Originally, many paper dragons would fly out of SCP-1762-1 every once in a while.

However, this state lasted only a little over 11 months before something unusual happened.

One day, the dragons that flew out were disabled and were found to be dead.

In addition, flames were constantly gushing out of SCP-1762-1, sometimes up to two meters long.

The fantasy world is experiencing a huge change, and the dragons are fighting unknown enemies.

The number of dragons is constantly decreasing, and information is constantly coming out of the SCP-1762-1 box.

The demons are attacking the fantasy world, and they come from the abyss.

They want to enter the human world through the fantasy world and cause the end of the world.

The dragons resist the demons and protect humans from being harmed by the demons.

They tried their best to resist the demons' footsteps.

However, they always failed.

God suppressed the demons in the abyss. The demons wanted to start the end of the world, but they couldn't get directly from the abyss to the earth.

The fantasy world is the connection point between the two worlds.

The devil can only open the passage to the human world through the fantasy world.

The entire fantasy world cannot stop the devil's offensive.

In the end, only the box is left as the last position.

The dragon in the fantasy world found that it could no longer hold its position, so it sealed the box mouth with dragon breath, blocking the devil from reaching the human world.

But its own race also perished, and finally, God created another fantasy world.

And on the box where the dragon had fought, it was written: Dragons were here.

The outside of the box was burned and charred, and for a long time, no dragons flew out.

Although the box was repaired, there was no movement.

Humans don't know what happened in the fantasy world.

However, they know from the information that the dragons constantly conveyed from the box that the dragons are fighting unknown enemies.

However, they failed.

However, the dragons finally blocked the exit of the box, preventing unknown enemies from entering the human world, which protected humans.

At this time, the system told Mo Yu that the devil is coming!

Mo Yu was also very shocked.

He looked at the tall black shadow attacking the building next to him.

"Is this guy a demon?"

"No, he's a projection!"

The system said in a deep voice.

"It's just a projection, but it's so powerful!"

Mo Yu was shocked.

"How did he get here? Did he come through the box?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the passage of SCP-1762-1 was probably opened a little by the demon inside, so the projection of the demon came here."

The system said in a deep voice.

"If it is a fantasy world created by God, then God should know that the demon is coming. Where is God?"

Mo Yu looked around.

"God is probably busy with other things now. This demon projection is just a small matter compared to the box. God must find the box and find a way to block the exit of the box!"

The system said in a deep voice.

"Fuck, system, don't scare me. You say it as if the matter is very serious."

Mo Yu was shocked.

"Some supernatural organizations must have taken the box of SCP-1762-1. They may be trying to open the box and release the demon inside."

The system said.


Mo Yu's heart trembled. If the demon is released, then the end of the world will come!

"Does the SCP Foundation know?"

"They must know, otherwise, why would they block the time train!"

The system said in a deep voice.

"What does the time train have to do with this!"

Mo Yu was puzzled.

"The time train leads to every world! Legend has it that there is also a time train leading to the abyss. The demon may be able to come to the human world from that time train."

"Fuck, that's dangerous, the demon must come from the time train!"

Mo Yu frowned.

"Don't worry, the demon can't come yet. The time train leading to the abyss has been destroyed by God and scrapped."

The system said.

"Is that so? Then you should have said it earlier. It made me worry for a while!"

Mo Yu said with a smile.

"However, if the devil repairs the time train, then they can come to the human world through the time train!"

Suddenly, the system said.

Hearing the system say this, Mo Yu's heart trembled.

"The devil can also repair the time train!"

"Well, it has been many years since God scrapped the time train. For so many years, the devil must have been trying to repair it."

The system said.

"God can destroy the time train again"Right!" said Mo Yu.

"The time train cannot be destroyed just because you want to. Even God can hardly do it!" said the system.

Mo Yu was puzzled. He asked the system again. If God can destroy it once, then it should be no problem to destroy it the second time.

However, the system suddenly asked Mo Yu back.

"If you are an ordinary person, and now I ask you to destroy a high-speed train, can you do it with your bare hands?"


Mo Yu was speechless. He wanted to say bombs.

"I know you want to say bombs, but for a being of God's level, it is very difficult to find the "bomb" he needs. He also spent countless efforts to get a "bomb" last time! "

The system said meaningfully to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu also gradually understood what the system wanted to express.

To destroy the time train, a very terrible "bomb" is needed.

For God, it is very troublesome to gather materials to make this kind of "bomb".

"If the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up!"

Mo Yu shook his head. Why should he worry about these things? Let the old man God worry about it.


The black shadow in front destroyed a building again, and Mo Yu quickly dodged.

This demon projection is simply a destructive maniac.

If according to what the system said, this demon projection should be a projection from the box of SC P-1762-1.

This means that there are cracks in the box, and perhaps more demons will be projected out.

"Boom! "

More than a dozen helicopters flew over in the sky.

The SCP Foundation also received the news of the demon projection.

Suddenly, countless bullets and shells in the helicopters blasted towards the demon projection.


One by one, the shells fell on the demon projection, blowing big holes in his body.

However, the demon projection seemed to be fine, but his shadow looked a little illusory.

"It's just a projection. Physical attacks are useless unless you destroy him all at once!"

The system said.

Sure enough, dozens of helicopters surrounded the demon projection and attacked it frantically, but they didn't destroy it.

Even though a big hole was pierced in the chest of the demon projection, his shadow was just a little illusory, and he didn't die.

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