"What kind of god is he?" Ziyun looked at 2845 curiously.

In her time, she had never seen the god 2845.

If a powerful supreme god like 2845 appeared in her time, he would be famous all over the world, and everyone would know him!

However, she did not remember 2845.

"He is an alien deer god who came from the depths of the universe across the stars and does not belong to this world." Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

"A god from another world, why did he come to this world? What is his purpose? And why did he leave his own world?"

Ziyun asked a series of questions, and Mo Yu did not know how to answer.

Because he did not know what the purpose of 2845 coming to this world was.

However, the Foundation predicts that 2845 can destroy the entire galaxy in a single thought.

Therefore, 2845 has the ability to destroy the world.

Perhaps, the reason why 2845 came to this world is because he destroyed his own world and could not find a place to stay, so he wandered in the universe and finally came to their world.

However, 2845 is a time bomb. If he cannot be effectively contained, he will be full of fear of this world.

Then, when he regains consciousness and knows the truth, he will destroy the whole world in a moment.

However, Mo Yu also has a question mark. There is indeed a supreme god in their world!

For example, God is the creator of this world.

The Foundation used those performances to confuse 2845 and keep him contained.

Mo Yu felt that these performances were one of the reasons, but there was another reason, which should be related to God.

After all, the reason why the Foundation did those performances was to let 2845 know that humans are stronger than him, and there is a powerful god among humans who is stronger than him, so that 2845 will be afraid and dare not attack this world casually.

As the creator of the whole world, God has absolute control over this world.

The gods who enter his world will inevitably be targeted by him at the first time.

2845 came to this world, and God could not have been unaware of it.

God must have a backup plan to deal with 2845. Perhaps the performances of the foundation were granted by God.

Perhaps these performances were what God wanted to do to deal with 2845.

From these performances, 2845 felt the breath of God and what God wanted to express.

So, 2845 was taken in because he felt God's will.

Through these performances and through the hands of the containment experts, God conveyed his will to 2845.

God asked 2845 not to mess around in his own world.

Perhaps God and 2845 reached a peace agreement.

God allowed 2845 to stay in this world, and the only requirement was that 2845 was not allowed to attack this world.

2845 compromised, perhaps because he wanted a habitat.

Or perhaps because he was afraid of God.

So, he was quietly taken in at the Tianlao base.

Anyway, Mo Yu felt that 2845, as a powerful supreme god from outer space, could not be as stupid as he seemed.

He was simply deceived by a few human performances. There is a deeper meaning in this.

Perhaps it was really as he imagined, God said something to 2845 through these performances.

That's why 2845 was willing to be contained.

On the surface, it looks really stupid.

So, the people in the foundation think 2845 is a little stupid.

However, no one knows that there is a secret deal between 2845 and God.

If God hadn't said something to 2845 through these rituals, Mo Yu believed that 2845 would never be deceived by these stupid actions of a few humans.

After all, he is the supreme god who can destroy the whole world in a thought!

At this moment, 2845 is quietly watching the performance of the containment expert.

Mo Yu frowned and looked at 2845. He always felt that 2845 was not as stupid as he seemed.

"Ziyun, do you think 2845 is stupid?" Mo Yu looked at Ziyun next to him and said.

"I don't think he's stupid!" Ziyun said affirmatively.

Just now, the scene where 2845 went crazy and destroyed all the demon projections vaguely appeared in her mind.

She will never forget 2845's terrible attack ability, which destroyed everything around him in a moment.

How could such a powerful Supreme God be stupid?

Perhaps it was the Foundation's description of 2845 that made everyone feelHe is stupid.

Just like a group of ants discussing a human being's stupidity, these ants all think that this human being is stupid.

However, how can these ants know that this human being doesn't care about them at all?

Just like a normal person walking on the road and seeing a group of ants on the ground, humans don't care what the ants are thinking or communicating.

If humans are in a good mood, they will step over these ants and not hurt them.

If humans have a trace of malice and step on them, these ants will die.

2845 As a supreme god who can destroy the world in a single thought, perhaps in his world, he doesn't care about any human being at all.

He only cares about gods of the same level as him, such as God!

As for how humans say he is stupid, it is not within his thinking range at all, and he doesn't care about human thoughts at all.

"Gods, no matter how stupid they are, they are not beings that humans can touch!"

The gap between gods and humans is really too big. Gods are almost immortal and live forever between heaven and earth.

Humans are born, grow old, get sick, and die, and they may disappear from the world at any time.

God is high above, looking down at humans. To God, humans are just a group of ants.

How could they care about the thoughts of ants?

At this moment, the reason why 2845 calmed down was perhaps because he thought of the deal between God and him through those performances.

Mo Yu took a deep look at 2845.

Now, 2845 has calmed down. If it is really as he guessed, 2845 should not make trouble again.

If he has an agreement with God, he should continue to be taken in and will not mess around.

Then, he doesn't have to worry about 2845. He told Ziyun not to act rashly.

Then, he continued to devour the space crack next to him.

Ziyun looked at 2845 below, and a hint of hesitation flashed in her eyes.

Suddenly, Ziyun felt a gaze staring at her.

She was shocked, and then she met 2845's eyes.

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