Abel seemed to only target living humans.

He simply ignored other creatures.

He would find the nearest human and kill him.

To deal with this situation, only by killing Abel could everything be ended.

Otherwise, he would keep killing until all humans were killed.

The SCP Foundation wanted to execute Abel, but it was extremely difficult.

Abel's speed and strength were very fast.

Although, his body was not invulnerable.

However, he seemed to have the ability to ignore pain and blows, as if he would not feel pain.

Even if he suffered terrible injuries, even fatal injuries, he could continue to fight energetically.

Abel could break through a very hard special steel security door in four minutes and move 64m in three seconds.

Even after being hit in the head by a 50BMG caliber bullet, he could still fight vigorously for a few minutes and continue to kill humans.

He can block bullets accurately, and even in the absence of oxygen, he can survive for an hour before suffocating to death.

SCP-076-2 Abel can pull out a long black blade from the tiny space crack next to him.

Where this tiny space crack leads to and why Abel can create this space crack are unsolved mysteries.

This black long blade does not reflect light at all, and looks like a black hole space with nothingness and darkness.

The SCP Foundation tried to study the material of this weapon.

However, once this weapon leaves Abel, it will disappear instantly.

Therefore, the SCP Foundation cannot study it at all.

The SCP Foundation once used a machine gun to continuously shoot Abel, causing Abel to suffocate to death, but he would be resurrected from the sarcophagus.

The SCP Foundation killed Abel several times, but he would be resurrected from the sarcophagus.

The SCP Foundation has never been able to understand what the principle is. Abel seems to have an immortal body.

No matter how many times he dies, he will be resurrected from the sarcophagus.

Even the sarcophagus and the rock cube cannot be destroyed.

Even if the SCP Foundation base starts the self-destruction program and explodes instantly.

The rock cube will be preserved intact.

After Abel's death, his body will quickly rot until it turns into ashes and disappears.

At the same time, after Abel's death, the sarcophagus will be instantly closed by a powerful force. The lock outside will continue to rotate and lock it.

After that, Abel will be resurrected in the sarcophagus.

The time for Abel to be resurrected ranges from 6 hours to 25 years.

And three years have passed since Abel was resurrected.

Now, the resurrected Abel has escaped from the base again.

And he slaughtered the living.

The agents around Abel died one by one under the attack of the black long blade in his hand.

They were directly cut in half by Abel.

Even the rifles in their hands could not stop it.

Abel seemed to have learned his lesson. After all, he was killed several times by the SCP Foundation.

Another point is that Abel once worked for the SCP Foundation.

The SCP Foundation established a special agent team called Pandora's Box, with Abel as the captain.

Abel led the Pandora's Box team to fight for the SCP Foundation.

Helping them contain anomalies, with outstanding military exploits, the members of the Pandora's Box team were all humanoid anomalies selected by Abel himself.

Unfortunately, Pandora's Box was disbanded, and Abel was still contained in the end.

"Abel, stop!"

Abel kept slaughtering agents, and some agents tried to calm Abel down.

However, Abel turned into a fighting maniac.

After falling into a violent state, he didn't listen to anyone at all.

He just kept killing living humans one by one.

The 4-week agents fell one by one under his slaughter.

Soon, Abel killed all the agents.

He stood on a pile of corpses, blood dripping from his body.

His eyes were full of rage.

His gaze instantly locked onto Mo Yu, who was closest to him.

Mo Yu felt a will of death coming.

"I was careless!"

Mo Yu's heart trembled.

He was so busy watching Abel fight that he forgot to leave.

Now, Abel killed everyone.

He was the only one closest to Abel!

Abel would look for the human closest to him, and then kill him.

Mo Yu turned around and left without hesitation. He didn't want to fight this fighting maniac.

According to the information, this guy is an indestructible cockroach.

No matter how seriously injured he is, he will continue to fight with vigor.

With such aA fighting maniac fights and asks for trouble.

"You can't escape!"

Abel's voice came loudly.

Then, Abel chased Mo Yu at a speed of 3.64 meters in 3 seconds.

Mo Yu wanted to pass through the wall, but Abel's figure instantly came in front of him and blocked his way.

And the black long blade in Abel's hand.

It came from the side like lightning and chopped directly towards his neck.

Mo Yu almost instinctively retreated.

The tip of the black long blade almost brushed his throat.

The murderous aura of the black long blade made the hairs on his body stand up.

"I don't want to fight with you!"

Mo Yu took a step back and said in a deep voice.

"Men should fight until one side falls. The winner is the real man!"

Abel said loudly.

"You are sick. Are you stimulated by something!"

Mo Yu suddenly thought that Abel was killed by his brother Cain.

Cain killed Abel and became the first criminal and murderer in human history!

Could it be that Abel hated humans and wanted to kill all humans because he was killed by Cain?

Therefore, every time he came out of the sarcophagus, he would kill all the humans closest to him.


Abel roared, and the black long blade in his hand slashed at Mo Yu fiercely.

Facing Abel's crazy attack, Mo Yu quickly dodged and came to Abel's side.

He wanted to use the power of bewitching to bewitch Abel.

Abel was bewitched by Mo Yu, and his movements paused instantly.

Then, he shook his head fiercely, trying to break free from Mo Yu's bewitching.

"This is not what this man did!"

Abel looked at Mo Yu coldly.

His willpower was very strong.

He actually broke free from Mo Yu's bewitching little by little!

Mo Yu was also very shocked. He didn't expect Abel to be so strong.

"Go to hell!"

Abel instantly broke free from the bewitching power, and the black long blade in his hand fell from the sky.

He chopped down Mo Yu fiercely.

Mo Yu's figure instantly disappeared from the ground.

Abel's knife directly cut a long crack on the ground where he stood.


Author has something to say:

There are three more chapters

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