"Human beings have been multiplying for millions of years, but only the last 5,000 years are meaningful."

"Earlier, we hid in caves, huddled around campfires, and feared things that were strange and unknown to us!"

"How does the sun rise? What are those monsters with human heads and bird bodies? They easily took our lives!"

"We are afraid of them, so we call them "gods" and "demons", and sacrifice them, praying for forgiveness and salvation."

"As time goes by, their figures are disappearing, and our cognition is increasing. Our fear of them is getting smaller and smaller, and we begin to Look at them rationally, we strengthen ourselves, we research and invent, we use science to overcome all the unknowns! "

"However, the things we fear have not disappeared, they are lurking, right beside us, waiting for an opportunity to move."

"Fear appears around us again, no one can protect us, we must protect ourselves."

"When ordinary people live in the sun, we must fight them in the haze. We are not afraid of them, we dare to destroy them!"

"We control, we contain, we protect."

The solemn voice echoed in my ears.

Mo Yu's head was buzzing, and his eyes were in chaos.

A tingling pain came in his mind, and his consciousness became clearer.

In front of him, stood a priest.

The priest was saying something seriously.

"Now, on behalf of the SCP Foundation, I declare that you have officially become a new batch of D-class personnel of SCP!"

The priest finally finished speaking.

A pair of powerful hands grabbed Mo Yu's hands fiercely.

A pair of titanium handcuffs were handcuffed on his hands.

But he didn't seem to feel it.

He stared blankly ahead.

He muttered to himself.

"I've traveled through time..."

He was escorted by a fully armed soldier.

He was taken away with nine other prisoners who had just been sentenced by the priest to be the new batch of D-class SCP personnel.

In his mind, he was still digesting the memories he had just acquired.

He remembered that he had clearly taken a nap, and when he woke up, he traveled through time to this body and acquired his memories.

This is a world completely different from the Earth.

This world is full of dangers.

This world is controlled by an organization called the SCP Foundation.

The SCP Foundation operates in the dark all over the world.

The SCP Foundation is above any country or region!

The goal of the SCP Foundation is to contain abnormal objects, individuals and phenomena.

Moreover, the operation of the SCP Foundation itself is not subject to the jurisdiction of any country or region.

Even various countries and regions are secretly protected by the SCP Foundation.

This world hides many abnormal objects, which endanger ordinary people physically or psychologically and pose a threat to global security.

The SCP Foundation secretly maintains the stability of the world and handles these anomalies, so that ordinary people in various countries and regions can survive and be free from fear.

And maintain the independence of mankind from the influence of extraterrestrial, extradimensional and outer space.

The mission of the SCP Foundation is threefold:

First, control (Secure).

The SCP Foundation controls anomalies to prevent them from falling into the hands of ordinary people or hostile dark forces.

The SCP Foundation takes action through extensive observation and monitoring and finally intercepts them as soon as possible.

Second, containment (Contain).

The SCP Foundation contains anomalies, mainly to prevent their influence or effects from spreading.

By relocating, disguising, or dismantling them or by suppressing or preventing the public from spreading their information.

Third, protect (Protect).

The SCP Foundation protects humans from the influence of anomalies.

And protect the anomalies themselves until they are fully understood by ordinary people and their characteristics and behaviors are in line with scientific theorems.

If anomalies are contained, they are judged to be overly dangerous.

The SCP Foundation will use the neutralization or destruction of anomalies as a last resort to completely destroy the anomalies.

Mo Yu was imprisoned in a fully enclosed secret room.

He sat on the ground and took a long time to digest the memories in his head.

He used to be a C-level personnel of SCP.

C-level personnel have a certain status in SCP and know more.

C-level personnel can directly contact most anomalies that are not considered too hostile or threatening.

C-level personnel have the opportunity to directly contact potential will influence or memetic media, but they will also be in danger.

If there is danger, SCP security personnel will forcibly isolate or mentally evaluate C-level personnel when they deem it necessary.The reason why Mo Yu became a D-class was because he came into direct contact with an anomaly during a site-level containment breach.

This anomaly killed many C-class personnel, and he was the only survivor.

The SCP Foundation determined that he colluded with the anomaly and killed other C-class personnel.

Therefore, he was sentenced to a D-class personnel.

D-class personnel are expendable personnel, responsible for directly dealing with extremely dangerous anomalies, and are not allowed to contact A-class and B-class personnel.

D-class personnel usually come from prisoners with violent criminal backgrounds in prisons around the world, especially those sentenced to death.

D-class personnel, as the name suggests, are the main combat force of the SCP Foundation against anomalies, that is, cannon fodder!

When encountering dangerous anomalies, send D-class personnel!

Therefore, the mortality rate of D-class personnel is extremely high!

It is difficult for D-class personnel to survive, and they will eventually be killed by an anomaly.

If D-class personnel are scarce, Protocol 12 can be activated.

Protocol 12 is to find substitutes from other sources.

Such as political prisoners, refugees, or other personnel.

D-class personnel will undergo routine mandatory mental evaluations every month under the guidance of site security or medical personnel, and will be given a memory erasure of at least Class B strength, or be executed at the end of each month, or be sent to deal with anomalies.

In the event of a disaster on the site, site security personnel may immediately execute D-class personnel if they deem it necessary.

According to the regulations of the SCP Foundation, D-class personnel will be executed at the end of each month.

However, due to the frequent occurrence of anomalies, the SCP Foundation's armed combatants suffered heavy losses.

Finally, someone proposed to use D-class personnel as cannon fodder to fight anomalies.

Since then, the casualties of SCP armed personnel have decreased, and anomalies have been effectively eliminated.

D-class personnel have become a secret cannon fodder team of the SCP.

However, the SCP Foundation still claims to the outside world that D-class personnel will be executed at the end of each month.

Many people believe that D-class personnel will be amnesticized at the end of each month and sent to other places for execution.

However, as a former C-class personnel, Mo Yu knows very well the fate of D-class personnel.

They will eventually die at the hands of anomalies, not be executed.

"Memory cleared..."

He had just crossed over and was facing such a dangerous situation.

Compared with fighting with anomalies, he was more afraid of having his memory cleared.


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