When the transport plane crashed on the square, it exploded instantly.

At this time, the transport plane was still on fire and burning.

However, a terrible beast roar came from the wreckage of the transport plane.

Then, a huge claw directly tore the burning transport plane in half.

A huge body crawled out of the transport plane.

The old man looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, staring at Mo Yu on the square with murderous eyes.

The old man's domineering appearance shocked the members of the supernatural organization lurking around!

"This, 682 old man!"

"It's the old man, my God!"

"The Foundation is so crazy that they dare to put the old man on the transport plane."

"The unkillable old man, he came here, we are in danger!"

The supernatural members who were lurking in the dark were all terrified when they saw the old man.

Everyone is familiar with the legend of the old man.

No one is afraid of the old man!

Because, the old man is an immortal being, and he has extremely strong destructive power.

Moreover, he hates all life, and he will kill any life he sees without hesitation.

Now, the old man suddenly fell from the sky.

This ruined all their plans. Who dares to go out when the old man is here!

If you go out, you will be killed.

The key is that the old man cannot be killed, which is a headache.

"What should I do!"

The members of the Broken God Church also looked at each other, and they could not have expected this situation at all.

Everyone looked at Thomas.

In this case, with the old man here, do they still have to go out to save Mo Yu?

Last time, in the Rattlesnake Desert, the members of the Broken God Church were chased by the old man and lost their armor.

Many people were eaten by the old man, and now they see the old man.

All the members of the Broken God Church are terrified.

"Wait and see!"

Thomas also took a deep breath, and he was a little confused.

The appearance of the old man completely disrupted his plan.

However, the presence of the old man here is a bad thing for them, but also a good thing!

Because, if the old man is here, it can also deter other supernatural organizations.

He knows that some organizations are not here to capture Mo Yu, they are here to kill Mo Yu!

Some organizations exist to destroy all anomalies in the world.

Especially extremely powerful anomalies like Mo Yu, which are specifically targeted by these organizations!

Their goal is to kill all anomalies that threaten humans.

The reason why he asked all the members of the Broken God Church to come here.

It is to resist these organizations that want to kill Mo Yu.

He can't let Mo Yu be killed. After all, Mo Yu got the Broken Order and is a member of their Broken God Church.

In a building next to it, the members of the Serpent's Hand also stared at the old man in amazement.

Everyone looked at the Death Siren.

The Death Siren also took a deep breath, asking everyone to wait and see, and not to act rashly.

Now, they can't attract the attention of the old man.

The old man hates all life and will kill everyone he sees.

If they go out rashly, they will surely die in the mouth of the old man.

"Great, another valuable anomaly has come!"

The building where the Chaos Insurgency is located.

The moment the Chaos Insurgency saw the old man, everyone's eyes lit up.

They are not afraid of the old man, on the contrary, they are very excited.

Because the old man is the anomaly they have always wanted to obtain.

It's just that they didn't succeed!

Now, the old man escaped from the shelter and came outside.

Then, they have a chance to take the old man in.

If they can bring the old man back, they will definitely be rewarded by the top leaders.

Therefore, all members of the Chaos Insurgency are rubbing their fists and preparing to take the old man in.

However, they did not act rashly. If they act now, they will be killed by the old man.

"Damn it, how could the old man appear here!"

In secret, many people from the supernatural organization are full of anger.

Many of them came to kill Mo Yu and Abel, and their goal is to destroy all anomalies.

Now, the old man appeared here, disrupting their plan.

Because, as we all know, there is no way to kill the old man yet.

Even if they want to destroy the anomaly, they are helpless against the old man who can't be killed.

"Haha, the old man is finally here!"

Hundreds of meters away, Thomas laughed.

He waited for a long time and finally waited for the old man to come.

At the same time, he also prepared a photo of 096.

Wait a minute, if necessary, he will let 096 come over.

"Commander, I am the commander of this secret mission."Wang Ming, the executor of the mission!"

Wang Ming came to Thomas.

"Well, thank you for bringing me here. Next, leave it to us!"

Thomas nodded.

"Commander, there is one thing I want to explain to you."

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

"What is it? "

Thomas said in a deep voice.

Then, Wang Ming also told Thomas that they came here this time to bring Mo Yu back.

In principle, they want Mo Yu alive.

Of course, if they can't capture him alive, then they have to take Mo Yu's body back.

When Thomas heard that Wang Ming wanted to take Mo Yu away, his brows frowned.

He is very interested in Mo Yu now and wants to study Mo Yu very much.

If Mo Yu can be left in the Hanting City base for research.

Then, it is of great significance to the future of Hanting City.

Even, he will enter the 05 Parliament because of the results of studying Mo Yu.

That's his ultimate dream!

But now Wang Ming wants to take Mo Yu away, which makes him a little unwilling.

"Commander, I need to make a statement. This is the meaning above, involving the 05 Parliament. "

Wang Ming felt that Thomas didn't want him to take Mo Yu away, so he also emphasized the 05 Council.

When he heard the words 05 Council, Thomas's face changed.

Then, he took a deep breath and said.

"Hanting City Base will fully cooperate with you to capture him."

Hearing Thomas say this, Wang Ming nodded with satisfaction.

However, what he didn't see was that when Thomas turned his head, a hint of viciousness flashed in his eyes.

Thomas didn't want Wang Ming to take Mo Yu away in his heart.

Mo Yu must be his, he has already identified Mo Yu!

No matter what method he uses, he must let Mo Yu stay in Hanting City.

Even if it is a secret project above, he can't let Mo Yu be taken away like this.

This is related to his opportunity to enter the 05 Council.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die! "

Thomas had a strong murderous intent in his heart.

No matter whether it was the supernatural organizations lurking around or Wang Ming and others, no one could take Mo Yu away.

He would keep Mo Yu in Hanting City for research at all costs!

PS: There are five more chapters to come, which are under review and will be out soon

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