Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 81 One Eye

Spiritualism is a technique that allows you to summon a psychic beast at any time after signing a contract with it.

There are many types of psychic beasts. There are auxiliary psychic beasts that tend to be weak and small, and there are also powerful combat psychic beasts. Among the psychic beasts of the Sannin of Konoha, Tsunade's psychic beast is a rare auxiliary combat psychic beast. One psychic beast.

Physical characteristics have always been the basis for judging the strength of psychic beasts, and the psychic beasts of the Sannin are the best among them. Orochimaru's psychic beast belongs to the earth dragon clan, a famous clan. If it were anyone else, they would not refuse to sign the contract on the scroll if it could be easily passed on, because it is simple and rude.

Ye Zi did not directly choose to sign the contract on the scroll. After having another choice, he chose the latter which was full of unknowns and dangers.

As Orochimaru came to a remote and sparsely populated area of ​​Konoha, Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru and waited for the next step.

Orochimaru did not speak, but bit his finger and completed the seal at a very slow speed. Then he slapped it on the ground. Black magic lines formed instantly. There was a bang, a burst of white smoke flashed, and a dark thumb-thick The little snake snaked out of the white smoke, slightly raising its head and looking at Orochimaru.

After forming the psychic seal at a slow speed, Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi and asked, Do you see clearly?

Ye Zi nodded slightly. With his eyesight and memory, when he was focused, he could remember even the normal speed of seal formation, let alone Orochimaru deliberately slowing down.

Orochimaru was the only one who knew that Ye Zi had this ability. After confirming that Ye Zi had written down the order of the seals, he said: Reversing the order of the seals is a reverse psychic technique. Using this technique, you can also From now on, the art will return.

One seal and a short and popular explanation is the origin of reverse spiritualism.

Fortunately, Ye Zi had long been used to it. Hearing this, his eyes showed a look of thinking. The order of the seals went through his mind several times, and then he looked at Orochimaru with a questioning look on his face.

Orochimaru said expressionlessly: If you have made up your mind, then give it a try.

Ye Zi clenched his fist lightly. He had indeed made up his mind. No one knew how hopeless and ridiculous his purpose was. For this ridiculous purpose, he did not want to miss any method he could try.

What is it like to travel through time and space, and what is it like to travel from one world to another? These are just the first steps.

Judging from Ye Zi's expression, Orochimaru knew that Ye Zi had made up his mind. He raised his brows without any trace, and then silently stepped aside.

Ye Zi glanced at him and said, I'm starting.

Orochimaru nodded slightly, still expressionless.

Ye Zi withdrew his gaze. Everything he would face next was unknown, and the unknown was full of danger. He took a deep breath, bit his thumb, and formed seals at a gentle speed. After a while, When he reached the last seal, his eyes became extremely focused and serious, and he moved his arms and suddenly slapped the ground.

With his palm as the center point, a black mantra instantly appeared on the ground, exuding a mysterious and strange aura. Then, a burst of white smoke exploded at his feet. After the white smoke dissipated, Ye was no longer visible. Azusa's figure and the spell that appeared on the ground also disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the position where Ye Zi disappeared, Orochimaru said nothing. After a moment of silence, he sat directly on the ground and looked at that position silently.

For Orochimaru now, time is extremely precious, and sometimes he even wants to give up his sleeping time to study the human body. But before, after Ye Zi made a decision and executed it, he remained expressionless and didn't say a word. Not even the slightest concern was shown. But now, he stayed here silently, showing his concern for Ye Zi in an unknown behavior.


After using the reverse psychic technique, Ye Zi felt his body light up and his vision was obscured by a burst of white smoke. In just a short moment, after the white smoke disappeared, he came to another place.

This is a desolate and desolate land of loess. At a glance, you can see the endless loess. There are no strange rocks, no living things and plants. All you can see is the land of loess covered with sand and dust.

Ye Zi looked at the foothold under his feet and frowned slightly. This was not a good place. He raised his head and looked directly at the sun in the sky. It was hazy, not dazzling at all, and he didn't even feel the heat. On the contrary , the feeling coming from the skin is coldness.

A place like this gives people the feeling of being in a furnace environment. However, the fact is the opposite. Not only is it not hot here, but it is also slightly cool.

What kind of place is this?

Ye Zi carefully observed the surroundings. It was empty and desolate, and he couldn't feel the breath of any living thing. The only thing that was certain was that it was still safe here.

After staying in place for a moment, he casually found a direction, took steps, and ran forward. He wanted to look around. If he couldn't find any living things, he would go back directly, and then use the reverse psychic technique again.

The sun above the head seems to be covered by a layer of heat-insulating film, hazy, so that the sunlight is not dazzling, and only a trace of heat remains when it shines on the body. Therefore, Ye Zi did not need to consider external factors and moved forward as quickly as possible.

After running for half an hour, the vision in his eyes finally changed. He saw a hill, a hill with the same color as the loess land. If he had not found this hill, he would have thought about going back.

He slowly approached the hill as fast as he could. When he was still a thousand meters away from the hill, the hill trembled slightly in vain.

Upon seeing this, Ye Zi immediately stopped and stared at the hill warily.


Fine dust fell from right above the hill.

Ye Zi stared at the hill and slowly backed away while pulling out his thunder teeth.

The speed of dust falling suddenly accelerated, and suddenly, a crack slowly opened directly above the hill, and it turned out to be a huge one-eye.

The one eye he opened slowly looked at Ye Zi, his eyes showing humanity and disbelief.

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