SCP-682 is indeed a perverted abnormality that even the SCP Foundation cannot kill.

It is simply against the will of heaven.

"Your uncle is indeed your uncle!"

SCP-682 has another nickname in the SCP Foundation, which is Uncle.

Mo Yu lay on the ground, slowly waiting for his body to recover.

Now, his body is torn and his injuries are too serious.

He ran here in one go, and he has exhausted every bit of strength in his body.

Now, even moving a finger is extremely difficult for him.

Moreover, he felt severe pain all over his body, which made him frown.

If he was not worried about being heard by the task force soldiers, he would have wanted to shout out loudly.

He could only bite his teeth quietly and insist on enduring this severe pain.

The immortal power is repairing his flesh and blood.

He knew that the task force soldiers were looking for him in the deep pit of the explosion.

He must leave here as soon as possible, although the distance of 10,000 meters is safe.

However, these task force soldiers have all kinds of high-tech weapons, and he was worried about being discovered.

After a few minutes, when his flesh and blood recovered a little.

He gathered his strength and continued to run forward, not daring to stop.

The farther away from the task force soldiers, the safer he was.

He blindly chose a direction away from the task force soldiers.

He ran for half an hour before he stopped.

Suddenly, he heard the roar of a helicopter, and his face changed suddenly.

The helicopter appeared in this desert, it must be SCP people.

He instantly drilled into the desert underground, and ran a hundred meters underground before stopping.

After possessing abnormal defense and immortal power, he found that he could freely shuttle in the desert underground.

And, he could hold his breath for a few minutes.

The helicopter flew quickly above his head.

A minute later, after the helicopter went away, he crawled out of the ground.


He could tell from the sound that three helicopters had just flown by.

This type of helicopter is a fighter jet of the SCP.

Each helicopter can accommodate up to 50 people.

Three helicopters had passed by, which meant that the SCP had sent a large number of task force soldiers.

And the direction of the helicopters was exactly where he was before.

These task force soldiers came for SCP-682.

Fortunately, he escaped from the explosion site in advance. If he continued to stay there, he would definitely be discovered by these task force soldiers.

In that case, he would definitely die.

He didn't want to go back to the laboratory and continue to be a guinea pig in the experiment.

"We must leave the Rattlesnake Desert as soon as possible!"

There were so many task force soldiers in the desert suddenly. If they knew he was still alive, they would definitely dig deep to find him.

It was very dangerous for him to stay in the Rattlesnake Desert, and he had to do everything he could to get out of the sight of the SCP task force soldiers.

When Mo Yu was running away, at the bottom of the deep pit.

The task force did not find Mo Yu's broken bones.

On the contrary, SCP-682's flesh became stronger and stronger.

Even, they could not quickly find some of SCP-682's flesh.

They needed to carefully detect hundreds of meters underground to find it.

"Captain, there are no fragments of SCP-1010. Should we leave now? SCP-682 is about to revive!"

A task force soldier said to Wang Ming in horror.

They carefully searched any corner at the bottom of the deep pit, but did not find Mo Yu's broken bones.

"Support will arrive in 20 minutes. Let's hold on for another 20 minutes!"

Wang Ming said.

According to the time, support will arrive soon.

Although SCP-682 is reviving quickly, if they find a way to hold on for 20 minutes, it will be fine.

As long as they wait for support to come, even if SCP-682 is fully revived, they can temporarily contain SCP-682.

Seeing that Wang Ming was not giving up, the other task force soldiers sighed in their hearts and had to follow Wang Ming to continue looking for Mo Yu.

At the same time, they kept blowing up the flesh balls revived by SCP-682, destroying them and preventing them from reorganizing.

The sound of helicopters soon rang out in the distant sky.

The task force soldiers at the bottom of the deep pit were all overjoyed.

They finally got support.

Three helicopters flew over the deep pit, and then slowly landed at the bottom of the deep pit.

More than 100 task force soldiers got off the helicopters.

"Skynet Task Force Fourth Squadron, Seventh Battalion, Ninth Squadron, come to support!"

Fourth SquadronCaptain Gao Han said to Wang Ming.

"You are finally here. SCP-682 is reviving. Hurry up and find a way to contain him."

Wang Ming said loudly.


Gao Han nodded.

After receiving Wang Ming's request for help, they brought a large amount of hydrochloric acid.

Suddenly, countless hydrochloric acid was brought down from the helicopter.

There were also some glass instruments.

Then, the task force soldiers assembled these glass instruments into a cage.

"Now, put SCP-682 in it!"

This cage is used to hold SCP-682.

At the same time, the task force soldiers poured countless hydrochloric acid in this cage.

When SCP-682 is completely immersed in hydrochloric acid, it will fall into silence and will be contained for a short time.

The task force soldiers looked for SCP-682's flesh balls everywhere. This time they did not destroy these flesh balls.

Instead, they tried to capture them and bring them into the cage.

Soon, they caught a meat ball.

Then, they caught the still squirming meat ball and threw it into the cage.

When the meat ball was surrounded by hydrochloric acid, it instantly became quiet and stopped squirming.

When they caught the second meat ball and were about to throw it into the cage, Wang Ming suddenly stopped the task force soldiers.

"Don't put it in. If you put it in, the two meat balls will merge into one, which will only promote the rapid resurrection of SCP-682. We have to separate them."

"But we only brought one container!"

Gao Han said in a deep voice.

"Captain Wang Ming, this kind of container is specially prepared for dangerous anomalies, and we have so much hydrochloric acid, even if the complete SCP-682 is obedient, don't worry!"

Li Xiang, the captain of the seventh team, said with a smile.

"Why only bring one!"

Wang Ming's face was solemn.

"Captain Wang Ming, you are making a fuss. It's just an anomaly. What's there to worry about? There are so many of us. What are we afraid of?" Zhao Kuo, the captain of the ninth team, said loudly. They are all captains of the Skynet Task Force, although they have not seen SCP-682 with their own eyes. However, they do not believe that SCP-682 is as scary as the legend says!

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