God himself is the creator of the universe, so the entire world was created by God!

He is God, and he has been protecting his people from harm.

Now, God enters the abyss for mankind and destroys the time train, all for the sake of protecting mankind!

Mo Yu suddenly figured out why God would help the Foundation.

On the surface, the SCP Foundation is to protect mankind from harm.

The will of the SCP Foundation is the same as God's will, both of which are to protect mankind!

Mo Yu suddenly speculated whether the relationship between the SCP Foundation and God is a relationship of superiors and subordinates.

Is God the main messenger behind the Foundation?

If God created the SCP Foundation.

Then, God is the person behind it.

And his identity is the creator of the universe, so it is not easy for him to come forward to take charge of the Foundation. After all, he is an anomaly.

The Foundation is an ordinary person on the surface, and they contain anomalies!

God's identity is an anomaly, and he cannot take charge of the Foundation as an anomaly.

So, he chose the 05 Council and let the members of the 05 Council take over the Foundation on his behalf.

However, many people in the Foundation do not know God, and even took him in. Is this what God wants?

Perhaps a few of the senior officials of the 05 Council know God.

They have communicated with God.

The reason why God volunteered to be taken in by the Foundation is because he needs an open identity.

It allows him to stay in the Foundation openly.

At the same time, when the Foundation is in danger, he can also take action secretly.

Mo Yu thought of God helping the Foundation to find him several times.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He felt that God seemed to be on the side of the Foundation.

God's identity is very special.

If he doesn't want to be taken in, let alone the Foundation, no organization in the world can take him in.

He can also go to other organizations!

But why did he choose to stay in the Foundation?

Moreover, God lives a very comfortable life in the Foundation, and employees like to chat with him.

Even many employees deliberately take leave to chat with him.

In general, God lives very well in the Foundation and has a very good relationship with the people in the Foundation.

"This guy, can't he really be the one behind the Foundation!"

Mo Yu smacked his lips.

The demon projection appeared, and the box of 1762 was stolen by the Sarkic Cult. God also took it back as soon as possible on behalf of the Foundation.

The demon wanted to take the time train from the abyss, and God also rushed to the abyss as soon as possible, wanting to destroy the time train.

The purpose of all this is exactly the same as that of the Foundation.

It's all to protect mankind.

Mo Yu also understood why God said that he was God and created the universe himself.

He is really God, and he has been protecting mankind.

It's just that people don't believe it.

"This old man..."

Mo Yu also shook his head.

At this time, he didn't seem to mind God much, although God had exposed his whereabouts several times.

"Forget it. If the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up. Let the old man God take care of the devil's affairs. I will strengthen myself first."

Mo Yu shook his head.

He has one ability that has not been tested yet, that is the crying of 808 mechanical choir.

808 mechanical choir, suspected to be the legs of the Broken God.

Mo Yu swallowed 808 and gained this ability to kill people with crying.

He can make people close to him feel the crying he makes.

He can control the decibel of the crying.

He can control the decibel and make people deaf.

He can also control the decibel and kill people directly by raising it to a certain level.

At this time, the person next to him who speaks the language of the Broken God is still talking.

Mo Yu directly used the ability of 808 on him.

The next second, a burst of crying emanated from Mo Yu's body.

Then, the person next to him directly covered his ears and screamed in pain.

Mo Yu is not very familiar with the control of decibels.

Therefore, he also controlled the decibel, constantly raising or lowering the decibel.

This person rolled on the ground in pain, and soon, blood flowed from his ears.

He was deafened by Mo Yu's crying.

Soon, this person lay motionless on the ground.

He had become deaf and could not hear any sound.

Mo Yu raised the decibel again.

Although this person became deaf, under the more terrifying decibel, his brain turned into a mess.

BrainDeath, he was killed directly by the decibel of the cry.

In the darkness nearby, many people from the Sarkic sect were also stunned when they heard a burst of earth-shaking cry from the side.

Under this decibel of cry, they felt their eardrums numb.

Many people directly covered their ears and squatted on the ground, looking very painful.

Even at such a distance, they also felt the lethality of the decibel.

Mo Yu looked at the dead Sarkic sect on the ground.

He re-selected the coordinates in his mind and reappeared next to a Sarkic sect member.

He used the cry without hesitation, and this Sarkic sect member fell to the ground in pain, unable to fight back.

Mo Yu kept testing the decibel to see what level of decibel could make people deaf.

What level of decibel could make people die instantly.

He kept appearing next to the Sarkic sect members and used the cry test.

Soon, he mastered the power of crying decibels.

He could make people deaf or kill them instantly at will.

There were many corpses of Sarkic people on the ground.

They were bleeding from all seven orifices and could not die any more.


After testing 808's ability, Mo Yu was also very excited.

At this time, he was simply an emotionless killer.

He was proficient in various ways of killing, making it difficult to defend against him.

Who would have thought that he could combine so many abnormal abilities in one?

Suddenly, he felt a terrifying force coming from the darkness.

Then, he entered the underground without hesitation, shuttled underground, and ran towards the distance.

Just a few seconds after he left, there was a shocking explosion outside the Broken God base.

Because the Sarkic attack was too fierce, the Broken God had no choice but to use a forbidden bomb.

A large number of Sarkic monsters were killed instantly, and the Sarkic suffered heavy losses.

A big pit appeared outside the Broken God Cult base.

Countless monsters died, and the Sarkic Cult also suffered heavy losses.

Mo Yu appeared in the distance, watching the earth-shattering explosion behind him.

This explosion was even more powerful than a fission ballistic missile.

PS: The gifts are about to break 350, thank you everyone, I hope it can break 400

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