This time, sending Peanut to capture Mo Yu was a secret operation he ordered.

"The information of the transport plane must not be known to anyone. The iron chain must be kept. Send Peanut back as soon as possible. I will communicate with others here!"

The man in the suit said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Li Xiu took a deep breath and relayed the words of the man in the suit to Wang Ming.

He gave Wang Ming a death order, even if everyone died, Peanut must be sent back.

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Ming said loudly.

Suddenly, eight helicopters were guarding the transport plane, ready to sacrifice.

The gate of the newly rebuilt base at the Rattler Desert Base has been breached.

At this time, the unknown organization was fighting with the base task force soldiers.

"The captain will be here soon!"

The task force soldiers at the base blocked the attack of the unknown organization.

Over the Rattler Desert, the helicopter of Wang Ming and others flew quickly towards the base.

Behind them, more than a dozen helicopters of the Broken God Cult were biting tightly.


In the sky, shells streaked across the sky like meteors. The planes were fighting and could crash if they were not careful.

In the Death Forest, the Death Siren rushed out with dozens of people.

At this time, the Death Siren and others had arrived in the Rattlesnake Desert and were heading to the Rattlesnake Desert Base.

"Xiaobai, how is it?"

The Death Siren asked Bai Xuanyuan who was attacking the base through the communicator.

"We have suppressed them, and we should be able to break through their defense within ten minutes!"

When Bai Xuanyuan's voice came, the Death Siren was happy.

"Hold on, we will come and meet you soon!"

The Death Siren and others quickly crossed the Rattlesnake Desert.

On the way, they encountered some deadly king snakes.

The deadly king snakes rushed out of the desert and attacked them.

The Death Siren sang a song, and all the deadly king snakes were affected.

The people around attacked these deadly king snakes frantically, and the deadly king snakes trapped in the illusion were killed.

After killing the deadly king snakes, the Death Siren and others continued to move forward.

The people around the Death Siren had already taken measures to prevent the Death Song, so there was nothing wrong.


In the sky, a helicopter was smoking and crashed instantly.

More than a dozen people jumped down from it.

These people were very flexible, flipping from mid-air to the ground, and their feet were deeply stuck in the desert.

Then, they stood up easily from the desert.

"It seems that we can only walk!"

These dozen people look similar to normal humans, but the speed at which they run in the desert is terrifying.

If you look closely, you will find that there are strange things about their bodies.

Some people have mechanical arms on their arms.

Some people have mechanical feet.

No, it should be that everyone's hands and feet are mechanical hands and feet.

They are members of the Broken God Cult. The Broken God Cult worships the Broken God, who is the supreme god of machinery and electronics.

Therefore, the members of the Broken God Cult use machinery to transform their bodies.

They replaced their original flesh and blood bodies and mechanized themselves.

They look more like robots.

Machinery gives them powerful power, completely surpassing ordinary people.

The Broken God Cult has been trying to revive the Broken God!

They believe that as long as all the fragments of the Broken God are collected, they can reassemble and revive the Broken God.

If the Broken God is resurrected, then everyone will gain divinity.

And everyone can enter the new world of utopia.

And everything in this new world of utopia is based on the mechanical way of the Broken God!

The body fragments of the Broken God appeared in the Rattlesnake Desert Base, and the Broken God Cult went crazy.

This time, the team was led by Thomas, a vice president of the Broken God Cult.

No one knows who the vice president of the Broken God Cult is, and even few people in the Broken God Cult know.

Only when the body fragments of the Broken God appear, the vice president or even the president will personally lead the team.

At this moment, a super elite team composed of two hundred senior members of the Broken God Cult rushed into the Rattlesnake Desert.

They must get the body fragments of the Broken God!

In the sky, planes are fighting, and helicopters are constantly crashing.

However, people in helicopters rarely die.

Because both sides are elites and can jump out of the plane to escape before the crash.

Especially the members of the Broken God Cult, each of them has a machine assembled on their body.

The machine makes their bodies extremely powerful.

Even ordinary bullets can't kill them.

Their hands and feet areThe strongest weapon can easily tear apart the enemy.

Their bodies are the strongest shields, which can protect them from many injuries.


More than a dozen members of the Broken God Church were running in the Rattlesnake Desert.

Suddenly, some deadly king snakes emerged from the desert.

The deadly king snake opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the Broken God Church members in one bite, trying to devour them.

However, the Broken God Church members grabbed the upper and lower mouths with both hands like lightning, and then.

The mechanical arm tore it hard to both sides, directly tearing the deadly king snake's mouth in half.

Even, some Broken God Church members directly grabbed the body of a deadly king snake, and the mechanical arm changed instantly, assembled into a sharp knife, and directly inserted it into the body of the deadly king snake.

Then, gently pull it down.

The body of the deadly king snake was disemboweled.

In addition, the right hand of a Broken God Church member assembled into an axe in the blink of an eye.

Aiming at the head of a deadly king snake, an axe was chopped down.

The head of the deadly king snake was chopped off by an axe.


The living deadly king snakes retreated in fear and instantly burrowed into the desert.

These dozen members of the Broken God Church were simply monsters. Killing them was as easy as mowing the grass.

The ground was full of deadly king snakes, flesh and blood, and the desert ground was dyed red.

"Overestimate your own abilities..."

The members of the Broken God Church looked at the deadly king snakes that escaped into the ground coldly, with disdain.

Finally, they continued to head towards the Rattlesnake Desert Base.

Their feet were like electric motors installed, running faster than an ordinary motorcycle.

Where they ran, yellow sand flew, forming more than a dozen spectacular yellow sand routes.

The deadly king snakes were scared of being killed by them and never dared to come out to harass them again.

Therefore, they went all the way to the Rattlesnake Desert Base without any obstacles.

At the same time, deep in the sea.

Mo Yu sat on the old man's back and guided him toward the shore.

Suddenly, he heard the roar of helicopters.

Through the sea, he saw dozens of helicopters circling in the sky above his head, flying toward the Forest of Death.

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