The agents on the human side all have the spirit of daring to die. Many of them form a death squad and try to get close to the 100-meter demon.

Then, use the second-generation demon pistol to kill the 100-meter demon.

The demon pistol is only for demons and cannot have an effect on other creatures, so even if the demon tries to snatch the demon pistol from humans.

However, when they snatched the demon pistol, they wanted to use the demon pistol against humans, but found that it was ineffective.

After the abyss bullet hits the human body, it will basically turn into a ball of black smoke and cannot cause any harm to humans at all.

The demons were also very disappointed. The demon pistol did not achieve the effect they expected. The demon pistol was specially developed for them. Therefore, after the demons snatched the demon pistol, they would try to destroy the demon pistol.

The demon pistol is also made of some special metal materials. Under the violent destruction of the demon, the demon pistol will also be destroyed.

Basically, after the demon sees the demon pistol, it will find a way to destroy it. On the battlefield, there are also many demon pistols that have been destroyed. Humans need to continue to manufacture demon pistols.

Once the supply is insufficient, humans will be slaughtered by demons.

After the second-generation demon pistol was put into the battlefield, it posed a fatal threat to the 100-meter demons, and demons all over the world were shocked.

The thousand-meter demons also took action, wanting to destroy the second-generation demon pistol, but the second-generation demon pistol was mixed with the first-generation demon pistol, and they could not distinguish it.

They could only kill all the humans around them and destroy all the demon pistols in their hands. Whether it was the first-generation demon pistol or the second-generation demon pistol, they had only one goal, that is, to destroy them all.

Using this method, many demon pistols were also destroyed by them, but this had no effect at all.

Because the human side was constantly manufacturing the second-generation demon pistol, the demons felt the power of humans, and the second-generation demon pistols developed by humans posed a great obstacle to their invasion of the human world.

If the problem of the demon pistol cannot be solved, then their invasion of the human world will become very difficult.

Originally, the demons' plan was to destroy the human world with overwhelming force and directly occupy the human world within a short month.

However, after a month, humans still stubbornly resisted them, and launched a terrible counterattack against them, causing them to suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, demons do not need 10 months of pregnancy like humans, and it takes decades to grow up.

Demons have special production demons, and these production demons can continuously give birth to demon eggs.

The demons that crawl out of the demon eggs can directly enter the battlefield to participate in the battle.

These production demons continuously produce demons, making the whole world full of demons.

The human side also felt the weirdness, and they kept sending agents to check what exactly caused the number of demons to increase instead of decrease.

Why did they kill many demons, but the number of demons still continued to appear.

In order to investigate this matter, countless agents continued to go deep into the depths of the demons and paid their lives.

However, although they sacrificed, they also found some valuable clues.

Many agents, by chance, entered the depths of the demons and took some videos and photos. They sent these photos and videos back to let humans know the existence of production demons.

Through the video, when humans saw the densely packed devil eggs around the production devil and the devils crawling out of the devil eggs, they were shocked.

Because, through this method, the devil can continuously produce new devils, and the number is far more terrifying than that of humans.

The production of devils can continuously produce devils, allowing the devils to fight a very long war.

Humans cannot quickly produce new warriors like devils. Humans need 10 months of pregnancy and 20 years of growth to grow up.

One less human means one less force. Now, although humans also have tens of billions of people, the number of humans is constantly decreasing under the consumption of devils.

In particular, most humans are just ordinary people and cannot form combat power at all. They are basically dead when encountering devils. Only a small number of humans can hold weapons to resist devils.

In the face of the continuous appearance of the devil army, the warriors on the human side also suffered heavy losses.

However, after the first generation and second generation devil pistols were put into the battlefield, the disadvantages of the human side were slowly changed.

The second generation demon pistol can kill demons within 100 meters, and can make people and humansIn the war of demons, we can gain a little advantage. As long as we get rid of the leading 100-meter demon, the remaining ordinary demons will not be a problem. Human warriors can deal with them.

Using this method, humans barely managed to hold their ground under the attack of demons, but the 1,000-meter demons are extremely terrifying.

Wherever the 1,000-meter demons appear, the human side is still subjected to horrible massacres, and humans continue to die.

"Use 008 and 610!"

In order to deal with demons, the human side also adopted various extreme methods, among which 008 and 610 were also thrown into the battlefield.

Those dead bodies, after being infected with 008, will become zombies and resurrect.

Whether it is human or demon corpses, they are resurrected after being infected with 008.

In addition, 610 was also released, and these resurrected zombies grew multiple hands, feet and heads, turning into terrible flesh monsters.

The appearance of zombies and flesh monsters is unfriendly to both humans and demons.

Because, as long as these zombies and flesh monsters see living life, they will attack, regardless of friend or foe.

They are neither human nor demon. Their appearance forms the third force, which also brings trouble to humans and demons.

Humans also thought for a long time before agreeing to use 008 and 610, because the demons are too strong and there are too many of them.

They can only form the third force through 008 and 610 to delay the demons. The flesh monsters and zombies spread to the demon army, which also caused a terrible disaster.

Many living demons turned into zombies after being bitten by zombies, and turned into flesh monsters after being infected with 610. 008 and 610 have dealt a great blow to the demons.

"If this continues, the whole world will become a paradise for zombies and flesh monsters!"

This is the sequelae of using 008 and 610.

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