The demon zombies around the space cracks were constantly being eliminated, and the world quickly returned to peace.

Humans who had been observing the demons through satellites saw that the zombies around the space cracks were being destroyed.

The demons effectively prevented the expansion of zombies, and the living zombies in the world were constantly disappearing under the attacks of the 100-meter demons and 1,000-meter demons.

The number of zombies decreased sharply, and the demons regained control of the battlefield.

The demon army once again came out of the space cracks. At this moment, there were not many zombies in the world.

The demons are fully capable of controlling the zombies, and with previous experience, the demons will not let any zombies expand among them this time.

At the same time, the demons are constantly clearing the zombies around the space cracks.

Once zombies are found, they will be destroyed as soon as possible.

There are still many zombies outside the human city.

After the demons found the zombies outside the human city, they did not approach, but stayed near the space cracks, waiting for those zombies to enter the human city. They also planned to use zombies to attack humans.

The situation on the battlefield changed in an instant. The demons became cold-eyed bystanders, and the war between humans and zombies began.

Dense zombies attacked the walls outside the human city. The hundred-meter-high wall was also crumbling under the impact of the zombies.

Although human agents and organization members have tried their best to stop it, they still can't stop the zombies.

There are too many zombies, and humans can't destroy zombies as effectively as demons.


A wall collapsed, and dense zombies poured into the human city through the gap.

The agents behind the wall had been waiting for a long time, and dense bullets and shells fell into the zombies.

Bullets tore the zombies apart, and shells destroyed the zombies.

The zombies in front fell in rows, but the zombies behind them surged like a tide, instantly flooding the gap in the wall and the agents behind.

Countless agents were devoured by zombies, and human cities could no longer stop the zombies. Ordinary people in the city hid in the basement or stood on the roof, watching the dense zombies pouring into the streets, and everyone was scared pale.

In order to defend against zombies and effectively resist the enemy.

The top leaders of the human country and the foundation also decided to distribute guns and ammunition to ordinary people to ensure that every human being can protect themselves and survive on their own.

During this period, when the demons and zombies were fighting, humans also continued to manufacture guns and ammunition to ensure that everyone had weapons so that they could defend their homes and survive in this doomsday.

Now, almost every resident in the city has a gun and ammunition.

People standing on the roof shot at the zombies on the street below. The dense zombies were crowded together. Even those who could not shoot could hit the zombies with a random shot.

However, the zombies can only be killed by destroying their heads. Hitting their bodies will cause almost no damage to them.

The humans who had just received guns and ammunition shot at the zombies in panic. It was basically difficult to hit the zombies at first.

However, while ensuring their own safety, they slowly adjusted their emotions, adjusted their postures, aimed at the zombies, and gradually found some feel for it. However, there were too many zombies.


Helicopters shuttled between the high-rise buildings in the city, and shells fell on the streets below, destroying countless zombies.


Powerful anomalies were released by the Foundation one by one, and they were asked to kill zombies on the streets.

A white little rabbit jumped on the street, its eyes were bloodshot, and dense zombies rushed towards him.

However, after getting three meters close to him, he swallowed it in one bite.

The gluttonous rabbit opened its mouth and stood in place. Zombies came towards him like moths to a flame and were swallowed by his mouth.

The gluttonous rabbit devoured everything, and the street was cleared by him in an instant.

Wang Ming sat in a helicopter, looking at the gluttonous rabbit below. He had a sniper rifle with potions in his hand. He was ready to shoot the gluttonous rabbit and inject new potions at any time. Each bottle of potion could keep the gluttonous rabbit alive for half an hour or an hour.

The gluttonous rabbit devoured everything, not only the zombies on the street, but also the land and buildings next to it.

After the gluttonous rabbit ate the foundation of the high-rise building, the high-rise building collapsed and directly submerged him. However, he opened his mouth and sucked the falling rubble into him.into his mouth.


On the next street, 682's body rushed and tore zombies apart on the street.

682 devoured all organic and inorganic matter, and he could also devour these zombies. The dense zombies were swallowed into his stomach.

His body was also constantly growing. By absorbing organic and inorganic substances, he could make his body bigger or smaller.

At this moment, he was as tall as a hundred meters, as tall as the surrounding high-rise buildings. He rushed and destroyed the surrounding high-rise buildings.

The collapsed high-rise buildings submerged many zombies.

682 was like an ancient behemoth, rushing and tearing countless zombies apart.

The dense zombies fell at his feet.

At the same time, there were more and more zombies, and his body became larger and larger, gradually exceeding a hundred meters and reaching a height of 200 meters.

He was an ancient behemoth, with a huge body, destroying everything in the city and rushing directly to the wall outside the city.

There were still countless zombies pouring in. 682 rushed directly into the pile of zombies. The zombie virus was ineffective against him. The zombies did almost no damage to him. He had thick skin and flesh, and the zombies' teeth and nails could not bite through his skin.

Just like a human stepping into a group of ants, countless zombies were killed by him. He kept devouring zombies, and his body became bigger and bigger, and soon exceeded 300 meters.

The 300-meter-tall body was so eye-catching among the zombies.

The densely packed zombies saw him, and he attracted the attention of countless zombies.

The densely packed zombies climbed up his body and attacked him crazily on his back. Even some 100-meter-tall demon zombies came.

The 100-meter-tall zombies were huge and rushed towards him crazily.

682 rushed forward, bit a 100-meter-tall zombie's head, and swallowed his head in one bite.

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