After staring at the demon projection for a second.

The dimensional space swallowed up the demon projection.

After the demon projection entered the dimensional space, it also quickly decomposed into molecules.

It became a part of the dimensional space.

However, the demon projection kept appearing in Mo Yu's mind, and the look he gave him at the end.

That was an unwavering killing intent.

It was as if the existence behind the demon projection had remembered his appearance.

Even, it was imprinted deep in his soul.

It would look for opportunities to do something to Mo Yu in the future.

Mo Yu felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he believed that the last look of the demon projection must be meaningful.

Moreover, this demon projection was not a real demon.

They were just an illusory projection projected into the space crack by some means by the demon.

The real demon was controlling everything behind the scenes.

Now, the other party was eyeing him.

Then, when the demon descended on the earth in the future, he would probably come to kill him.

Moreover, the demon projection just now was stronger than all the demon projections he had encountered before.

Then, it also means that the demon behind this demon projection is very powerful.

Mo Yu knew that he was being targeted by a powerful demon.

When the other party opened the channel to the world, he would lock him and kill him.

"Hmph, I am not afraid of heaven or earth. Except for God, who can do anything to me? Come one, I will kill one."

Mo Yu snorted coldly.

Although he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But he was also very confident.

He believed that no one could kill him except God.

So, he also temporarily suppressed the look of the demon projection in his heart and ignored it.

Instead, he continued to devour the space crack.

This space crack was less than 300 meters long.

It would soon be swallowed by him.

When Mo Yu swallowed the demon projection.

In the depths of the distant abyss, a terrifying demon roared to the sky.

He roared.

He swore to kill Mo Yu!

At the same time, he also ordered all the demons to speed up.

Open the passage to the human world as soon as possible!

Space cracks all over the world suddenly trembled wildly.

Then, the space cracks that were originally looming and unstable seemed to become more stable.

The Foundation and GOC have been observing the situation of the space cracks.

Seeing that the space cracks suddenly became much more stable.

They all felt a little scared.

If the space cracks are completely stable, then it means that the space cracks will soon open a passage.

The demons may come early.

"What happened!"

Before, the space cracks were stable at a constant speed.

But now it has suddenly stabilized so much.

There must be some terrible accident.

"Maybe the demons have accelerated their attack speed, and they want to come early."

This is the only explanation.

If the space cracks are stable, it is time for the demons to come.

At the same time, the top leaders of the Foundation and the GOC Supreme Command.

have been studying SCP-1762.

At this moment, the crack on S CP-1762 is getting bigger and bigger.

They can't find a way to block this crack at all.

They can only watch the crack getting bigger and bigger.

As the crack gets bigger and bigger, the space cracks around the world become more and more stable.

"I'm afraid it can't be stopped!"

"The devil's coming is an inevitable event. Let's resist it with all our strength and try to save as many people as possible!"

"This is a war related to the survival of mankind. When the devil comes, they will definitely slaughter everyone. We must protect mankind from harm and fight the devil to the death."

"From now on, the Foundation and GOC must cooperate in all aspects. There must be no concealment between each other. Everyone must work together so that we can achieve our common goal and protect all mankind!"

The top leaders of the 05 Parliament and the GOC Supreme Command have also formulated strategies against the devil.

At the same time, the two organizations also announced complete cooperation.

The devil's coming is an inevitable event!

Both organizations are for protecting mankind.

At this moment, they must work hard for a common goal.

"When necessary, we must also use the power of humanity. We cannot resist so many demons with just our two organizations!"

"At the same time, it is necessary to cooperate with other organizations and put aside our grudges. Only by working together can we resist the demons!"

At the critical moment of human survival, the Foundation and GOC must make good use of every force in the world.

Let them participate in this battle to protect humanityIn the struggle, do everything they can to resist the coming of the devil.

If the devil comes, no organization or individual can escape.

As long as you live in this world, you will be implicated.

If you fight alone, there is only one way to die.

Only unity can bring hope.

Therefore, the Foundation and GOC also persuaded many organizations to participate in this war.

Of course, many organizations hostile to the Foundation and JOC still disagree.

They don't believe that the devil will come and will really destroy them.

So, they still choose to stand on the opposite side.

Facing these organizations, the Foundation and GOC have no way.

After repeated persuasion, there is no way, so they can only let them fend for themselves.

They can't waste too much time on these hostile organizations.

Of course, organizations like the Son of the Crimson King and the Sarkic Cult.

The Foundation and GOC will basically not cooperate.

Because these two organizations want the devil to come more than anyone else.

Only when the devil comes and the end of the world breaks out, can they fish in troubled waters and let their gods come.

Therefore, facing organizations like the Sarkic Cult and the Sons of the Scarlet King.

The Foundation and the GOC both adopt a destructive attitude.

As long as they meet, they must be killed and not allowed to cause damage.

The Chaos Insurgency was originally on the opposite side.

However, they have no gods to believe in, and will not release any gods.

They only care about their own interests.

The contradiction between the Chaos Insurgency and the Foundation is very large.

The GOC also came forward to negotiate with the Chaos Insurgency.

They want the Chaos Insurgency to join this war to protect humanity.

However, the Chaos Insurgency only focuses on interests.

Unless they are given huge benefits, they will not agree.

For the Chaos Insurgency, they only have interests.

Even enemies can become their partners.

Of course, the premise is to give them benefits.

The contradiction between the Chaos Insurgency and the Foundation is too great, and it is impossible for the two to cooperate.

However, if the GOC comes forward.

As long as the Chaos Insurgency is given great benefits, cooperation can still be achieved.

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