The Broken God Church members jumped onto the SCP Foundation's helicopter.

Their hands kept changing, turning into sharp knives to cut through the helicopter's exterior.

They turned into guns, and through the helicopter's glass, they fired wildly at the task force soldiers inside.

Some people's arms even turned into gun barrels, and they fired into the helicopter, causing heavy losses to the task force soldiers.

"Captain, we can't beat them!"

The task force soldiers were completely at a disadvantage.

"These Broken God Church members are at least senior members, and they are too strong!"

Wang Ming was filled with panic.

The Broken God Church members who came this time were all super elites of the Broken God Church, and there were more of them than them.

It was difficult for their weapons to kill these Broken God Church members.


A Broken God Church member's arm turned into a sledgehammer, and he smashed the helicopter's propeller with one hammer.

The helicopter lost control and crashed directly.

One after another, the helicopters of the SCP Foundation were destroyed. The members of the Broken God Church were simply humanoid destroyers.

The iron sheet of the helicopter could not stop their violent destruction.

"Protect the transport plane!"

Wang Ming shouted.

At the same time, Wang Ming gave an order to the people in the transport plane.

Let the transport plane be controlled by artificial intelligence, and all the people inside retreat.

Suddenly, all the task force soldiers in the transport plane jumped out of the transport plane.

Used parachutes to land in the desert.

There was no one in the transport plane, only the statue of Peanut was left standing quietly in the middle.

The back door of the transport plane was open, and Peanut's eyes were also staring at the back door.

Suddenly, a member of the Broken God Church came in from the back door.

Looking at the empty transport plane, he was also stunned for a moment, and then his eyes saw Peanut.

"What the hell, a statue!"

The Broken God Church member looked at Peanut in surprise, thinking it was an ordinary statue.

"Fragments of God!"

The eyes of this Broken God member were looking for chains in the transport plane. His target was the chains.

He blinked habitually.

Then, death came.

He only heard the sound of a neck being twisted, and then he was completely unconscious.

He seemed to hear the sound of his head falling to the ground.

Peanut stood quietly in the transport plane, and there was a headless corpse on the ground.

Soon, the second Broken God member came into the transport plane.

Seeing the headless corpse on the ground, he looked around vigilantly. There was no enemy except a statue.

He walked to the side of the headless corpse vigilantly, studied it carefully, and found that the back was twisted by someone in an instant, and the head fell to the ground.

"What a strong force!"

He took a breath of cold air.

Most of the bodies of the Broken God members are mechanically modified.

Therefore, their physical strength is much stronger than normal people.

However, to do it so cleanly and neatly, the power of twisting the neck in an instant is very terrifying.

"Fragments of God!"

Suddenly, he saw the iron chain in a corner next to him.

Instantly, the fragments of God were all he could see, and he ran over excitedly.

He grabbed the iron chain, excited.

He couldn't help but blink.


The sound of a neck being twisted was heard.

His head fell to the ground.

Wang Ming looked at the surveillance screen of the transport plane and saw that Peanut had twisted the necks of four members of the Broken God Church.


Wang Ming looked at the surveillance screen coldly.

These members of the Broken God Church didn't seem to know Peanut, and they died one after another.

However, Peanut at this time did not look like Peanut.

Wang Ming knew that these members of the Broken God Church should have seen Peanut's photos.

So, they knew what Peanut looked like.

In order to deceive these members of the Broken God Church, he specially asked someone to dress Peanut up.

At this time, Peanut was completely different from what he looked like before.

A thick layer of cement covered his appearance.

After the cement was poured and dried, Peanut looked like a rough human-shaped cement statue.

Therefore, almost all the members of the Broken God Church fell into the trap.

"Strictly control the number of people entering the transport plane!"

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

This was a trap he set for the members of the Broken God Church.

He knew that these people's goal was the iron chain, so he used the iron chain to lure them into the transport plane and let Peanut kill them.

Anyone who saw Peanut now would not think he was Peanut, because his appearance had completely changed.

Outside the transport plane, most of the task force soldiers' firepower was focused onHere.

Once more than two members of the Broken God Church appeared near the transport plane.

They attacked several of them frantically, and then, coincidentally, did not attack the last person.

This Broken God Church member who was not attacked was lucky enough to enter the transport plane, while the others were stopped.

Then, Wang Ming saw through the surveillance screen that the Broken God Church member who entered the transport plane had his neck twisted by Peanut.

He would continue to order and let another Broken God Church member enter the transport plane.

Killed ten Broken God Church members in a row!

"What happened to them!"

Thomas frowned, and ten Broken God Church members had already entered the transport plane.

However, no one came out alive, as if they had disappeared forever.

"Vice President, they are dead!"

A Broken God Church member next to him said.

Thomas frowned, they were all senior members of the Broken God Church, and each of them was a super elite.

The task force soldiers could not kill them unless they destroyed their bodies with heavy weapons.

However, in just one minute, ten of them were killed.

"Be careful, there are experts in that transport plane, don't go in alone!"

Thomas ordered.

If a Broken God member enters the transport plane, he will not survive.

They must enter the transport plane because the fragments of God are inside.

Then, they can only enter several people at the same time.

"Suppress with firepower, only let one person in!"

The Broken God member suddenly rushed towards the transport plane frantically, and Wang Ming also felt uneasy.

The task force soldiers attacked the Broken God members frantically, allowing only one of them to enter the transport plane.

However, this Broken God member did not enter the transport plane, but stayed outside, waiting for others to follow him in.

"The plan failed!"

Seeing this, Wang Ming also realized that the Broken God member would not go in alone again.

As long as two people enter the transport plane, Peanut will be useless.


At this moment, the Broken God member attacked the transport plane frantically.

He lay on the transport plane like a gecko, his hands turned into long knives, constantly cutting the transport plane, and directly shredded the key parts of the transport plane.

The important parts of the transport plane were missing, and it lost control instantly, staggering and falling towards the ground.

PS: Thank you to the children who urged me to update and send gifts. Six updates are presented. Please give me gifts. After you urge me to update, please watch the video that pops up.


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