Mo Yu was also very shocked. He didn't expect that the little girl had such a powerful sealing power in her body.

"This is the original power of their clan. It should be possessed by every member of the clan. They only need to develop the sealing power in their bodies little by little, and they will grow into a powerful god." The system said.

Mo Yu's eyes also lit up. In this case, the little girl is a little god with powerful potential.

As long as the sealing power in her body is thoroughly developed, then she will grow into a powerful sealing god.

"System, can you confirm what the identity of this little girl was in the past?" Mo Yu asked curiously.

If the little girl is a god, then there should be legends about them in history.

The system has been connected to the computer of this world and should be able to know the identity of the little girl.

"No such person exists. Their identities cannot be found at all. Perhaps it is too long ago." The system said.

Mo Yu was also disappointed. It seems that the identity of the little girl is much older than he knows.

Even the modern system has no records about them.

However, Mo Yu looked at the little girl.

The power in the little girl's body is related to the seal.

Then, it should be a god about the seal.

Mo Yu walked to the little girl and put his hand on her shoulder.

"System, you can't devour the seal power in her body?"

Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

There is such a large ball of seal power in the little girl's body.

If he can devour it, he should be able to master the god power of this seal.

However, the system told him that he couldn't devour it now.

This seal power in the little girl's body not only has her original power, but also has another terrible seal power.

It should be her mother who forced it into her body before leaving.

This seal power is like a time bomb.

If a devouring goes wrong, this seal power will explode completely.

At that time, not only will the little girl be destroyed, but even Mo Yu will be destroyed.

At that time, even if Mo Yu was resurrected, he would probably be sealed here permanently by this burst of sealing power.

"Is it so terrible..." Mo Yu's heart trembled.

He thought he could easily devour the sealing power in the little girl's body, but he didn't expect that it would have terrible consequences like touching a time bomb.

He didn't want to be sealed here forever.

The little girl was also sealed for countless years before he was rescued by chance.

If he was sealed here, I'm afraid no one in the future could find him.

Even if someone found him, they might not be able to rescue him.

He also devoured the sealing power that sealed the little girl because he had a system.

Otherwise, he couldn't save the little girl.

Mo Yu looked down at the little girl beside him. At this moment, the little girl had a sad face and had not yet come out of the great grief of losing her loved ones.

Her eyes were dull, looking around, a completely unfamiliar scene.

A trace of fear flashed in her big eyes.

"Where is this? Why is it not my hometown?" The little girl suddenly looked up at Mo Yu in confusion.

Before the enemy came, her mother took her to hide in the forest next to her hometown and sealed her in a tree hole.

But now she crawled out of the tree hole, everything around her was completely different, and she couldn't see the appearance of her hometown.

Mo Yu looked at the little girl's appearance and trembled in his heart.

So many years have passed, how can it still look like before.

"System, how to deal with this little girl?"

Mo Yu asked the system in his heart, he rescued the little girl.

If the little girl is allowed to mix into the human world alone, it may be very bad, and she may even bring disaster to mankind.

Although the little girl looks very young, she has a terrible sealing power in her body.

Once this sealing power erupts, it will cause terrible catastrophic consequences to everything around.

Moreover, Mo Yu was unwilling to give up the sealing power in the little girl's body.

He felt that this sealing power would be of great benefit to him and could improve his strength.

If he can obtain the power of this sealed god, then he should be able to seal ordinary gods.

"Just keep her with you. When the sealed power in her body cannot be controlled and explodes, we can find a way to devour it. This can prevent the disaster and devour the sealed power."

The system suggested that Mo Yu keep the girl with him, because the sealed power in the girl's body is like a time bomb.She also couldn't control it.

It's possible that the sealing power will suddenly burst out, just like a full tank of water suddenly overflowing.

And when these sealing powers overflow, it will cause terrible disasters to the surroundings.

And if Mo Yu is next to him, he can devour the sealing power that overflows from the little girl's body.


After hearing the system say it directly, Mo Yu agreed without hesitation.


Suddenly, the little girl next to Mo Yu shouted with a sad face.

She walked forward, trying to find her mother.

At this moment, after SCP-087 returned to normal, the four weeks were just a dark space.

There was only that tree and the tree hole in this space.

In front of the dark space, there was a staircase.

Outside this staircase was the iron gate for leaving.

The little girl came to the staircase and her emotions were out of control.

"Mom, didn't you say you would come back to find me..."

The little girl's emotions were completely out of control, and she squatted on the ground with a sad face.

At this moment, Mo Yu felt a heart-pounding power.

Then, the sealing power in the little girl's body lost control and burst out from her body.

The terrible sealing power instantly sealed everything around.

Mo Yu was also shocked.

"System, devour!"

The system devoured without hesitation at the critical moment.

When this sealing power vibrated towards Mo Yu, the system devoured madly.

Mo Yu was like a person who had walked in the desert for many days without drinking water, and suddenly tasted the taste of water.

Waves of sealing power burst out from the little girl's body.

Then, being devoured by the system, Mo Yu's sealing power was constantly strengthened.

His heart was filled with ecstasy.

In just a few minutes, he devoured more sealing power than he had devoured from the gate before.

However, the sealing power he devoured now was not as pure as the sealing power he devoured on the gate.

PS: There are fewer people reading books now, so I’m asking for over a thousand gifts


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I’m asking for over a thousand gifts

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