Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 675 Now

These experience pictures will make people understand a lot of things, but they cannot change their thoughts and ultimate goals.

Ye Zi felt the joy, anger, sorrow, conflict and pain of Kushina all the way until the final decision.

Kushina also entered Ye Zi's world in this way.

There is a door that cannot be opened without a lock.

Now, the door is opened, and then, as a bystander, she follows the young Ye Zi from that strange world to the familiar world now.

She saw the cruel darkness, saw Ye Zi's hesitation and helplessness, saw the changes Ye Zi made for Ye Rui, and saw a little boy who should have enjoyed a happy childhood, but was forced to lurk because of his environment and experience. Silent transfer.

In the heavy snowfall with no end in sight, what kind of will did you use to support your body? Even though your feet had lost all feeling, you still took strong steps and refused to fall. It was obvious that the blood in your blood vessels was almost frozen. , the heart in the chest refused to slow down its beating speed.

Because the person you carry is the only and most important relative in this life.

Kushina followed the six-year-old Ye Zi. Her feet stepped on the deep snow, but she could not sink in. It was like walking on flat ground, but she could feel the cold wind around her like a knife cutting into her soul. That was Ye Zi. Azusa feels the same way.

They walked together in the wind and snow, but couldn't feel each other's presence.

Kushina looked silently at Ye Zi, whose eyes had lost focus, but clenched his teeth and walked in the snow, and Ye Rui, who was in a coma and looked very similar to her.

From a snowstorm to a fire in the night, the seemingly similar memories and images wake up from the dust.

Then, in the darkness of despair and unwillingness, Ye Zi came from the world she was unfamiliar with to the world she was familiar with.

As winter passes and spring comes, the buds are reborn, and at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the yellow leaves fall off.

She finally understood, completely.

She finally knew where Ye Zi was looking. She finally knew why Ye Zi was on the verge of death many times but still refused to fall. She finally understood how special she was in Ye Zi's heart at the beginning. Finally, I knew what Ye Zi wanted to do at all costs.

The things she had always wanted to know but had no way of knowing were suddenly satisfied.

I know the person who lives in Ye Zi's heart, I know Ye Zi's final plan, and I know that Ye Zi's final choice is a road of no return.

In the colorful space, Kushina and Ye Zi looked at each other.

Since you already know everything, then... Ye Zi looked indifferent, and was about to propose a more favorable condition for Kushina, so that Kushina would cooperate sincerely, but halfway through the words, he was Stopped.

He looked at Kushina who was crying silently and remained silent.

In this space, the two people are connected, and any thoughts and ideas can be known to each other without the need for words to be intertwined.

Ye Zi was silent, and Kushina just cried silently. She knew Ye Zi's plan and the conditions he wanted to put forward, and Ye Zi also knew what result she wanted to see the most.

Since it is beneficial to both parties, now all we need to do is try our best to deal with Kaguya.

While looking at each other silently, two behemoths suddenly appeared behind them.

The one who appeared behind Kushina was Kyuubi, and the one who appeared behind Ye Zi was Nao.

Once these two monsters that disturbed the scenery appeared, they completely destroyed the beauty of this colorful space.

After Kyuubi appeared, his eyes were fixed on Nao, and the latter was the same, but he was drooling in a very inconspicuous manner.

Although the Kyuubi's energy is now only half, it is still a rare and valuable 'food' in the eyes of Ghoul. Now that they are face to face and so close, it would be very reserved not to directly pounce on the Kyuubi, not to mention it is just Just drooling.

This little girl already knows your plan. Nao stretched out his big hand and wiped the drool dripping from between his teeth.

Ye Zi didn't speak, but silently took several steps forward, as if to avoid being affected by his saliva.

The only people who are connected to each other are Ye Zi and Kushina, not including Kyuubi and Nao.

However, when Kyuubi saw Nao's expression, he could also sense that the other party seemed to want to devour him, so he bared his teeth with a cold look on his face.

Ye Zi ignored him, but looked at Kushina who was wiping her tears, and said calmly: Let's think about how to seal Kaguya first.

Kushina nodded silently and hesitated: If you had...

There are no ifs.

Ye Zi interrupted and said coldly: What you saw and what you experienced were all in the past. What you should think about and do now is to seal Kaguya.

Kushina fell silent for a moment.

Hmph. Seeing Ye Zi's rude tone and attitude, Jiuwei snorted in displeasure and suppressed the thought of slapping Ye Zi to death.

Ye Zi raised his head and glanced at Kyuubi coldly, then looked down at Kushina and said calmly: No matter what, even the world has to make way for me on the path I have chosen. No one can stop me, including you.

Kushina looked at Ye Zi with a serious look on her face, biting her lips tightly and saying nothing, but the words that emerged from her heart had already reached Ye Zi's heart.

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows slightly and closed his eyes, returning to reality.

That's it.

The Immortal of Six Paths retracted his hand and calmly stared at the two people in front of him.

The time that passes in that space is only one minute in reality.


Kushina's whole body was ignited with golden light, and a golden coat of pure energy surged on the surface of her body, but it was a coat in Nine-Tails mode.

Ye Zi's eyes changed again. The thin bloodline became pure due to the repeated changes in the body and the accumulation of hair.

Six small black magatama slowly appeared in his samsara eye, distributed on the circle of the samsara eye, and the kaleidoscope in his right eye also turned into a samsara eye without magatama.

Both eyes evolved at the same time, but only the left Samsara Eye evolved to a higher level.

Even though there is an extra magatama, Ye Zi's left eye still belongs to the category of Rinnegan, which is not of the same level as the Rinnegan Sharingan on Kaguya's forehead.

Kushina's changes are very small, after all, only half of the Nine Tails in her body is left, but the power of Yang given to her by the Sage of Six Paths can infinitely increase the power of Baihao.

With the power of the Yang and the power of the Nine Tails, coupled with the immortal body, even if they kill Ash Bones together, they cannot kill Kushina in seconds, but even if they cannot kill her in seconds, Kushina's lifespan can be shortened a lot.

Compared to Kushina, Ye Zi has gained a lot of benefits.

Not only did both eyes evolve into the Samsara Eye, but his left eye moved to a higher level, giving him special abilities.

Making good use of the ability given to him by his left eye may have unexpected effects.

You only have ten minutes.

The Immortal of Six Paths also knew that Ye Zi must have awakened some ability, but time was limited and there was no chance for Ye Zi to get familiar with it.

Ye Zi and Kushina nodded slightly. At this time, Orochimaru came over and stared at Ye Zi's Samsara Eye. The light of interest in his eyes skyrocketed, and he had the urge to study Ye Zi's Magatama Samsara Eye.

Ye Zi sighed softly and said calmly: Send us out.

Orochimaru nodded and said calmly: I hope the wind blowing towards you will not stop.

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