Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 694: Backstory Wu

If Ye Zi thinks about it, even if Konoha is the strongest Ninja Village today, he can destroy the entire Konoha Village in a single thought. The eight huge earth balls suspended above the Kingdom of Whirlpool are not decorations, except for the Nine-Tails , the rest of the tailed beasts were imprisoned, and Ye Zi relied on the ability of the Samsara Eye to extract the power of the tailed beasts for his own use at any time.

Being invincible is no joke.

Before the ownership of the other tailed beasts is decided, Ye Zi is invincible and cannot be offended by anyone. Even if there are more than ten shadow-level experts in Konoha Village, the result will be the same.

Even without these eight tailed beasts, Ye Zi is still invincible.

Kotonoha specifically explained that he also wanted to relieve Kushina and others from worries and speculations. A single word without doing anything inappropriate was enough to reassure them.

Ye Zi did go to Konoha, but he went quietly. The people in Konoha Village did not notice Ye Zi's visit at all, and even read the contents of the forbidden magic scroll.

In other words, Ye Zi has been to Konoha and read the scroll of forbidden arts. This matter was first known to Kushina and others through the mouth of Yan Ye.

Of course, Ye Zi didn't mind at all when this kind of thing was revealed, otherwise Yan Ye wouldn't have said it so easily.

Ye Zi...has he learned the art of Flying Thunder God? Kushina frowned slightly and her eyes trembled slightly.

Yanye took out a kunai of the Flying Thunder God Technique and placed it on the seat, and specifically explained it, so Ye Zi had the possibility of mastering the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Is this weird? Yan Ye asked.

Kushina was startled, but so were the others.

The Flying Thunder God Technique, the technique that made the Fourth Hokage famous, is now...

There was a sudden silence, and the atmosphere became a little stiff.

Yanye looked at the people in Konoha who looked a little strange, with a calm expression, and said seriously: We don't want to be chameleons who use false protective colors to protect ourselves, nor will we use claws and sharp teeth to attack others, but we need to A shell that no one can break.”

Chameleon's talent can protect itself, but that's just a small means.

What can truly protect oneself is strong foundation and strength, which can be used to attack others and also to protect oneself.

Now that the war is over, the deterrent power of Ye Zi's survival is enough to make the major ninja villages dare not act rashly, but that is only temporary. In the future, who can guarantee whether the major ninja villages will come to the vortex after they become stronger? country's troubles.

That day, the elite teams organized by the major ninja villages were repulsed by Ye Zi in time. Ye Zi did not choose to kill them at that time, which was a change of attitude. But Ye did not think that the major ninja villages would accept this kind of Attitude changes.

Even if our side puts away its sharp claws and expresses its unwillingness to have further disputes, how can a giant that once stood in the ninja world give up?

Yan Ye spoke vaguely, but Kushina heard it clearly. She didn't know what the purpose of the establishment of the Whirlpool Kingdom was, but she was very sure that Ye Zi would not pose the slightest threat to the future of the ninja world.

The reason for being so sure is simple. If Ye Zi wants to do something, the current strength of the major ninja villages cannot stop him.

He won't come.

Not willing to get entangled in such a topic with so many uncertainties, Kushina changed the topic.

Yan Ye was silent for a moment, then showed a polite smile again and said lightly: Who knows.

Ye Zi handed the kunai to her, perhaps because he had the slightest idea of ​​coming over to see her, but Yan Ye felt that if Ye Zi wanted to see her, he would have met her when the first batch of supplies came into the city.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Yan Ye looked at the wooden door and thought: The three-color meatballs are here...


Create a pure land and then protect it. Ye Zi answered as he sat opposite Muzi.

The question was raised by Muzi at this time, and it was also the doubt in Kushina's heart.

If this is what you want, then you should eradicate the root cause and let the five major countries lose the fangs they rely on. Muzi gently wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin. The grilled fish on the table had turned into fish bones.

Ye Zi didn't speak. Muzi had to handle such a big fish by herself. In terms of her usual appetite, Muzi couldn't eat that much, but she just ate it all. It wasn't because of how well Ye Zi grilled it. It was delicious simply because it was the fish that Ye Zi had grilled for her.

It's not necessary. Ye Zi looked calm. Muzi's words meant that he should destroy the five ninja villages and eliminate potential threats. This suggestion was indeed correct, but Ye Zi didn't want to do that.

Although the hatred is deep-rooted and cannot be resolved, and although it is not difficult for Ye Zi to destroy the major ninja villages after the war with his current strength, he does not intend to do so.

There are many ways to protect the Kingdom of Whirlpool, and it doesn't necessarily have to be about eradicating the roots or completely eradicating potential threats. After all, this is also a bottomless thing.

Muzi also knew very well that Ye Zi could not have the idea of ​​​​wiping out the major ninja villages, because Ye Zi showed mercy to the enemies who came to attack at that time. This is proof, and the reason why she suggested it was just casual talk.

In short, she felt that even if the Kingdom of Whirlpool had just been established, it would still take a long time to develop, but Ye Zi was powerful enough to protect the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

It's time to go back. Muzi nodded slightly, put down the napkin, and stood up.

Let's go.

Ye Zi glanced at the clean plate, stood up, and simply made a seal. The ground surged, swallowing up the tables, chairs, and debris.

Watching Ye Zi deal with the mess in just a moment, and then thinking about Ye Zi using ninjutsu to gain convenience in daily life, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

In ordinary people's perception, ninjutsu is a method used by ninjas to kill enemies. Never imagined that it could be used in such a gentle way.

I'm so stuffed that I can't walk. Muzi looked at Ye Zi and said coquettishly.

Oh. Ye Zi's reaction was flat.

Muzi's face turned slightly dark, thinking that the so-called hints had no effect on Ye Zi, so she directly said: Carry me.

Hearing Muzi's request, Ye Zi immediately hesitated.

You actually hesitated!!! Seeing the hesitation on Ye Zi's face, Muzi was furious.

Come up.

Seeing Muzi turning into a volcano about to erupt, Ye Zi decisively stopped hesitating, turned his back to Muzi, and squatted slightly.

He thought of the benefits and funds that Muzi had given to the Kingdom of Whirlpool, and felt that it was no big deal to carry Muzi on his back. In order to thank Muzi for his efforts, he would not refuse Muzi's requests in the future as long as they were not excessive.

Seeing Ye Zi's actions, Muzi was furious one second, and smiled like a flower the next. Even if she changed her face, she didn't change that quickly.

She took a few steps forward and lay on Ye Zi's broad and strong back, resting her face on Ye Zi's shoulder with a smile on her face.

Ye Zi held Muzi with both hands and walked quickly towards the direction of Whirlpool City.

Although the sun is bright, it is also poisonous.

Perhaps taking this into consideration, Ye Zi used a wooden escape tool to create a wooden umbrella to shield Muzi from the sun.

Ye Zi's actions made Muzi feel warm.

As long as you pay, you will definitely be rewarded.

At this moment, she was convinced of it.

She doesn't want much, and she doesn't necessarily want to be Ye Zi's wife, as long as Ye Zi can invest his feelings in her.

Ye Zi didn't know what was going on in Muzi's head at this time. He looked ahead, thinking about who to take with him to the Country of Waves tomorrow.

Bring someone over to learn the technique, and then ask that person to teach it to others, so that he doesn't have to teach it himself and saves trouble.

Take Kimimaro with you? Ye Zi thought silently.

Kimimaro didn't know Ye Zi's plan yet. At this time, he and Bai Jue were taking care of the newly sprouted flowers and plants.

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