When Abel was fighting the demon, small demons kept appearing in the space crack next to him.

Abel found that he could not control this space crack at all, and it had completely become a passage for demons to appear.

He watched the dense demons appear and occupy this place. At the same time, the passage of his coffin in the cube next to him was completely opened, and demons came out one after another.

Even a huge demon came out from the space crack next to him again.

Abel suddenly felt a lot of pressure. A demon could chop him away at will. Now another demon appeared, he couldn't beat it.

"Human, tremble!"

The demon who just appeared was a little bit second-year, and roared as soon as he came.

"Shut up!"

The demon who was fighting with Abel roared and signaled the second-year demon next to him not to speak.

At this moment, he fought with Abel for a long time and didn't kill Abel. He felt very embarrassed. He felt that no human should be able to stop him.

However, Abel was an indestructible cockroach, constantly rushing towards him, and even hurt him. At this moment, Abel was covered with scars all over his body, but he did not feel any pain, and still rushed towards him with high fighting spirit.

He felt a headache, so when the middle school devil next to him said this, he was very impatient.

"Dunshan, you are too weak, you can't even kill a small human!" The middle school devil laughed.

"Niu Meng, can you shut up!"

Dunshan roared and chopped Abel away with a knife.

"Dunshan, you are a loser, you can't even beat him, and you still want to conquer humans, you are dreaming." Niu Meng shouted.

Originally, he was the commander of the vanguard this time, but Dunshan fought for it, so he is now only a deputy commander, so he is against Dunshan everywhere, and he thinks he is the commander of the vanguard.

"Go to fight, don't bother me!" Dunshan roared.


Niu Meng looked at Dunshan with disdain, and then, with the demon army gathered around him, rushed in all directions, ready to start the first wave of war to conquer humans.

However, at this moment, the land where they were suddenly exploded with a bang, and the self-destruction program of the base that housed Abel finally reached its time at this moment.

A shocking explosion sounded, and the terrible explosion mushroom cloud directly swallowed all the demons.

Dunshan, Niu Meng, and Abel's figure were also swallowed by the explosion at the first time.

When the explosion occurred, the Foundation and GOC high-level people who were monitoring here from a distance were staring at the center of the explosion.

The moment the demon appeared, they knew it, and they did not act rashly, but calmly started the base's explosion program.

Prepare to use this explosion to destroy these demons. Of course, they are also observing these demons in secret. At this moment, countless expert researchers are analyzing the demon data.

They must find a way to target these demons, especially the powerful demons that even the demon pistols cannot kill.

The demons were more powerful than they had imagined. Originally, according to their research, the demon pistol should be able to kill demons.

The agents just now did kill those ordinary demons. However, facing the powerful demons that were 100 meters tall, these demon pistols were completely ineffective and could not do anything to the other party.

At this moment, all the demons in the center of the explosion were submerged by the self-destruction program of the base. The explosion lasted for more than ten minutes. When everything settled, the base had been blown to the ground.

At the same time, the densely packed demons also disappeared. Only Abel's cube was still intact in the center of the explosion.

"Damn humans!"

The two 100-meter-tall demons roared there. They were a little embarrassed and had many small wounds on their bodies. Although they could not hurt their bones, they made them as embarrassed as beggars.

At this moment, Dunshan and Niu Meng were roaring madly, vowing to kill all humans.

Unexpectedly, their first wave of vanguards almost annihilated just after coming out, leaving only the two of them alone.

The explosion did not kill them, but it killed all the demon vanguards they brought with them.

At this moment, Abel was also lying on the roadside with wounds all over his body. Although he was not killed by the explosion, he was also seriously injured.

He got up from the ground in high spirits. Although the wounds on his body were very terrible, he did not feel any pain. His fighting power was still at its peak.

He stared at the two demons next to him, and then towards hisThe coffin ran over. Now he was seriously injured and needed to go back to the coffin to recuperate.

When he ran into his coffin, he found that there were still a steady stream of demons coming out of the coffin.

After these demons came out and saw him, they attacked him without hesitation. After Abel entered his cube, his wounds healed quickly.

Only in this place can he heal his wounds and make himself fully recovered.

While recovering, he killed those demons. He looked at his coffin in shock. He didn't expect that the coffin he had been lying in was actually the passage between the abyss and the human world.

He felt that his coffin seemed a little strange to him. He felt that he couldn't even lie in the coffin now. The dense demons came out and he had a headache.

Finally, he closed the coffin lid next to him fiercely and sealed the coffin directly. The violent impact sound came from the coffin. The demons were hitting the coffin lid frantically. Abel sat directly on the coffin lid.

"What are these things? How did they get out of my coffin..." Abel was confused.

He just resurrected from death, and so many things happened after resurrection. At this moment, his mind was still blank.


At this moment, he felt that the cube beside him seemed to be hit hard by someone. He also frowned, opened the door carefully, and saw Dunshan and Niu Meng smashing his cube frantically.

"What is this thing? Why is it so hard!"

Dunshan and Niu Meng smashed Abel's cube frantically. After Abel entered the cube, the space crack disappeared, and the coffin was also sealed by Abel, and their demon army could not come out.

The two of them were trying to open the cube and reopen the passage.

Unfortunately, although they were unparalleled in combat power, they could not do anything to Abel's cube.

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