Cain ordered the Chaos Insurgency to retreat.

Seeing the Chaos Insurgency disappear into the darkness, Cain was relieved.

"It's time for me to go too!"

Cain took a deep breath.

What happened in the pit was simply too chaotic.

From the enemy at the beginning to the cooperative relationship now.

Cain also sighed that fate was playing tricks on him.

Therefore, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

The Broken God Cult left.

The Chaos Insurgency left.

The two organizations that posed the greatest threat to the Foundation and GOC were gone.

The Foundation and GOC instantly gained an absolute upper hand.

Attacks from other organizations could no longer threaten them.

At the same time, the members of the Samsara Squadron, the Seven Spear Warriors, and the anomalies such as 682 were all free.

They could attack people from other organizations in an all-out manner to protect the Time Train.

"Haha, the overall situation is settled!"

Next to the Time Train.

Thomas and Su Che also smiled at each other.

The two were very happy at this moment. The Chaos Insurgency and the Broken God had left.

Then, their pressure was gone in an instant.

The remaining organizations could not do anything to them at all.

Moreover, they still had the Samsara Squad and the Seven Spears.

At this moment, the biggest threat was the Sarkic Cult.

The Sarkic Cult was still attacking them with all their might.

"Damn it!"

In the darkness, Li Si roared angrily.

He had never expected that the Chaos Insurgency and the Broken God would leave inexplicably like this.

At this moment, only their Sarkic Cult was left fighting hard here.

Of course, there were some other organizations.

However, the power of those organizations was simply not enough to fight against the Foundation and GOC.

If they relied on their Sarkic Cult, how could they shake these two powerful organizations?

"Is it going to fail like this?"

Li Si was very unwilling to accept it. It had already reached this point.

"Sir, the people of the Son of the Crimson King are here, and they want to cooperate!"

At this moment, a person from the Sarkic Cult came to Li Si and said to him in a deep voice.

When Li Si heard the name of the Son of the Crimson King, his eyes lit up.

"Call them over!"

Then, he waited here.

Soon, a person from the Son of the Crimson King came to Li Si.

This was a tall and handsome young man with a hooked nose and very sharp eyes.

"Hello, my name is Mike, the commander of the Son of the Crimson King here."

Mike said to Li Si with a smile.

"Li Si!"

Li Si said calmly.

He believed that Mike already knew him well, and he didn't need to introduce him too much.

Mike glanced at the four weeks, and then whispered to Li Si.

"Now, our two organizations should join forces."

"Will joining forces work?"

Li Si shook his head.

At this moment, he had no confidence in defeating the GOC and the Foundation.

The two powerful organizations, Chaos Insurgency and Broken God, have left.

What effect would it have if they joined forces with the Sons of the Crimson King?

They are not as powerful as the Broken God, so how can they resist the Foundation's Samsara Squad and the Seven Spears of the GOC?

Not to mention the other powerful anomalies.

"As long as we can snatch the spears from the Seven Spears, we can turn this around."

Mike said in a deep voice.

"Humph, don't think we don't know what you, the Sons of the Crimson King, are planning. You just want to use our Sarkic Cult to help you snatch the spears from the Seven Spears!"

"Then you can summon the Crimson King. If that's the case, you can leave now!"

Li Si snorted coldly.

Mike smiled.

"Don't worry, listen to me!"

"Okay, you say!"

Li Si looked at Mike calmly.

"Although we snatched the spear just to summon the Crimson King, but, think about it, if we successfully summon the Crimson King, then the Foundation and GOC will have no power to stop you from saving the God of Flesh and Blood!"

"The God of Flesh and Blood and our Crimson King have the same goal, both want to overthrow this world and rebuild a new world. We have a common enemy!"

"As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We should join forces. We will surely succeed if we cooperate to summon each other's gods!"

Mike said in a deep voice.

"Then why don't you, the son of the Crimson King, help us rescue the God of Flesh and Blood first?"

Li Si asked back.

Mike was stunned.

Then, he smiled.

"Sure, as long as you have the ability to summon the God of Flesh and Blood first, we are willing to assist you, but you haveWhat ability can summon the God of Flesh and Blood? "

"You can't deal with the Samsara Squad, nor can you deal with the Seven Spears Warriors, how can you do all this?"

After hearing Mike's words, Li Si's face was very ugly.

What Mike said was completely true.

At this time, their Sarkic sect had no way to rescue the God of Flesh and Blood from the Foundation and GOC.

Because, they really couldn't stop the Samsara Squad and the Seven Spears Warriors.

"Now, you only have one choice, that is to cooperate with our son of the Crimson King, find a way to get the spears in the hands of the Seven Spears Warriors, and help us summon the Crimson King!"

"By then, the Foundation and GOC will have no way to stop you, they will do their best to fight the Crimson King, and you can release your God of Flesh and Blood at will. "

Mike said with a smile.

Li Si stared at Mike coldly.

He felt that he was being dominated by Mike. He could not refute what Mike said.

He frowned and thought beside him.

Mike saw that Li Si was thinking, so he did not interrupt him. Instead, he walked aside to give Li Si time to think.

He knew that it might be difficult for the Sarkic Cult to cooperate with the Son of the Crimson King.

But he was not in a hurry.

He believed that the Sarkic Cult would cooperate with them in the end.

Because the Sarkic Cult had no choice.

Li Si stood there with a frown on his face, thinking constantly in his heart.

At the same time, he also took out the communicator and contacted the high-level leaders of the Sarkic Cult.


Li Si told the Sarkic Cult Master everything that Mike had just told him.

He wanted to listen to the Sarkic Cult Master's opinion.

At the same time, Li Si also told the Sarkic Cult Master all the forms and changes here.

After knowing the situation here in the deep pit, the Sarkic Cult Master also fell into silence.

In the end, he only said two words.


"Yes, Master!"

After receiving the order from the Sarkic Cult Master, Li Si also hung up the communicator.

Then, he looked at Mike next to him.

Mike's eyes also looked over.

He was waiting for Li Si's answer.

"We are willing to cooperate!"

Li Si said in a deep voice.

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