Those are indeed a pair of extraordinary eyes.

Orochimaru would not be stupid enough to say something like You must have read it right, eyes with that kind of characteristics, there is nothing else but the Samsara Eye. He looked at Ye Zi who looked surprised, and said in a fanatical tone: That is the Samsara Eye... The eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths.

A short sentence, but it contains complex and lengthy information. Ye Zi listened without blinking and remained silent, but his heart was filled with waves because of this sentence.

The Eye of Reincarnation, and the Immortal of Six Paths...

What kind of existence it was, he had no idea.

Are immortals real immortals?

If he is an immortal, does he have the ability to break through space?

Thinking of this, Ye Zi's eyes became very urgent, and he immediately stood up and asked excitedly: What is the Samsara Eye? Is the Immortal of Six Paths an immortal? Can an immortal break through space? Tell me, Orochimaru!

This was the first time that he had lost his composure in front of Orochimaru, and it was also the first time that he had spoken to Orochimaru like this. Orochimaru was surprised to see his excited expression.

Tell me! Ye Zi pressed his hands firmly on the table.

Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi in such a posture with an expression of surprise. He was silent for a moment, and then said: I don't know if I can break the space, but if even the Sage of Six Paths can't do it, then no one can do it. .”

Ha ha!

Ye Zi suddenly laughed, very happily.

Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi who was laughing. Finally, he saw Ye Zi's desire... But everyone will always pursue something.

Break open space?

What is the reason for this pursuit?

He didn't know, but today, he finally knew why Ye Zi wanted to pursue power...

Ye Zi smiled for a while and then calmed down. He lowered his head, looked at the empty plate on the table, and thought about those eyes in the wind and rain.

It's not enough, my power!

He slowly raised his head, looked directly at Orochimaru, and said, Is there any way to make me stronger faster?

Facing Ye Zi's serious eyes, Orochimaru looked calm. Thinking of the recent research and the special characteristics of Ye Zi's body, he associated the two together and couldn't help but have a smile on his face. It looked so cold against the pale skin.

Of course. He smiled like a cold poisonous snake.

Two days later, Ye Zi came to Danzo. He looked at Danzo with an indifferent expression. This meeting would be different from any before.

Regarding the agreement between Orochimaru and Danzo, he had infiltrated it and was aware of the crazy actions of Orochimaru and Danzo. They were conducting human research!

When Orochimaru told this matter, Ye Zi almost lost his temper, because human body research was a taboo in his memory and something he hated.

If the time went back ten years ago, maybe he would angrily accuse this matter and try to change, but now he is not an immature and innocent child.

What about human studies?

As long as he achieves his goal, he will not hesitate to do it himself, even if he is used as a test subject.

As long as you are a human being, you will have something you want.

Danzo leaned on his cane and said calmly: This is the basic condition of the transaction.

Ye Zi remained silent.

Danzo looked at him and said calmly: I have never been able to figure out what you want. Now that I know, everything will seem much simpler. Compared to trading, I want you to work for me more.

What do I need to do? Ye Zi said coldly.

Danzo smiled and said: What you need to do has not changed, it is just more dangerous than before.

Ye Zi nodded slightly. Apart from performing tasks, he couldn't think of anything else he could do for Danzo.

The purpose of that human research plan is to make a person stronger, and he will be the beneficiary.

Transplant the Sharingan…

Just hearing the word made him excited.

If it succeeds in the end, transplanting the samsara eye is not impossible.

From this day on, Ye Zi came back from the Kingdom of Rain only a few days ago, and started one mission after another in his dual identity.

Secretly, he is a member of the Roots, and the missions he performs are at least A-level and generally S-level.

On the surface, he is a jounin in Konoha Village. He leads a small team and can complete the task excellently every time, with extremely amazing efficiency.

Despite this, many people in the village disliked him, and although the rumors were suppressed, the impact was basically indelible.

Ye Zi didn't care about this at all. In his opinion, Konoha Village was just his temporary home. He did not belong here or this world.

Due to his high task efficiency, Konoha's reputation has spread throughout the major ninja villages. Personal information about Ye Zi has also been recorded by the major ninja villages. There is a warning in it that is enough to show how powerful Ye Zi is. .

This man's sword was no slower than White Fang's.

Due to the team's efficient completion of missions, the Uchiha brothers and sisters and Fang Jianyanha also grew up rapidly in mission after mission. The terrible cooperation between them even surpassed Ino Shiga Die and became the dazzling stars of the new generation. , approaching Minato and Kushina.

As for Ye Zi, although they are of the same generation, they are at different heights.

While they were still complacent about completing the S-level mission, Ye Zi was already changing records.

In his personal file, the number of S-level missions is gradually increasing. None of them have failed, and the success rate is 100%.

Talents for such tasks are simply what every major ninja village dreams of.

In a tavern, four people were sitting, namely Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Kato Dan.

That child will eventually become famous all over the world. Jiraiya said to everyone emotionally while sipping a small drink.

But Minato is no worse than that brat! I'm sure of it. At this point, Jiraiya glared at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru ignored him at all and continued to drink.

Kato Suan smiled softly and sighed: This generation has quite a few young people with amazing potential.

When Tsunade heard this, she rolled her eyes at him and said, Our generation is not bad either. It's still early for them to want to take the lead.

Kato Duan spread his hands and said with a wry smile: But Ye Zi is already stronger than me.

Tsunade was speechless. There was no way to argue with this. Just because Ye Zi had improved the art of spiritual transformation in a short period of time, it was beyond the reach of Kato Dan, let alone Ye Zi's improved spirit technique. The art of transformation has become more terrifying, and it is also something that Kato Dan cannot master.

From this point of view alone, Kato Dan is far inferior to Ye Zi. If he knew that Ye Zi's spiritual transformation technique had not yet fully demonstrated its full strength, he didn't know what to think.

Jiraiya took advantage of this and laughed at Kato Dan. A person who taught ninjutsu to others was actually surpassed in a short period of time.

Tsunade then punched Jiraiya, causing a hole in the wall of the tavern.

Orochimaru looked at this scene and shook his head slightly.

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