"Deadly poisonous fog..."

Mo Yu was delighted.

The reason why the deadly king snake is called the deadly king snake is because the poisonous fog they spit out is very terrifying and can kill ordinary people instantly.

Now, dozens of deadly king snakes spit out poisonous fog towards the task force soldiers together.

These poisonous fogs gathered together from all directions and floated towards the task force soldiers, instantly surrounding them and making them in a layer of green poisonous fog, which would definitely poison them to death.

"It's just a trick, don't forget, you are our experimental subjects, we naturally have ways to deal with you!"

Wang Ming said disdainfully.

Then, one by one, the task force soldiers took out gas masks and put them on their faces.

These gas masks directly blocked all the green poisonous fog, and the task force soldiers were fine.


The deadly king snake roared angrily.

They couldn't do anything to the task force soldiers.

All of a sudden, the deadly king snakes all drilled into the desert.

They couldn't do anything to the task force soldiers, so they could only retreat.

Mo Yu felt uneasy when he saw that all the deadly king cobras had burrowed into the ground.

He turned around and ran without hesitation.

"SCP-1010, do you think you can run away?"

Wang Ming sneered.

Then, a pointed cone-shaped skateboard appeared under the feet of each task force soldier.

Then, the task force soldiers stood on the skateboard, and the skateboard automatically slid forward at a high speed.

Just like skiing.

The task force soldiers slid quickly in the desert, and the distance with Mo Yu was quickly approaching.

"Fuck, why are there so many ghost things in SCP!"

Mo Yu was speechless.

These task force soldiers really have endless means.

They can go up to the sky and into the earth, and they can do everything, except flying up to the sky!

He just thought of flying.

Then he saw Wang Ming suddenly suspended in the air.


It turned out that the skateboard under Wang Ming's feet could not only slide in the desert.

It can also carry Wang Ming for a short flight at low altitude.

Mo Yu saw Wang Ming slide for a distance, then instantly suspended in the air, chasing him at a low altitude and at high speed.

Flying for a while, then falling to the ground and sliding.

He seemed to understand that this skateboard can only store power for a period of time and fly a short distance.

However, this is also very abnormal.

Although his body has mutated and his running speed is very fast.

However, he can't stand the high-tech products of the task force soldiers!

Hundred meters!

The fastest task force soldier is just a hundred meters behind Mo Yu.

Mo Yu turned around and saw this task force soldier preparing to release the flying missile.

He was shocked and ran at full speed.

The chasing distance of the flying missile is one hundred meters.

Beyond one hundred meters, it is impossible to accurately lock the enemy.

It is a small weapon that is easy to carry and very deadly.

"System, what should I do, think of a way!"

Mo Yu could only ask the system for help.

Now, it is really dangerous, and there is no way to run away.

"Five kilometers ahead, there is an immortal evil lizard, the host can divert the disaster!"

"SCP-682, immortal evil lizard!"

Mo Yu's eyes lit up, and the information of SCP-682 automatically appeared in his mind.

Item number: SCP-682

Item level: Keter

Special containment procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible and cannot be controlled.

As far as he knows, the SCP Foundation is currently unable to destroy the immortal evil lizard, and can only cause terrible physical damage to it.

In other words, the immortal evil lizard is basically difficult to kill.

The immortal evil lizard is usually contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m sealed cage container.

In addition, the inner wall of the cage needs to be lined with a 25cm thick reinforced acid-resistant steel plate.

The internal space of the containment container needs to be filled with a large amount of hydrochloric acid until the immortal evil lizard is completely submerged in the hydrochloric acid and unable to resist.

If the Immortal Lizard tries to struggle to move, speak, or try to destroy the containment measures, the SCP personnel must respond quickly and take countermeasures according to the situation. If necessary, they can take execution measures.

If the Immortal Lizard gets angry, the consequences are terrible. In order to avoid angering the Immortal Lizard, no SCP employee is allowed to talk to it.

In addition, any unauthorized SCP personnel who try to communicate with the Immortal Lizard will be stopped and forcibly taken away.

The Immortal Lizard is a huge reptile of unknown origin.

It shows extremely high intelligence, has extremely strong destructive power, and is extremely dangerous.

The Immortal Lizard is full of hatred for all life.

During the containment period, SCP personnel conducted experiments on it and confirmed this. He hatesHating all life, the Immortal Lizard is judged to be extremely dangerous and abnormal.

The Immortal Lizard has terrible destructive power, speed and rapid reaction ability, but the specific degree will change with the change of its form.

The growth and change speed of the Immortal Lizard's body is very fast. By eating or shedding, the Immortal Lizard can increase or decrease its size.

The Immortal Lizard can obtain energy from any substance, whether it is organic or inorganic, it can become its source of power.

The digestion of the Immortal Lizard is mainly assisted by the filtering gills in the nostrils.

The filtering gills can absorb useful substances in any solution, so that the Immortal Lizard can still regenerate when it is contained in acid.

The regeneration and adaptability of the Immortal Lizard are amazing.

The experimental results show that even if 87% of the Immortal Lizard is destroyed or rotten, it can still move and communicate.

In short, if you encounter the Immortal Lizard, just run.

However, Mo Yu doesn't think so now.

He knew that his chance to survive had come.

Although SCP-682 was terrible, he was now desperate, and the Immortal Lizard was his hope.

He went to the place where the Immortal Lizard was without hesitation, and the task force soldiers were still chasing him.

"SCP-1010, don't run anymore, we will kill you if you run again!"

Wang Ming shouted.

He still wanted to capture Mo Yu alive, so he did not use weapons that could kill Mo Yu.

Li Xiu needed Mo Yu alive for experiments.

He could not kill Mo Yu unless it was absolutely necessary.

Mo Yu did not care about Wang Ming, although he did not know why the Immortal Lizard appeared in this desert.

However, he was right to find the Immortal Lizard.

The distance of 5,000 meters was soon reached.

A sense of uneasiness appeared in Mo Yu's heart.

Without the system's reminder, he also knew the location of the Immortal Lizard.

Perhaps it was because he possessed the power of immortality, which was somewhat similar to the regeneration power of the immortal evil lizard, or the two were originally of the same origin.

"If I can devour the immortal evil lizard, then I will gain his regeneration power, and then my immortal power will reach a terrifying level!"

Such a crazy idea suddenly flashed through Mo Yu's mind.


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