But now it was very strange.

He could feel that the old man was still under his bewitching.

However, there was an irresistible force that blocked his bewitching power from inside the old man's body.

Even, the old man fell into a violent state.

The old man's current state was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins, and he would not listen to anything.

If the old man was a crying child, Mo Yu gave him candy to stop the child from crying.

Then, the old man was now a crying child, and candy would not work.

Moreover, the old man was too fast.

The old man who fell into madness rushed around and rushed out hundreds of meters in an instant.

Mo Yu felt like he was riding a roller coaster, and the trees on both sides were retreating crazily, like phantoms.

"Uncle, this speed is too fast, stop, I want to get off!"

Mo Yu yelled, madly controlling the old man, wanting the old man to slow down.

But the old man was crazy and ignored him.

In just a dozen seconds, the old man rushed out of the Death Forest with Mo Yu.

"Fuck, this speed!"

Mo Yu was shocked. He was ready to jump off the old man's back and didn't want to go with the old man.

However, he was worried about another problem.

Now, he was standing on the old man's back and could barely control the old man, at least, he could prevent the old man from attacking him.

If he jumped off the old man's back now, the old man would suddenly turn around and attack him.

He couldn't bewitch the old man who was in a violent state.

He might be in trouble and it would be difficult to get rid of the old man.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you!"

Mo Yu tried to communicate with the old man, but the old man didn't reply to him at all.

"Forget it, I'll just follow you!"

Mo Yu sighed.

Of course, he was also confident that even if he really met someone from the Foundation, he could run away.

However, the main reason was that the Foundation was now fighting the Broken God Cult.

They probably didn't have the energy to deal with him too much.

The Broken God Church is a powerful organization. With them around, the main force of the foundation will inevitably be tied down. He doesn't have to worry too much.


The old man ran all the way, like a high-speed train, and ran far away with a whoosh.

Soon, Mo Yu saw the battlefield in front of him.

He saw hundreds of task force soldiers protecting a dozen people in the middle.

These dozen people were carrying a long iron chain, which was the fragment of God.

And in the 4th week, dozens of Broken God Church members and dozens of unidentified people were frantically attacking the task force soldiers.


A helicopter parked on the ground was frantically destroyed by a Broken God Church member. After approaching the helicopter, this Broken God Church member directly detonated the bomb on his body, perished with the helicopter, and killed several task force soldiers.

"So desperate..."

As soon as Mo Yu came over, he saw such a desperate scene, and his heart was also tight.

At the scene, the task force soldiers and the Broken God Church members were frantically snatching the fragments of God.

It was like a football game with hundreds of people participating. Both sides were fighting for the fragments of God with their lives. The scene was once very chaotic.

However, after the old man came over, the scene changed.

In the old man's mind, there were photos of all the members of the Broken God Church.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed towards the members of the Broken God Church violently.

"682, how could there be 682 here!"

Thomas also took a breath of cold air, and couldn't understand at all that there was 682 here.

"Why is he attacking us specifically!"

Soon, his face changed.

Because, after the old man came, he only attacked the members of the Broken God Church.

Even if the task force soldiers were right next to him, the old man didn't attack, but only targeted the people of the Broken God Church.

"What's going on..."

Thomas was confused. Reason told him that the old man's current situation was not right, just like being controlled by the SCP Foundation.

However, he was very clear about the old man's information. How could an unkillable existence be controlled!


The old man violently tore the members of the Broken God Church into pieces and devoured them.

Whether it was organic or inorganic matter, they were all sources of energy for the old man.

Although most of the bodies of the members of the Broken God Realm were transformed by machinery, they were very hard and even bullets could not kill them.

However, in front of the old man, they were terribly fragile.

Like a piece of paper, they were easily torn into pieces.

"Now, take the chains away!"

Wang Ming shouted.

After the old man entered the battlefield, he directly restrained all the members of the Broken God Church.

He frantically chased and killed the members of the Broken God Church one by one.

The Broken God Church could no longer stop the task force soldiers,A helicopter was parked on the ground.

The task force soldiers carried the iron chain and prepared to move it onto the helicopter.

"Lead him to the gluttonous rabbit!"

Thomas roared, signaling the Broken God Church members to run towards the gluttonous rabbit.

The Broken God Church members who were chased by the old man all ran towards the gluttonous rabbit.

At this time, the gluttonous rabbit was gnawing on a helicopter.

After the Broken God Church members came over, the gluttonous rabbit looked at them with its scarlet eyes.

Then, the Broken God Church members ran madly to both sides, and the old man's huge body rushed over.

"This rabbit is..."

Mo Yu lay on the old man's back and saw the gluttonous rabbit.

The gluttonous rabbit instantly jumped onto the back of the old man's forelimbs and began to gnaw on the old man's forelimbs.

The old man growled and tried to shake off the gluttonous rabbit, but the gluttonous rabbit ate most of his forelimbs.

The terrifying regenerative power tried to heal the old man's forelimbs.

However, the speed at which the gluttonous rabbit gnawed directly exceeded the speed at which the old man recovered.


The old man's left forelimb was quickly eaten up by the gluttonous rabbit. The old man was frightened and lost his balance, and fell to the ground.

The gluttonous rabbit continued to eat the old man's body, and the old man's stomach was eaten up.

"Gluttonous rabbit!"

Mo Yu was shocked.

Seeing the gluttonous rabbit gnaw the old man's body crazily, his scalp was numb.

"Didn't you say he was kind? How could he be kind? He's just a devil!"

Mo Yu was shocked and jumped off the old man's back frantically, staying far away from the gluttonous rabbit.

The old man struggled frantically and stood up from the ground, then ran away in fear, trying to get rid of the gluttonous rabbit.

The gluttonous rabbit chased the old man tightly, and the old man was scared to death.

"No, the gluttonous rabbit only has five minutes left, retreat!"

Thomas was shocked and full of resentment.

Seeing that they were about to snatch the fragment of God.

But the time of the gluttonous rabbit was almost up.

They had to leave here before the time of the gluttonous rabbit was up.

Otherwise, everyone would die here.

All of a sudden, all the members of the Broken God Church frantically left the battlefield, no longer attacking the task force soldiers, but fled towards the direction of the Death Forest.

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