After hearing Guidie's words, Mo Yu was stunned.

Guidie was not at Changshan University. Could it be that the SCP Foundation took Guidie away?

"You are with them now. Did they do anything to you?"

Mo Yu wanted to confirm whether the SCP Foundation took Guidie away out of friendship or hostility.

"They are very nice to me. By the way, one of the uncles told me that I passed the assessment of Changshan Research Institute and I have officially become a researcher of Changshan Research Institute."

Guidie's words came.

Mo Yu frowned. At this moment, he passed the assessment and became a researcher.

Moreover, a helicopter was specially sent to take Guidie away.

Even if the regulations stipulate that he passed the assessment and became a formal researcher, he should not be treated like this.

He knew that many researchers at Changshan Research Institute were bitten by zombies, and they did not receive special protection.

Now, Guidie is completely treated specially, with a helicopter specially protecting her.

"It's good that you're fine!"

No matter what, Mo Yu was very happy that Guidie was alive, and at the same time, he was relieved.

"Guidi, did they say where they were going to take you?"

Now, Changshan Research Institute has been basically destroyed by zombies.

Even if it needs to be rebuilt, the zombies here need to be destroyed.

The people from the SCP Foundation will not take Guidie to Changshan Research Institute when they take her away. I will definitely arrange her to another place.

"They are going to take me to another research institute. They have prepared a position for me there. I can go to work there."

Guidie said.

"What research institute?"

Mo Yu asked.

"Cangqiong Research Institute!"

Mo Yu frowned. He had never heard of this Cangqiong Research Institute.

"System, do you know where Cangqiong Research Institute is?"

"Cangqiong Research Institute, one of the most important research bases of the SCP Foundation, is directly managed by the 05 Council. Except for the 05 Council, no one can access the projects in this base!"

The voice of the system came.

Mo Yu was shocked.

So, Guidie has made a great leap forward.

Mo Yu suddenly felt that Guidie was full of mystery, but he had been with Guidie before and did not feel anything unusual about her.

"Is it really because Guidie's research talent is so high that it attracted the attention of the 05 Council of the SCP Foundation, so they cultivated her vigorously?"

At the exit of the subway station, Chopin also said that Guidie's research talent is so high that it has spread throughout the Changshan Research Institute even when she was an intern.

Now, the Cangqiong Research Institute has directly sent a special plane to pick up Guidie, which is enough to show that Guidie's research talent is really very strong.

Otherwise, it would not have attracted the attention of the 05 Council.

"Mo Yu, I can't use this phone anymore. They asked me to sign a confidentiality agreement. I will call you again when I change my phone."

Guidie suddenly said.

"Okay, take care!"

Guidie hung up the phone.

Mo Yu frowned as he looked at the zombies in the Changshan University campus.

Guidie is safe, so he doesn't have to stay here any longer.


Suddenly, a group of helicopters appeared in the sky.

Dense bullets, like raindrops, swept towards Changshan University.

The zombies on the ground fell one by one.

Mo Yu's figure climbed over the wall like a ghost and left Changshan University.

However, as soon as he climbed over the wall, he saw hundreds of zombies standing in front of him.

"Long time no see!"

A hoarse voice came.

Mo Yu's pupils shrank, and he saw a white ceramic comedy mask, which was SCP-035.


SCP-049 walked out of the zombies.

"You two, you are really haunting!"

Mo Yu shook his head helplessly.

He thought he had gotten rid of these two guys, but he didn't expect them to come here at this time and block his way.

"Mo Yu, your body belongs to me. We should be one, so that we can be perfect."

SCP-035 said loudly.

"Fuck you!"

Mo Yu glared at SCP-035 coldly.

Then, he turned over the wall without hesitation and entered Changshan University.

He was ready to escape from inside.


SCP-049 looked at Mo Yu's back coldly, and then hundreds of SCP-049-2 rushed into Changshan University.

After Mo Yu entered Changshan University, he took advantage of the zombies around him.As a cover, he ran away quickly.

However, he found that no matter which direction he fled, SCP-049 and the others could lock his position, and his brows frowned.

"What's going on!"

Mo Yu frowned.

Before in the forest, he successfully got rid of these two guys, but this time it seemed that he couldn't get rid of them.

However, the distance between him and them has been increasing.

There are too many zombies, and these zombies hinder SCP-035 from chasing Mo Yu.

Changshan Research Institute, in a secret room.

Zhu Long calmly looked at the hundreds of control panels in front of him.

What was displayed inside was the picture of various places in Changshan City.

"This is the correct way to open SCP-008. I must use this research to open the channel to the 05 Council!"

Zhu Long said frantically.

On the table next to him, there is a red medicine.

This red medicine is SCP-500, a panacea.

After oral administration, it can cure all diseases.

Even if you are infected by SCP-008, you can be cured by taking SCP-500.

Zhu Long stared at the panacea. He had been preparing for many years, and now was his chance.

He put the panacea into an instrument, and he wanted to dissect the panacea.

To see the ingredients of the panacea.

However, what he wanted most was to figure out the composition of the panacea, and then make the panacea.

If he could copy the panacea, then these research projects of his would be enough to make him rise to the top and reach the 05 Parliament.


Suddenly, the surroundings began to tremble wildly.

As if a shell had landed nearby, Zhu Long looked up angrily, looked at the control panel, and locked one of the control panels.

He saw Chopin carrying a rocket launcher and bombing a place.

"He's not dead!"

Zhu Long looked at Chopin coldly.

He had already ordered all the Foundation task force soldiers and agents at Changshan Research Institute to execute Chopin as soon as they saw him.

However, he didn't expect that Chopin was not dead yet, and came here to find him.

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