
Mo Yu nodded.

Since the system said that he couldn't devour the gluttonous rabbit now.

Then, he could only give up.

However, he still missed the gluttonous rabbit in his heart.

He might be too weak now.

If he has a chance in the future, he will still devour the gluttonous rabbit. Now, let's just grow up.

"Host, I know you want to devour the gluttonous rabbit, but wait until you stand at the top of this world. Then you can devour the gluttonous rabbit when you figure it out."

The system also encouraged.


Mo Yu's attention was also moved away from the gluttonous rabbit.

Not being able to devour the gluttonous rabbit now is like having a golden mountain in front of him that he can't take away.

At the same time, Mo Yu also frowned. What kind of existence is the owner of the gluttonous rabbit?

He actually raised a pet as terrifying as the gluttonous rabbit.

However, the gluttonous rabbit is usually very kind and docile.

The level of the foundation is also safe, very safe.

He will not attack people actively. If you ignore his ability to devour everything, he is indeed a perfect pet.

"Wait, one day I will know who you are."

Mo Yu made up his mind.

Not only the gluttonous rabbit, but also the owner of the gluttonous rabbit, he will not let it go.

Wait until he grows up and devours all the strong!

In the darkness, bursts of gunfire came.

The Chaos Insurgency once again launched an attack on the SCP Foundation.

At this time, the time train is about to arrive.

Wars have also broken out between various organizations, and everyone is preparing to snatch the time train.

This time, the attack on the foundation is still the Chaos Insurgency's cannon fodder, and there are a lot of people.

Dense black shadows filled the darkness, and it was estimated that there were about hundreds of people.

Mo Yu also sighed, I'm afraid only an organization like the Chaos Insurgency can gather so many cannon fodder.

Even the Foundation can't find so many D-level personnel.

The Chaos Insurgency will capture those people in the countries they control.

Then, they will give them some devilish training and train them into killer cannon fodder.

Once they encounter dangerous things, they will let these cannon fodder go up and consume.

At this time, the Chaos Insurgency intends to use these cannon fodder to consume the power of the Foundation's agents.

Then, they will take action to annihilate the Foundation in one fell swoop.

The Foundation also understands this truth, so they directly dispatched the abnormality.

The agents hid in the dark and tried to go out as little as possible.

Since Wang Ming pressed the red button in his hand, the gluttonous rabbit fell into a deep sleep.

This process can last for about five minutes.

Now, five minutes are almost up.

Wang Ming also asked someone to put the gluttonous rabbit outside.

After the gluttonous rabbit woke up, his drug effect was still there.

In the darkness, the Chaos Separatist cannon fodder was attacking.

When they approached, they happened to meet the awakened Taotie Rabbit.

The Taotie Rabbit's eyes were bloodshot and fell into a frenzy.

He madly attacked the Chaos Separatist cannon fodder around him.

He was very fast. After flashing in the darkness, the Chaos Separatist cannon fodder was swallowed by it one by one.

Wang Ming and others also set up a defense line on the periphery, ready to catch the turtle in the jar.

No one could escape.


After those Chaos Separatist cannon fodder knew that it was Taotie Rabbit attacking them, they also knew that this was a trap.

They were ready to retreat, but when they retreated to the periphery, they were attacked by agents.

Chaos Separatist cannon fodder was killed one by one.

Taotie Rabbit was also madly devouring their bodies on the ground.

Wang Ming and others stopped these people from escaping, and these people were also eaten by Taotie Rabbit.

At the same time, Wang Ming was also watching the gluttonous rabbit vigilantly.

The red button can only be used once, and if it is used again, it must be at least half an hour later.

He can't put the gluttonous rabbit to sleep now.

He can only wait for the effect of the medicine on the gluttonous rabbit to wear off.

Fortunately, since the potion was injected into the gluttonous rabbit, the time is almost up.

This potion lasts for half an hour.

After half an hour, the gluttonous rabbit can return to normal and become docile and kind again.

At that time, they can take the gluttonous rabbit away.

Mo Yu watched the gluttonous rabbit devour the Chaos Split cannon fodder in the dark, and he was also envious.

However, he couldn't do anything to the gluttonous rabbit now.

He also turned around and left here. He was going to find other anomalies to devour.

The reason why he came to the time train was to devour the anomalies here.

Because each organization will bring the anomalies they have collected over the years.

Let the anomalies fight,This is a good opportunity for him to devour.


He shuttled through the darkness, looking for abnormalities.


Suddenly, he heard a sound of mosquitoes in the distance.

He frowned, thinking it was a wasp.

But when he got closer, he found that it was not a wasp.

It was another kind of fly mosquito.

Moreover, there were quite a lot of these mosquitoes, densely packed in the sky, forming a blood-red shadow.

Mo Yu hid in the darkness and looked at these mosquitoes in shock.

Finally, these mosquitoes flew into the darkness.

Mo Yu followed and saw that they were staring at some agents.

When these agents saw the mosquitoes flying over, they were also terrified.

They ran away frantically, but these mosquitoes flew over in an instant.

The next second, all four agents were surrounded by mosquitoes.

They screamed in pain and fell to the ground in an instant.

The mosquitoes also left their bodies quickly, and they didn't seem to be hurt.

They rolled on the ground, as if they were in great pain.

Suddenly, something that surprised Mo Yu appeared.

After the flies left.

The four agents on the ground had mosquitoes flying out of their skin.

Especially in their mouths, nostrils, eyes, and ears.

"What's going on!"

Mo Yu also asked the system in his heart.

"SCP-149, blood flies."

At the same time, Mo Yu's mind also had more information about SCP-149.

SCP-149, blood flies, keter-level anomaly.

SCP-149 is a mosquito that carries a virus.

The virus they carry is called a retrovirus, or SCP-149-A.

SCP-149-A can cause human cells to mutate and mutate into fertilized eggs of SCP-149.

That is to say, after being infected with SCP-149-A, it is possible that all human cells may mutate.

All of them will become fertilized eggs of SCP-149. At that time, it will be very scary. It is very likely that all human cells will become SCP-149.

When SCP-149 bites the target, it will directly inject SCP-149-A into the target's blood.

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