Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 657: The separated Nine-tails Chakra

Kushina and Kyuubi are in a deep crisis. Although they have thought of a way to deal with it, there is no guarantee that it will be 100% successful.

In this precarious situation, the appearance of Ye Zi made the situation even worse.

Ye Zi sneaked in from the ground. When he arrived at the scene, he showed up directly without any intention of hiding his traces. As soon as he appeared, he was noticed by everyone present, and they were all surprised for a moment.

This damn guy. Hei Jue looked at Ye Zi angrily. He believed that the history of the ninja world was all caused by him, and the person who shaped the entire history, whether he was the strongest or the weakest ninja, was just him. There is only one supporting role in the script, but there is always only one protagonist, and that is the mother.

As an important and crucial supporting role, Ye Zi should die with peace of mind after fulfilling his due value, but Ye Zi just refused to die according to his wishes.

It can be said that if Hei Jue had the ability, he would really want to crush this guy Ye Zi to death right away, so as not to keep dangling in front of his eyes, which is extremely annoying.

After Uchiha Madara saw Ye Zi, his expression suddenly turned cold. Not long ago, he was seriously injured and wanted to die, but now he was not injured at all, but this was not the key. The key was Ye Zi's current strength, and even he could not tell the depth.

No matter how you survive, since you are here, just keep your eyes honest. Madara Uchiha looked coldly at Ye Zi, who was suspended in the air from the ground, thinking silently.


Ye Zi was suspended in the air, first coldly facing Uchiha Madara's cold gaze, and then looking at the golden Nine Tails dragged by the demon's lock. His face was slightly cold, how could he not see that the Nine Tails' current chakra was already that of an outsider demon? The thing in Xiang's bag, no, it should be said to be the thing in Uchiha Madara's bag.

Is it still too late?

Seeing that the nine-tailed body had been pulled out of the body, Ye Zi's eyes suddenly turned cold. A black ball condensed in the palm of his hand, and suddenly turned into a huge five-meter long knife, and the handle was huge. The smile is just big enough to be held in one hand.

With a swipe of the black long knife, he slashed at the Golem's Lock, actually rescuing Kushina.

The control of the heretic golem is in the hands of Uchiha Madara. If Uchiha Madara succeeds in seizing the Nine-Tails Chakra, then his chance of defeating Uchiha Madara will become very slim.

For Kushina, the only thing to consider is to defeat the two threats of Uchiha Madara and Ye Zi.

For Uchiha Madara, all he has to consider is to seize the Nine-Tails' chakra, resurrect the Ten-Tails, and then become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

For Ye Zi, the first thing to consider is to defeat Madara Uchiha and regain control of the heretic demon, and then take action against the Kyuubi.

Therefore, when seeing Kyuubi's chakra about to be pulled out of Kushina's body by Uchiha Madara, Ye Zi did not hesitate to use Yin Yang Escape to condense a big sword, trying to cut off the demon's locks and help Kyuubi escape. .

Ye Zi's actions were not only beyond the expectations of Kushina and Kyuubi, but also beyond the expectations of Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu.

Stop getting in the way!

Uchiha Madara's eyes turned cold, and the shadow that had just returned to his true form spread out from his body again.

Every once in a while, the shadow of the prison must return to its true form before it can continue to move out. When Kushina was bound by the chains of the demon image, the shadow had already returned to its true form once. Now that Ye Zi is out of the way, it is just the right time for the shadow to return again. Time to mobilize.


The black long knife did not wrap around the thunder flow, and struck the locks of the demon statue, actually breaking the locks in two. However, this sharp knife only cut off five chains and was unable to continue. After that, there were four chains that were cutting the nine tails. Pulled out.

After only cutting off five chains, Ye Zi frowned, sheathed his sword and was about to continue cutting off the remaining golem chains, when Madara Uchiha's shadow struck from the air.

Ye Zi turned his head and saw the shadow clearly. He raised his left hand and shot a black stick towards the shadow.

There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and the black rod flew extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning piercing the shadow's chest, but the shadow's body only stagnated in the air for a moment, and then struck again, the speed did not slow down at all, and the chest was intact, and there was no Any wound.

Passed through? But the black rod has an effect when it touches it.

Ye Zi looked cold, ignored the approaching shadow, and continued to raise his sword to slash at the remaining golem locks.

In the sealed space, the Nine Lamas said in a deep voice: This is an opportunity, there are only four locks of the devil left...


Kushina's expression was serious. Although she didn't know why Ye Zi saved her, she didn't have time to think too much at this time. Five of the golem's locks were cut off, and the pulling force was greatly weakened, allowing her to use the sealing technique to seal the Nine Tails. The success rate of chakra splitting into two halves becomes higher.

She took a deep breath and immediately started using the sealing technique to divide the Nine Lamas' chakra into yin and yang parts, and then used a powerful sealing technique to retain the yin part.

At the same time as the seal was completed, the Golem Lock also pulled out the Nine Tails.

The body of the golden nine-tails suddenly shook, and the golden body collapsed instantly. The solid golden chakra spread out and turned into light spots all over the sky, floating in the air.

After the Golem's Lock tied up the desired Nine-Tails Chakra, it was quickly withdrawn, and Ye Zi's second sword fell into the air and fell to the ground, cutting a huge crack on the surface of the earth.

Kushina, who had lost her Nine-Tails chakra, fell from the sky to the ground, like a flower that had been ravaged by a violent storm, her weak and delicate body falling from the tree to the ground.

Looking at this scene, Ye Zi was slightly startled. An indescribable complex emotion emerged from his heart. Almost as soon as the emotion emerged, he snuffed it out and threw it into the corner.

He quickly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were as cold and dazzling as the spear light in a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

Uchiha Madara's shadow came expressionlessly, and when he raised his hand, countless invisible wooden pillars shot out from his palm towards the floating Ye Zi.

Because Ye Zi has samsara eyes, he can see clearly.

go away!

Ye Zi shouted coldly, and the black long knife in his hand shrank into a palm-sized black ball in an instant.

Holding the black ball, Ye Zi pushed it towards the wooden pillar with his backhand. The black ball suddenly turned into a black round film, wrapping the wooden pillar and Uchiha Madara's shadow like a dumpling.

When the extended wooden pillar hit the black round membrane, it collapsed into slag, and the black round membrane wrapped Uchiha Madara's shadow into a ball with a diameter of two meters.

Ye Zi flew up to the ball and kicked it in the direction of Madara Uchiha.

A strong force acted on the ball, and the ball covering the shadow suddenly turned into a black shadow, flew through the air, hit Madara Uchiha, and knocked him away.

At this time, the heretic demon had inhaled the chakra of the Nine-Tails, and began to transform from a dead creature to a living creature.

When Ye Zi saw this, his eyes showed a solemn look, but he turned around and flew towards Kushina, who was falling to the ground.

When Kushina was only about five meters above the ground, Ye Zi arrived in time, hugged Kushina's soft body, and then slowly landed on the ground.

The reason why he intercepted Kushina from the air was unnecessary, just because he didn't want to see Kushina's 'corpse' fall to the ground in front of him and fall into pieces.

Ye Zi squatted on the ground, silently hugging Kushina's body. When he was about to place Kushina's body on the ground, he was suddenly startled. The hand pressing on Kushina's shoulder... I could still feel the temperature. I thought the temperature would become cold after a while, but the temperature remained constant at 37 degrees.

He lowered his head and looked into a pair of beautiful black eyes.

Kushina lay quietly in Ye Zi's arms, opening her eyes and looking at Ye Zi silently.

Ye Zi met Kushina's questioning gaze and fell silent.

Are you wondering why you need to save her, and why you need to do more when you think she is dead...

Facing Kushina's probing eyes, Ye Zi's expression and mood remained unchanged. After a moment, he calmly asked: Are you not dead?

Listening to Ye Zi's words, Kushina habitually covered her forehead and was speechless.

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