Passerby A looked at the homeless old man in the distance very nervously, his eyes full of disgust.

If Mo Yu hadn't been by his side, repeatedly promising to teleport him away at the critical moment, he would have probably run away long ago.

Even so, Passerby A stood nervously beside Mo Yu, urging Mo Yu to take him away at any time.

Mo Yu's eyes were fixed on the homeless old man. After the homeless old man appeared in Haicheng, Haicheng really suffered a terrible disaster.

This terrible earthquake directly destroyed everything, and many of the dense demon projections suffered.

Tall buildings collapsed, and a lot of hideous cracks appeared on the ground. These cracks tore the ground and the streets.

Those demon projections next to them were swallowed up by the cracks and fell into the abyss, and terrible magma appeared deep underground.

These magmas also gushed out from the cracks, drowning everything around.

Like the roaring sea water, it directly swallowed up the entire Haicheng.

After many demon projections were swallowed by the magma, their bodies were quickly melted.

The dense demon projections could not escape at all in this situation.

The entire Haicheng was caught in the earthquake disaster, and they could only passively accept all the disasters.

The magma swallowed many demon projections, and the number of demon projections was also rapidly reduced.

However, as long as the space cracks in the sky are there, these demon projections will continue to come out.

Mo Yu looked at the disasters caused by the wandering old man to everything around him, and he was very satisfied.

It seems that he was right to take the risk of letting the wandering old man come over. The wandering old man will bring terrible bad luck and disasters to all the people and things around him.

Now, the wandering old man has just come to the edge of Haicheng, and he has caused such a terrible natural disaster to Haicheng.

Then, when the wandering old man comes to the center of Haicheng, these demon projections around him will inevitably suffer terrible bad luck and disasters.

At that time, he can send Passerby A away.

Passerby A stood nervously beside Mo Yu, looking at the wandering old man with disgust, he was worried that the wandering old man would catch him.

Therefore, he also urged Mo Yu to take him away quickly, but Mo Yu calculated the time and could not take Passerby A away for the time being.

"Wait a little longer!"

Mo Yu's eyes were fixed on the demon projection of Haicheng.

Now, although the demon projection was affected by the terrible earthquake disaster, not many died.

These demon projections were very terrifying and difficult to kill. Even if the magma swallowed them, it could only melt part of their bodies and could not cause a fatal impact on the demon projection at all.

Therefore, Mo Yu was ready to continue waiting for the homeless old man to approach. The homeless old man was on the edge of Haicheng and quickly went towards the center of Haicheng.

His eyes were fixed on the direction of Passerby A, and the target was very clear.

"Mo Yu, we have to go!"

Passerby A grabbed Mo Yu's hand and motioned Mo Yu to take him away quickly, but Mo Yu's eyes were fixed on the homeless old man.

He was ready to leave when the homeless old man was a kilometer away from them.

However, seeing that there were still many demon projections around him, he decided to take another risk. Anyway, he could take Passerby A away instantly at the critical moment, and he didn't have to be afraid of the homeless old man.

Passerby A was very nervous when he saw that Mo Yu hadn't left yet. He wanted to turn around and run away right now, but at such a close distance, if he left Mo Yu, he might really be caught by the homeless old man.

The speed of the homeless old man was too terrible. It wouldn't take long for the homeless old man to reach a distance of a thousand meters, and his speed of escape naturally couldn't keep up with the speed of the homeless old man.

So now he could only follow Mo Yu and pray that Mo Yu could send him away from here at the critical moment.

"Don't worry, I will take you away safely!" Mo Yu signaled Passerby A not to worry, and signaled him not to be nervous.

Passerby A's disgust for the homeless old man became stronger and stronger. There was a mysterious voice in his heart, shouting madly, signaling him to leave quickly, and even his mind was full of this mysterious voice.

If he didn't believe in Mo Yu and had no choice now, he would really listen to his heart and leave here quickly, but now he has no choice.

Passerby A grabbed Mo Yu's hand, and Mo Yu stared at the homeless old man nervously, seeing that the distance between the homeless old man and them was closing rapidly.

800 meters...

700 meters...

The homeless old man quickly approached the center of Haicheng. After he arrived at the center of Haicheng, the earthquakes around him became more terrifying, directly from 10 to 11... 12..

The surrounding demon projections suffered, the earth cracked madly, and turned into thick abyss cracks, which directly crossed the entire Haicheng.

Those demon projections around the cracks fell into the abyss like dumplings, and were swallowed by the terrible magma.

Even if the demon projections are difficult to kill, they will be quickly melted after being swallowed by the magma.

Large pieces of demon projections were melted by the magma in the abyss cracks. Mo Yu saw that the number of demons was directly reduced by more than half, and the remaining demon projections were also surviving in the disaster.

More and more demon projections disappeared in the magma. Mo Yu took a deep breath, and the wandering old man came 300 meters in front of them.

At this distance, the wandering old man might be able to reach it in an instant. He grabbed the passerby next to him and left here instantly.

The wandering old man had just approached and saw the passerby, but after seeing the passerby taken away by Mo Yu, the wandering old man was also very angry with him.

His anger immediately caused Haicheng to suffer a more terrible disaster.

The ruins around him collapsed directly and fell into the deep underground. The terrible magma gushed out like the sea, and the whole Haicheng turned into a sea of ​​magma.

All the buildings fell into the abyss and were swallowed by the magma. The original Haicheng was no longer visible. There was only a sea of ​​magma, rolling and roaring, and the demon projections were constantly swallowed by the magma.

In just a moment, there was only one creature left here, the wandering old man, and all the demon projections were swallowed by the magma.

"No, why!"

The wandering old man howled to the sky. He was very angry. He had clearly seen Passerby A, but he disappeared in an instant.

Now, he felt that Passerby A had gone to another distant place, and it would take a long time for him to rush over.

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