longdi Cave.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Ye Zi was silent. To be honest, even if Yan Ye's throwing skills were excellent, he didn't want Yan Ye to come out at all. That unauthorized farewell was actually the last farewell.

In the original plan, he planned to resurrect Yan Ye before leaving, and then leave. That was a road of no return. Once he stepped on it, he could not look back, so he simply decided to do it.

If Yan Ye was called out now...he wouldn't know how to face Yan Ye.

Looking at the silent Ye Zi, Orochimaru saw that Ye Zi was unwilling to call Yan Ye out, so he felt a little helpless and did not mention the matter. He directly changed the subject and said: Then you will be the bait. I'll make a sneak attack.

Okay. Ye Zi nodded decisively, and then said: Although I didn't plan to touch the White Snake Immortal because of the risk, I still left an illusion on Wan She, which can reverse me into him when activated. around.

When Wan Snake has nothing to do, he usually stays by Immortal White Snake's side. If we want to make a sneak attack, Wan Snake will channel us. Being very close to Immortal White Snake is also the most suitable time.

The entire Ryūchi Cave is within the perception range of the White Snake Immortal, and if Ye Zi and Orochimaru have malicious intentions, the White Snake Immortal can also sense it, which will make the sneak attack much weaker.

If he appeared not far from the White Snake Immortal and then took action without saying a word, the success rate would be much higher. After all, the White Snake Immortal would never have expected that the two of them would attack him.

It was much more convenient to hear that Ye Zi had arranged the arrangements in advance.

With the power of kaleidoscope eyes, Orochimaru is not too worried. Even if he fails, he can always escape with Ye Zi.

Do you still need it? Orochimaru nodded slightly, then raised his arm that had stopped bleeding and asked calmly.

Ye Zi looked at him, shook his head, and said calmly: No need, just wait for me for ten minutes.

His life was suspended, and he could slowly recover by relying on the self-healing ability of Hashirama's cells. If he hadn't tried to instantly recover his broken limb before, there wouldn't be such trouble now.

After arriving at Ryūchi Cave, he only needed to be able to move his body, and then transform into a tailed beast, taking on the appearance of a ghoul, and just swallow the White Snake Immortal who couldn't resist.

As for being exploded to death, even the soul was shattered, or the swallowing was successful and the person gained absolute strength, that was something that only those who swallowed the White Snake Immortal would consider.

Orochimaru waited patiently. If he didn't have a suitable target, he would go out to catch a few ninjas and throw them to Ye Zi to devour. The better the recovery from injuries, the higher the success rate of dealing with the White Snake Sage.

Ten minutes passed, and Ye Zi reluctantly stood up. When he arrived at Longdi Cave, as long as he integrated with Nao and immediately swallowed the White Snake Immortal, there was no need to consider the injury.

Ye Zi's black eyes suddenly turned into Samsara Eyes and Kaleidoscope Eyes, and then nodded to Orochimaru, who nodded slightly.

Later, Ye Zi activated the illusion left behind by Wan Snake, trying to control Wan Snake to counter-channel the two of them to his side.

Longdi Cave, White Snake Immortal Palace.

In the huge cave, there were only two big snakes, White Snake Senshi and Ten Thousand Snakes. Both snakes were watching the battle scene between Uchiha Madara and the coalition forces in the crystal ball.

At this time, Wan She's body shook in vain, and the cold snake eyes suddenly turned into a kaleidoscope eye in the right eye and a samsara eye in the left eye, which was very strange.

Immortal White Snake immediately noticed the strangeness of Wan She. His indifferent eyes moved away from the crystal ball and fell on Wan She, with an expressionless face.

Wan She didn't see any movement, and two bursts of white smoke suddenly exploded next to him.

When the White Snake Immortal saw this, his snake eyes were slightly cold, stronger than him. How could he know who the person was even if the person coming was obscured by the white smoke.

It's Ye Zi and Orochimaru, and they are here in immortal mode. Why?

In the white smoke, Orochimaru directly activated his pupil power and entered the Kamui space, while Ye Zi did not hesitate to use the ability that Nao finally opened to him.

A strong wind appeared out of thin air and rolled the white smoke in all directions. Ye Zi directly transformed into a ghoul, appearing in front of the White Snake Immortal with a volume larger than ten thousand snakes.

The big and cold one eye, coupled with the big mouth and sharp teeth, makes it look extremely ferocious when it opens its mouth.

For thousands of years, the White Snake Immortal has been like a cold and hard stone. He does not feel happy or sad about things, and he will not be emotionally affected by people and things outside him. Even though Ye Zi stood with malice in an attitude he had never seen before, In front of him, he also looked indifferent, and then he did not hesitate to take action.

For a time, the inorganic reincarnation affected the entire ground, surging like waves.


I'm in a bad mood, and I'm so weak at coding.

Thank you for the high amount of rewards these days. I haven’t seen you in a long time.

Yesterday, Zizhu flipped through the Sword Art Online: Survive that he wrote, and accidentally read it for several hours.

I feel like I didn’t write that book, and I sincerely appreciate how it could be so beautifully written, haha!

Then I remembered that when I wrote that book, I didn't catch up with the fandom category that was taking off, and I ended it in a hurry because I didn't want to write it too long, but I suddenly felt a little regretful.

I really don’t know if I will become more and more useless or if I will fly higher and higher. .

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