Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 672: Something to be afraid of

Black Zetsu sneak attacked him.

Uchiha Madara had never even imagined it, but when Black Zetsu's arm penetrated his chest, any disbelief became a reality.

Just a penetrating wound in the middle of the chest is nothing to the current body, so Uchiha Madara went from disbelief to calmness in just one breath.

Black Zetsu is the will he released, Uchiha Madara is very sure of this.

Although he didn't know the secret behind Black Zetsu's sneak attack on him, Uchiha Madara didn't want to explore it. Since Black Zetsu turned against him, he could just deal with it directly.

Uchiha Madara's expression gradually calmed down, revealing a hint of icy chill. He hated others standing behind him the most. If he didn't think that Black Zetsu was his will, how could he let Black Zetsu approach from behind.

When Uchiha Madara wanted to deal with Black Zetsu, his calm expression gradually became unstable.

Can't move...?

Uchiha Madara turned his head with difficulty, but he couldn't see Black Zetsu hiding behind him.

Thank you for your hard work, my chess piece.

Black Jue's eyes curved into crescent moons, and his tone was full of mockery.

Hearing this sentence, Uchiha Madara suddenly became furious. The next second, a strong pain invaded the nerves in his body like a tide. His pain tolerance was stronger than his, and he couldn't help but raise his head and scream, as if his head was injured. The roaring lion.


Black Zetsu's hand penetrated Uchiha Madara's chest and extended dense black lines, covering Uchiha Madara's body in the blink of an eye.

A large amount of chakra was transmitted very quickly from the roots of the trees underground, causing the earth to tremble slightly.


Black Jue looked excited.

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Madara was filled with a large amount of chakra, and his whole body swelled into a balloon. The strong unwillingness and despair fell into a blur as his consciousness. about to return to the world.

Orochimaru, with the help of his dirty eyes, was extremely shocked as he watched Uchiha Madara's body that had inflated into a balloon suddenly shrink, and then turned into a woman with long hair.

Her white hair was spread out behind her like Jiraiya's wild lion hair technique, covering an area many times larger than her body.

There are two broad-bladed knife-like sharp horns on his head, and there is also a magatama samsara eye on his forehead. His face is delicate and calm, he is dressed in a white robe, and the nails on his hands sticking out of the sleeves are long and sharp.

Is that...white eye?

Orochimaru looked into the woman's eyes, the shock echoing in his heart showing no sign of letting up.

Suddenly, Kaguya looked towards the location of the Iwa Ninja's dirty earth body and raised her palm without any warning.

Orochimaru's expression changed when he saw this scene with the help of his dirty eyes, and his reaction was not too slow, so he controlled his dirty body and left the place quickly.

call out!

A thin stick like a dead branch shot out from Kaguya's palm, as fast as lightning, and passed through the earth in an instant, accurately stabbing the filthy soil of the Iwa Ninja.

In the Kamui space, Orochimaru's body shook slightly, and the connection with the dirty earth body was severed.

After dealing with the little mouse hiding in the dark, Kaguya calmly looked at Black Zetsu, who was slightly startled by Kaguya's actions. Previously, his entire mind was on resurrecting Kaguya, but he didn't pay attention to what was happening in the distance. There is a little mouse hiding on the ground.

Facing Kaguya's calm gaze, Black Zetsu's body turned into a shadow, shrinking into Kaguya's spacious sleeves, and then said: There are still a few people hiding in different spaces, but the others have been hit by Infinite Moon. Read, Mother can extract their chakra at will.

Kaguya did not speak, but looked at the battle-torn land around her, with a trace of pity in her eyes, and then looked at the people in the distance who were hung up by the giant tree.

Time seems to go back to the past, but this is not the past, but the present after thousands of years.

She calmly stared at the surrounding scenery she saw after her resurrection. After a moment, she silently looked up at the night sky.

Not looking at the moon reflecting the magatama samsara eye, but the farther and deeper night sky.

That straight gaze seemed to pass through the earth's strata, beyond the moon in the universe, to reach farther and deeper places.

What I'm looking at...maybe it's my hometown that I've been away from for countless years.

No one knows what she wants to do, not even Hei Jue.

Black Zetsu only knew that Mugen Tsukuyomi could create countless soldiers, but he didn't know what Kaguya wanted to do by creating these soldiers.


Kaguya silently withdrew her gaze into the depths of the universe and said calmly: I... want to take back all the chakra.

Hei Jue's eyes turned away and said: The remaining few people hid in a different space, but they could hide for a while, but they couldn't hide for a lifetime. Mother should first extract the chakra of the ninjas who had won the Infinite Tsukuyomi as soon as possible, and then wait They show up and catch them all again.”

From Hei Jue's point of view, even if Ye Zi and the others hide in a different space, they won't be able to cause any trouble. They have to come out of that different space anyway, and as long as Mother extracts a large amount of chakra, she can gain complete and invincible power. .

Although Mother cannot enter Shenwei's space, she can transfer time and space and reach any place in the world. Unless Ye Zi and the others hide in a different space forever, they will never escape Mother's grasp.

After successfully resurrecting his mother, Hei Jue already felt that the situation was settled. Even if Ye Zi and the others survived, they would not be able to change the situation. However, he did not know that the Immortal of Six Paths was eyeing a special opportunity, evading their perception, in the Divine Power Space. Appeared to meet Ye Zi and others.

If he knew, maybe he would be more careful and remind Kaguya.

Listening to Hei Zetsu's words, Kaguya said nothing, her body rose into the air and flew into the air.

Arriving at an altitude of several hundred meters, Kaguya stood quietly in the air, staring calmly at the earth.

It's not enough. More and more soldiers are needed to stop 'them'. A trace of fear flashed in Kaguya's calm eyes.


Divine space.

Orochimaru met everyone's gaze and said solemnly: As the Sage of Six Paths said, Uchiha Madara was attacked by Black Zetsu and later turned into a frighteningly strong woman.

That is my mother, named Kaguya. The Sage of Six Paths sighed softly and said: Right now, the important task of stopping my mother can only be entrusted to you, and the help I can give you is very small.

If mother can't be stopped, then... the world will end.

The Immortal of Six Paths is now in a soul state. Even though he had powerful power during his lifetime, he is still a dead person. It is incredible that he can break the barrier independently and come from the Pure Land to the present world.

With this attitude, it would be a problem for him to deal with Ye Zi, let alone Kaguya.

The end of the world...? Orochimaru and Kushina's expressions changed. This was not something they wanted to see.

Ye Zi glanced at the expressions of the two people, then looked at the Sage of Six Paths, and said in a deep voice: There are too many things we don't know. If you need to know something to defeat Kaguya, then you should tell me quickly.

When an extremely powerful being becomes a common enemy, then it is not impossible to cooperate if the goals are the same. Moreover, this common enemy will affect whether the world will be destroyed.

The Sage of Six Paths nodded slightly and said: Mother is the real immortal body. She can recover no matter what kind of damage she suffers. She can absorb any ninjutsu. There is no other way to defeat her except sealing her. However, sealing mother requires Asura and Indra’s Chakra.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Six Paths Immortal's eyes turned on Ye Zi and Kushina, and finally stopped on Ye Zi, sighing slightly.

The causal cycle begins with the description of two names.

The problem is that Ye Zi and Kushina are not the reincarnations of Asura and Indra.

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