Moreover, the helicopters and transport planes outside are in a posture.

They are going to kill anyone who comes close to this side.

The Seven Spear Warriors also know that these enemies outside will kill anyone who comes to support them.

In this case, they can't rely on external help and can only save themselves.

Their communicator can communicate with Su Che.

However, Su Che can't locate their position.

Therefore, those who are looking for them have never found them.

At this moment, Mao Yi remained calm.

He told Su Che about the situation here.

Su Che also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Therefore, Su Che directly stopped searching and rescuing other people.

Instead, he sent everyone to find the Seven Spear Warriors.

In this situation, the Seven Spear Warriors are the most important.

Moreover, the news that Mao Yi just conveyed to Su Che is very serious.

The Seven Spear Warriors may be swallowed by the magma at any time.

Therefore, Su Che must take action and must dig three feet into the ground to find the Seven Spear Warriors.

However, the location of the Seven Spears is unknown.

It is not easy to find the Seven Spears in the deep pit.

It is just like looking for 7 people in a city with a population of 10 million.

And the location of these 7 people cannot be locked.

The terrible thing is that the earthquake and magma that have erupted now hinder their search and rescue

Make the already weak search and rescue operation even more pessimistic.

However, no matter how difficult it is, they have to rescue the Seven Spears.

When Thomas knew that the Seven Spears were trapped and could be killed by magma at any time, his face sank.

Next, he also ordered the agents of the Foundation to search for the Seven Spears with all their strength.

At the same time, the members of the Samsara Squadron who were fighting outside.

They were also called back by Thomas, and Thomas asked them to find the Seven Spears.

The Samsara Squadron is still chasing those people from the organization outside.

At this moment, after hearing Thomas's order.

They also solemnly joined the search and rescue army.

At this moment, the Foundation and GOC members are searching for the Seven Spears.

However, the pit is too big.

Moreover, there are earthquakes and magma.

The search and rescue operation is very difficult, and there will be unknown enemies.

"Sir, an anomaly was found!"

Next to the time train, an agent came to Thomas.

Thomas also said in a deep voice.

"What's the anomaly?"

"An old man, suspected to be 1440!"

The agent said solemnly.


Thomas was shocked.

"It's 1440!"

Su Che next to him was also very shocked.

After hearing 1440, the information of 1440 appeared in the minds of both of them.

At the same time, thinking of the sudden earthquake.

They also understood everything.

"If it is really 1440, then it can explain everything!"

Thomas and Su Che both felt a sense of enlightenment.

Only 1440 could bring this terrible earthquake.

Wherever 1440 passes, it will bring terrible disasters to the people and things around it.

He will bring bad luck and disasters to everything and everyone around him and kill them.

"Why is he here!"

Thomas was full of confusion.

The Foundation has taken in 1440.

However, because he brought bad luck and disasters to the people and things around him.

Therefore, he directly destroyed several foundation bases.

These bases suffered terrible disasters and caused great losses.

Since the last time 1440 broke out of the Foundation base, it has never appeared again.

I didn't expect that after such a long time, it would appear here inexplicably.

Moreover, it came at the right time.

Although the appearance of 1440 also caused them great losses.

However, it also indirectly helped them.

If 1440 hadn't appeared, then those other organizations that attacked.

It is very likely to break through their defenses.

After all, because the news of the Seven Spears being trapped spread.

Many organizations that were waiting and watching decided to attack with all their strength.

At this critical moment, an earthquake broke out at 1440, causing these organizations that were preparing to attack with all their strength to suffer an extremely terrible blow.

At this moment, these organizations have disappeared.

As if they had suffered a huge blow and left here.

The time train also fell into their hands intact.

Now, everyone is worried about earthquakes and magma.

No one is competing for the time train anymore, and they can control the time train perfectly.

"Stay away from 1440!"

Thomas and Su CheHe also gave the order immediately.

At this moment, under this situation, no one can get close to 1440.

Whoever gets close will bring bad luck and disaster.

This is the result of the Foundation taking in 1440 several times.

The Foundation does not want to take in 1440 in any place where he appears.

Because, even if he is taken in, he will destroy the Foundation's base, and the terrible disaster will destroy everything.

"Report the location of 1440 at any time!"

Thomas also gave a solemn order.

They must always pay attention to the movements of the wandering old man.

Once the wandering old man comes to the time train, they must be careful.

Because terrible disasters may come at any time.

"Yes, sir!"

After the wandering old man was discovered, all the places he passed by were reported immediately.

At the same time, Thomas and Su Che were looking for the Seven Spear Warriors while staring at the wandering old man.

"What is the reason!"

Thomas frowned.

The wandering old man could not appear in the deep pit for no reason.

Something must have attracted him.

In his mind, he was constantly searching for the information of the homeless old man.

The reason why the homeless old man exists is that he has only one goal, that is, to find the third god of death and remove the curse on him.

Therefore, the homeless old man will continue to look for the third god of death.

Now, the homeless old man has come here.

"Could it be that the third god of death is here?"

Thomas frowned.

There are indeed many people who died in the deep pit.

It is not impossible for the god of death to appear here.

"See where the homeless old man wants to go?"

Thomas also ordered the agent to upload the route that the homeless old man took as soon as possible.

He wanted to analyze the homeless old man's goal from these routes.

The agent also uploaded the routes that the homeless old man observed to Thomas.

Thomas began to analyze the homeless old man's goal from these routes.

He soon found a pattern.

The homeless old man almost walked in a straight line.

His goal was very clear, and he only turned occasionally.

As if he was chasing something.

Thomas also ordered the agent to see what was attracting the homeless old man.

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