I have to say that SCP is really awesome.

Choosing such a terrible desert as a base, ordinary people will not survive for more than a day even if they accidentally break in.

So, this desert is really unique to SCP.

People who appear in this desert are either SCP's own internal personnel or dangerous and abnormal.


Mo Yu, who was running, suddenly felt a rustling sound.

It sounded like some kind of reptile crawling on the ground.

He instantly became alert in such a terrible desert.

It is difficult for life to survive, unless it is a special life.

Just like the scorpion he caught before, this kind of scorpion can survive in low temperatures.

But that's because it's at night, and scorpions appear at night.

Now, it's daytime.

During the day, the temperature of the desert exceeds 100℃.

Ordinary people who come here will be roasted directly and turned into human barbecue.

He stopped instantly.

Life that can survive at a high temperature of more than 100℃ can only be abnormal.

He stood quietly in the desert, closed his eyes, and carefully identified the source of the sound.

He felt that it was extremely dangerous, and the crawling speed was very fast, like lightning.

In an instant, it was more than ten meters, faster than his speed.

His heart was instantly tense.

This danger was more serious than he expected.


In the three-meter desert behind him.

A ferocious triangular snake head as big as a millstone rushed out.

This is a big snake!

The skin is dark, shining with dazzling luster, and contains deadly poison!


The big snake opened its bloody mouth and swallowed directly towards Mo Yu's head.

Mo Yu felt his scalp tingling and dodged the attack of the big snake in an instant.

He rolled on the ground and jumped a few meters away.

He looked back and saw the true face of the big snake.

The body of the big snake rushed out of the desert. It was a dark big snake more than ten meters long.

"Deadly King Cobra, Level 2 safe anomaly!"

Mo Yu recognized it.

He often saw deadly king cobras in the laboratory, and many of them were cloned.

It is the most common anomaly in the SCP base. The SCP base captures deadly king cobras for experiments.

Because deadly king cobras are highly toxic.

His venom can kill an ordinary person instantly.

And it can poison ordinary anomalies.

The SCP wants to study whether it can deprive the deadly king cobra of its venom and use it in the weapons of soldiers.

Mo Yu has participated in this project before.

Unfortunately, a deadly king cobra they were studying mutated.

That deadly king cobra directly mutated into a level 3 anomaly, and the venom it released killed all the researchers.

Mo Yu escaped because he happened to go to the toilet.

However, he was judged by the SCP to be in collusion with anomalies.

In fact, it was because he lived alone, and the SCP did not want him to live, so he deliberately turned him into a D-class personnel.

This situation is very common in the SCP.

And that project is confidential.

He knows too much, and the SCP needs to deal with him.

Now, seeing a deadly king snake, Mo Yu felt mixed emotions.


The deadly king snake saw Mo Yu dodge his attack.

The sinister eyes instantly stared at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu felt his scalp tingling, the deadly king snake's eyes were very scary.

If ordinary people looked at him, they would even fall into the deadly king snake's illusion and be swallowed by the deadly king snake.

Mo Yu reacted instantly and just avoided the deadly king snake's bloody mouth.

At the same time, Mo Yu quickly approached the deadly king snake.

He knew the deadly king snake's weakness.

Hit the snake at 7 inches, this sentence is correct for any snake.

The deadly king snake's weakness is also his 7 inches.

Mo Yu quickly came to the deadly king snake's seven inches.

The deadly king snake felt something, and he instantly coiled into a ball.

The sinister eyes locked on Mo Yu.

The deadly king snake also felt that Mo Yu was not easy to deal with, but he wanted to devour Mo Yu.

The moment Mo Yu saw the deadly king snake, many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Why is there such an abnormal existence as the deadly king snake in this desert.

Why is the SCP base built in this desert.

The most abnormal thing he has seen in the laboratory is the deadly king snake.

Could it be that this desert is a place dedicated to breeding deadly king snakes!

It's terrifying to think about it.

As a former C-level SCP personnel.

He knows some SCP secrets.

SCP usually builds secret bases in certain places,Then, they specially cultivate a certain kind of anomaly.

The purpose is to study this anomaly and use the ability of this anomaly on humans or weapons.

The deadly king snake appeared in the desert and was a frequent visitor to the SCP base laboratory.

He instantly understood that this desert was where the SCP specially cultivated the deadly king snake.

That base was specialized in studying the deadly king snake, and even cloned it...

Everything suddenly became clear, and he also felt uneasy.

If this desert was where the SCP specially cultivated the deadly king snake, then the number of deadly king snakes in this desert would be very large.


At this time, a deadly king snake appeared again in the desert not far away.

Seeing the second deadly king snake appear, Mo Yu's inner guess was instantly correct.

He felt scared. This desert was indeed the secret base for the SCP to cultivate deadly king snakes.

He was in danger.


He cursed directly.

Because, several deadly king snakes appeared again.

He was surrounded.

Abnormalities are usually intelligent beings.

Even the most common abnormalities have intelligence no lower than that of ordinary humans.

These deadly king snakes blocked his escape route from different corners, ready to catch him in the trap.


He even saw the teasing in the eyes of one of the deadly king snakes.

"Brothers, we have a common enemy, SCP. They captured your companions for experiments. I ran away from the laboratory. I am also an abnormality experimented by SCP. We should not fight each other. We should fight against SCP together!"

Mo Yu said loudly.

He knew that these deadly king snakes could understand his words.

Sure enough, when they heard SCP, these deadly king snakes showed monstrous anger and murderous intent in their eyes.

"You heard the explosion a few days ago, right? I did it. When I ran away, I blew up the SCP base. Now, they are chasing me. I can be regarded as revenge for your companions. I destroyed the base, and you don't have to enter the laboratory anymore!"

Mo Yu said again.


A deadly king snake a hundred meters long appeared in front of Mo Yu, looking down at him from above.

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