After hearing this order, all the Chaos Insurgency members were angry.

"So the commander has been killed!"

"Who is the commander who just gave us the order?"

"He was an imposter. He must have killed the commander."

"We were fooled. Go back and fight."

"No wonder they asked us to retreat. Damn it. Go back and kill him!"

All the Chaos Insurgency members were angry.

Their helicopter turned around quickly, trying to go back and snatch the time train.

At the same time, 056 disguised himself in Pete's communicator.

Naturally, the order sounded, and he knew that he was exposed.

"Hey, I was discovered so quickly. It's not fun!"

056 sighed.

Then, he instantly turned into a handsome young man.

The members of the Samsara team next to him knew that 056 had been exposed.

He also took 056 back to the base.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it is exposed or not now.

The important thing is that the time train has fallen into their hands.

"Damn, it's fake..."

Li Si's roar came from one of the helicopters of the retreating Sarkic Cult in the distance.

Their Sarkic Cult was also tricked.

"Check, what's going on!"

Li Si roared.

"Sir, it's 056!"

Soon, the Sarkic Cult members next to him found 056's information.

After Li Si knew that it was 056 disguised as Pete, he was also very angry.

He should have thought of this earlier.

After all, 056 turned into Abel and cursed Cain before.

After that, 056 was exposed and kept turning into other people.

At that time, he suspected it was 056.

Unfortunately, everything happened too fast.

He didn't expect that 056 would be so bold as to disguise as Pete to give orders to the Chaos Insurgency.

"SCP Foundation!"

Li Si gritted his teeth.

He finally understood why the SCP Foundation sent the Samsara Squad to attack Pete directly.

It turned out that they wanted the Samsara Squad to kill Pete, and then let 056 disguise as Pete and give orders to the Chaos Insurgency.

"I was careless..."

Li Si regretted it.

Originally, according to his wisdom, he should not have been so careless.

Unfortunately, a negligence caused such a big mistake.

He also lost the time train.

Now, the Foundation and the GOC control the time train, and both organizations are very powerful.

They want to snatch the time train back, but the hope is slim.

Li Si clenched his fists. If they can't control the time train.

Then, how can they implement the plan!

"The plan cannot fail. No matter what the cost, we must control the time train!"

Li Si gritted his teeth.

"Go back and fight!"

Suddenly, the helicopter of the Sarkic Cult also turned around quickly and headed towards the time train.

On the battlefield below the time train, Cain and 096 fought madly.

096 couldn't do anything to Cain, and Cain couldn't kill 096 either.

096's speed was too fast, it was like teleportation.

He could dodge all of Cain's attacks, and 096 couldn't kill Cain either.

"What! Pete is dead!"

During the battle, Cain also received a message from the Chaos Insurgency leaders.

"Cain, now you are allowed to take full control of the Chaos Insurgency forces and command them to fight. You must take back the time train."

The Chaos Insurgency leaders made a major decision, deciding to let Cain take over Pete's position and snatch the time train for them.

"Okay, no problem!"

Cain's eyes flashed.

He was also very surprised that the Chaos Insurgency leaders decided to let him take over Pete's position.

However, this is good for him.

He originally wanted to control the time train, and now, the power of the Chaos Insurgency is under his command.

Then, his grasp is a little greater.

"It's time!"

Cain whispered, instantly rebounding 096's attack.

Then, he took out a secret communicator and dialed the phone.

"I'm Cain!"

There was silence on the other side for a second.

Then, a deep voice came.

"Son of God, you haven't contacted us for ten years!"

"I'm waiting for the opportunity, now it's almost time, the ascension plan has succeeded!"

Cain said calmly.

"It's almost successful, it will take another fifteen minutes!"

The voice on the other side said.

"Very good, you let the Broken God attack, I will control the Chaos Insurgency to attack together!"

Cain said.

"Chaos Insurgency...Okay, when will you return to the Broken God, this willThe position of leader should belong to you!"

The person who talked to Cain was the current president of the Broken God Church.

"No, I can't go back to the Broken God Church. You continue to be the president. We must revive the Father God as soon as possible!"

Cain said in a deep voice.

"We are already working hard. Now we have to seize the time train. There is news that the devil may come on the time train. At that time, we can enter the abyss through the time train to guide the will of the Broken God..."

The president of the Broken God Church said enthusiastically.

"It seems that I didn't make a mistake. Then, let's get started!"

Cain said.

"Okay! "

Cain was talking to the head of the Broken God Church while fighting with 096.

He looked at 096 calmly.

096 couldn't do anything to him, but he was still attacking him. He was a little annoyed.

He had more important things to do now, and didn't want to continue to fight with 096 here.

Therefore, he also ran quickly to the side.

However, 096 moved in front of him instantly.

Although he bounced out instantly, he soon reappeared instantly.

This made him frown. 096 had this terrible teleportation ability, which was blocking him all the time, making it very difficult for him to move forward.

"Enough, are you annoying!"

Cain roared angrily.

096 had a sad face.

However, he couldn't control the urge to kill Cain.

Because Cain saw him.

"Humph! "

Cain saw that 096 was still attacking him relentlessly.

He simply ignored 096.


096 kept attacking him, and was bounced back again and again.

He also came to a helicopter.

He entered the helicopter and prepared to go to the time train.

However, 096 instantly appeared in the helicopter and fought with him.


096's body was instantly bounced by him, and he passed through the helicopter and fell to the ground below.

However, the falling 096 suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was in the helicopter again.

"It's so annoying!"

Cain also had a headache.

"Come on, some people!"

After Cain took over Pete's position, all the Chaos Insurgency members listened to his command.

He also gave orders to some Chaos Insurgency members to come and attract 096's attention.

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