Of course, SCP-2000 can also start automatically, but the risk is too great.

What if they set SCP-2000 to start automatically 50 years later and let humans be copied.

However, if the demons still exist outside at that time, these copied humans will attract the attention of the demons, so that the demons will come and destroy all humans.

At that time, SCP-2000 will also be exposed to the eyes of the demons and destroyed by the demons. This risk is too great.

Therefore, they cannot set the program to start automatically, but must set it to start manually.

Only when the living people are sure that the outside world is safe and the demons have left, then they can enter SCP-2000 for manual start.

In this way, after humans are copied, they don’t have to worry about being destroyed by demons, and SCP-2000 can also ensure safety.

If the demons come, they will destroy all humans in the world and ensure that no one is left alive.

Then, if they fail to stop the demons, the final outcome will be the death of all humans and the disappearance of human civilization.

Without anyone alive, SCP-2000 cannot be manually activated.

However, Jun Tiance is not worried at all. As long as they can make SCP-2000 run normally, then humans will definitely be reproduced, and human civilization will definitely be restored, because God exists.

This is not the first time that humans have encountered this kind of doomsday. After each doomsday, humans will be reproduced and restore the previous civilization.

And all of this, the person who manually activates SCP-2000 is God.

As long as God is still alive, then humans will not be extinct, of course, the premise is that SCP-2000 is well preserved.

However, it is irrational to put the fate of mankind on SCP-2000.

If SCP-2000 is destroyed one day, then humans will be completely extinct after encountering the doomsday.

Therefore, after countless years of restoring civilization, humans have been frantically developing scientific and technological power, wanting to enhance human power so that they can face any doomsday and will not be easily destroyed by external forces.

This time, mankind has reached its peak. Humans try to stop the devil with their own power and do not want to be easily destroyed again.

The Foundation and GOC will do their best to stop all this and keep humans alive as much as possible.

Of course, only the people of the Foundation and GOC can know the existence of SCP-2000, and only the absolutely core senior leaders can know the existence of this project. Others will never be allowed to be told.

Even people from other organizations in the human world cannot know the location of this project.

Maybe other people know the SCP-2000 project, but they will never know the real location of SCP-2000.

Only a few core figures can know the location of SCP-2000.

These core figures who know the specific location of SCP-2000 are the last hope of mankind. They will be protected and survived as much as possible.

If they are alive, they can manually start SCP-2000. Of course, if they die, there is also God.

Those who know SCP-2000 are the absolute core figures of the Foundation and GOC.

They signed a confidentiality agreement and would not tell anyone.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, they will be protected by special agents, and they will be protected and live as long as possible until the last moment.

Of course, if there is a breath of life, it will be found by the devil.

Therefore, the Foundation and GOC carried out a freezing plan for these core personnel.

They were scattered in secret places around the world, and no one knew their location.

There were special agents who refrigerated them and buried them deep underground.

At the same time, the time for them to wake up was set on the instrument next to them. Some people were set to wake up after one year, some were set to wake up after two years, and some were set to wake up after 10 years. They will wake up at different time periods.

If the people who wake up find that the human world has returned to peace and humans can come out safely, they will go to SCP-2000 for manual activation.

If the first people who recover find that the world is still in a state of destruction, even if they are killed, it will not affect the activation of SCP-2000.

Because there are still some people who are set to wake up after a long time. Wait for them to wake up later.Later, SCP-2000 will be activated.

Of course, the longest life span of human beings is 100 years, so the longest time they can be frozen can only be 100 years.

If they wake up after 100 years, and humans still cannot come out, then this freezing plan will be declared a failure, and finally, God can only start it manually.

Of course, many people will reach the end of their lifespan in freezing and die on the way to freezing.

Although they are frozen, their death time is fixed, and they will not stay at a certain age forever because of freezing.

After all, the god of death has a death list, and it is clearly recorded when anyone dies.

Although they are frozen, when their death time comes, they will die normally.

The freezing plan can basically be implemented normally.

However, this doomsday is unprecedentedly terrible. Not only are there demons, but also other terrifying creatures, who are also spying on the human world.

Especially the organizations headed by the Sarkic Cult and the Son of the Crimson King, they are also one of the factors of the end of the human world.

Whether it is the coming of the God of Flesh and Blood or the coming of the Crimson King, the world will be in a state of doomsday.

Therefore, it may be difficult for the world to return to peace in 100 years.

"I hope God can come back as soon as possible!" Jun Tiance sighed in his heart.

God is the protector of the world. He has been secretly protecting the world from destruction. God created the Foundation, and the Foundation is also teaching humans to grow and let humans develop their strength to strengthen themselves.

Unfortunately, the devil has come, and there are threats from the God of Flesh and Blood and the Crimson King. The crisis of mankind is unprecedentedly solemn.

"The space crack is stable!"

At a certain moment, every space crack in the world flickered and instantly restored stability.

Then, bursts of rich abyss air gushed out from each space crack.

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