After all the infected were killed, the sniper fired incendiary bombs.

These incendiary bombs landed accurately on their bodies.

Then, the fire ignited their bodies.

Their bodies slowly burned into ash and charcoal in the fire.

Thomas no longer cared about the outside world, but concentrated on launching the plan of ascension.

The members of the Broken God Church were all scattered in their base at this time.

Basically, they kept a distance of 30 meters from each other.

Only after they were completely sure that they were not infected with 610, they would gather together again.

And those who showed early symptoms would take the initiative to go to the quarantine area, and then accept death.

The sudden outbreak of 610 also brought great harm to the Broken God Church.

At the same time, in some hidden corners.

Some members of the Broken God Church were killed.

Their bodies suddenly opened their eyes.

They were resurrected and turned into zombies.

Then, smelling the smell of living people, they took the initiative to rush towards the nearest Broken God Church members.

"Zombies, 008!"

When the members of the Broken God Church saw the zombies, they were all stunned.

They didn't expect that there was not only 610, but also 008.

This was exactly what happened in Hanting City, and it was happening again.

"Sarkic Cult, damn it!"

The members of the Broken God Church all knew that it was the Sarkic Cult that was causing trouble.

Because they already knew that Hanting City was dominated by the Sarkic Cult.

Now, 610 and 008 appeared in their base.

It was naturally the Sarkic Cult that was destroying their plan to ascend to the gods.

At the same time, all the members of the Broken God Church dispersed, and many of them protected the area where Thomas started the mountaineering plan, setting it as a restricted area.

And the other members of the Broken God Church began to spread out in all directions.

Looking for the Sarkic Cult in the dark.

Mo Yu stood at the Broken God Cult base, and he looked at the wandering zombies around.

At this time, many people in the Broken God Cult base were infected with 008 and turned into zombies.

They were attacking the Broken God Cult members around them!

"Stay away from them, shoot them 30 meters away!"

Many Broken God Cult members were terrified and avoided these zombies.

They didn't dare to get close at all, because these zombies had 610 on them.

They not only had 008 but also 610 on them.

The two viruses combined together!

They turned them into scary monster zombies with multiple hands, multiple feet, long heads and wide heads.

Once these zombies get 30 meters close to them, they will be infected with 610.

Therefore, these Broken God Cult members are madly staying away from these zombies and don't dare to fight them at close range.

They can only attack from 30 meters away.

However, many people were caught off guard and were still within 30 meters of these zombies, and were forced to be infected with 610.

They also sighed helplessly.

In the end, they fought these zombies at close range.

After dealing with these zombies, they took out incendiary bombs and set the corpses of the zombies on fire.

Then, they stood next to the burning fire and shot themselves.

Their bodies fell into the flames.

There were also many mutant zombies rushing towards Mo Yu.

However, after these zombies approached him, he directly destroyed the consciousness in his mind.

Mo Yu looked at the members of the Broken God Church, who died so tragically, and his brows furrowed.

These members of the Broken God Church, as long as they knew that they were infected with 610, they would commit suicide as soon as possible.

Moreover, they would burn all the bodies infected with 610.

008 and 610 combined, it is simply a terrible killing power for anyone.

I am afraid that only people like Mo Yu are not afraid.

If people infected with 610 become monsters completely.

Then, they will consciously attack those who are not infected with 610.

Trying to infect others seems to have become their nature.

Therefore, we can see that the monster zombies on the 4th are rushing towards the members of the Broken God Church frantically.

As long as they sense that there are people who are not infected with 610, they will rush over.

Although the members of the Broken God Church are in chaos, they still handle things in an orderly manner.

They directly set up a fire defense zone in the area in front.

They directly burned a row of flames on the ground to resist those infected with 610.

One by one, the monster zombies came into these flames, and when they passed through the flames, their whole bodies wereIt was set on fire.

Then, after walking a few steps, he fell directly to the ground.

Burned by the fire.

Suddenly, several coordinates appeared in Mo Yu's mind.

He saw several people on the monitor he set up at the time train.

The eyes of these people just happened to see his monitor.

However, they didn't know there was a monitor.

It was just that their eyes happened to see it.

These people were very mysterious, and there were more people coming.

They were searching this area, and Mo Yu was also shocked. Could it be that someone had discovered the time train?

However, soon, he found that these people left after searching here.

They didn't seem to know that the time train was at this location.


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from outside.

Then, a huge three-meter-tall flesh and blood monster rushed in from outside with a roar.

Mo Yu also looked at this flesh and blood monster in surprise.

In his mind, he instantly knew that this was a monster from the Sarkic Cult.

Moreover, there are more flesh monsters coming in.

These monsters look like werewolves that have mutated into monsters.

They retain the body form of werewolves, but they also have many hands or feet like the zombies around them that are infected with 610.

"The Sarkic Cult is here, get ready for battle!"

The members of the Broken God Church behind the flame zone also made preparations at the first time.

Most of their bodies are mechanically modified.

However, even so, they can still infect 008 and 610.

Now, the Sarkic Cult is attacking in a big way, and they must hold this line of defense.

"Don't commit suicide anymore, go kill them!"

A senior member of the Broken God Cult said loudly to the Broken God Cult members who were infected with 610 and were about to commit suicide.

Instead of meaninglessly committing suicide, it is better to rush over and kill those monsters of the Sarkic Cult within the time of being infected to buy them time.


These infected people said in a deep voice.

Then, they quickly rushed towards the monsters of the Sarkic sect.

Their hands turned into big swords, or directly turned into machine guns.

They began to attack the monsters of the Sarkic sect.

One of the members of the Broken God had his hands turned into two big swords.

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