Demon projections appeared in many space cracks around the world.

The lethality of these demon projections was very strong, causing heavy losses to the agents and organization personnel ambushed around the space cracks.

After Mo Yu came to the vicinity of this space crack, he brought Ziyun to the center of the battlefield.

The moment Ziyun saw the demon projection, he burst out the sealing power in his body.

The terrible sealing power spread to the 4 hundred meters around, and the 4 demon projections around were directly sealed.

After the 4 demon projections were sealed, Mo Yu also came to the side of an agent next to him.

Then, he took a helicopter and flew directly to the high-altitude space crack.

At this moment, the abyss aura in the space crack here was very strong.

Mo Yu felt that the demon projections might be born in large quantities.

After he took a helicopter into the space crack, he saw that the abyss aura inside was creating demon projections.

At this time, dozens of demon projections were already in the process of forming.

The outline can be seen, and it will only take a while for all these demon projections to take shape.

At that time, dozens of demon projections will go out together.

Then, the agents outside may not be able to stop them.

He instantly released the dimensional space and locked the dozens of demon projections that were taking shape.

Then, he quickly came to their side and broke up these demon projections that were taking shape.

Abyssal auras were swallowed by the dimensional space, and soon, these dozens of demon projections were all swallowed by the dimensional space.

After doing all this, Mo Yu began to swallow the space cracks.

At this moment, he swallowed the space cracks very quickly.

Basically, he could swallow a mile long in more than ten seconds.

The space cracks were rapidly shortened under his swallowing.

At the same time, on the battlefield outside, the four demon projections sealed by the sealing power were also quickly broken under the attack of the agents.

Like a broken statue, they were all destroyed in just a moment.

At the same time, Ziyun also looked up at the space cracks in the sky.

A trace of hatred flashed in her eyes. She could feel the uncomfortable breath from the space crack, which was the breath of the abyss.

The abyss is the habitat of demons.

What she hated most was the breath of the abyss.

Now, she wanted to rush up to the space crack and enter the space crack to destroy the demon projection.


The space crack above suddenly shrank sharply.

The next second, it was swallowed up by Mo Yu, and Mo Yu's figure also appeared in the sky.

He looked at Ziyun on the ground.

The next second, his figure appeared beside Ziyun.

At this moment, Ziyun was surrounded by a strong sealing power.

Mo Yu also began to swallow without hesitation, and the surrounding sealing power was quickly swallowed into his body.

It became his own sealing power.

In just a moment, he swallowed all these sealing powers.

He looked at the agents next to him, and these agents were also looking at him.

"Mo Yu, are you there?"

Just at this time, Mo Yu's communicator rang, and Thomas's anxious voice came.

Mo Yu also turned on the communicator.

"Mo Yu, you go to Kunshan City now. There are 18 space cracks there. A large number of demon projections are coming. We can't stop them. We need your support."

Thomas's anxious and solemn voice came, and Mo Yu frowned.

There were 18 space cracks at the same time. In other places, each space crack was far apart.

This is the first time he has heard of multiple space cracks gathered together.

"Okay, I'll go there now!"

Mo Yu said.

Kunshan City is not far from where he is.

He should be able to get there in an hour.

"Hurry up, we will buy you time!"

Thomas said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Mo Yu nodded.

Then, he took Ziyun on a helicopter and quickly headed towards Kunshan City.

He had already driven at the maximum speed, but it would still take an hour to reach Kunshan City at the fastest speed.

Suddenly, he slapped his head and cursed himself for being stupid.

He had already devoured 096's ability, and as long as someone saw his photo, he could teleport there.

Therefore, Mo Yu contacted Thomas and asked the agent in Kunshan City to take a look at his photo.

After hearing what Mo Yu said, Thomas also reacted instantly.

Then, he arranged for the agent to look at Mo Yu's photo.

Soon, a coordinate appeared in Mo Yu's mind.

He instantlylocked onto this coordinate instantly.

Then, he hugged Ziyun next to him.

The next second, the two figures disappeared from the spot.

When they reappeared, they had already come to the side of an agent.

At this moment, the agent was holding a photo of Mo Yu in his hand.

Seeing Mo Yu suddenly appear, although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

As soon as Mo Yu teleported over, he heard a fierce sound of artillery shells, shouts of killing, and the screams of agents next to him.

He looked up and saw that there were densely packed demon projections everywhere.

Kunshan City has completely become a battlefield.

Fortunately, ordinary people in Kunshan City have long been evacuated.

This is an empty city, with only agents and people from other organizations left here to fight against the demon projections.

In the sky, 18 space cracks are like long rivers, hanging upside down in the sky.

These 18 space cracks are combined in an extremely regular posture, like a sun suspended in the sky.

At this moment, the Abyss Air continued to appear in these 18 space cracks.

One by one, demon projections came out of the space cracks and came to Kunshan City, madly slaughtering the surrounding agents and organization personnel.

At this moment, there are many agents and people from other organizations in Kunshan City.

Mo Yu saw the figure of the Chaos Insurgency, the figure of the Broken God Cult, and the people of the Foundation and some organizations.

At this moment, everyone was attacking the demon projections together.

Fission bombs and weapons with the same power as fission bombs killed one demon projection after another.

However, the number of demon projections was too large.

Although many demon projections were killed by agents and organizations, more demon projections appeared again.

At this moment, the demon projections madly destroyed the surrounding buildings, and one by one agents were crushed to death by the collapsed buildings.

This place has become a purgatory on earth.

The moment Ziyun appeared beside Mo Yu, the sealing power on his body could not be controlled.

Mo Yu hugged her at the critical moment and appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

Here, there are more than a dozen demon projections attacking everything around.

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