The production demon has become the biggest stumbling block for humans to stop demons. Therefore, the Foundation and GOC decided to find a way to destroy the production demons among the demons.

Only by fundamentally solving the production demon can the number of demons be stopped.

However, the production demon is in the abyss, not in the human world. Only by entering the abyss through the space crack can the production demon be found and destroyed.

The Foundation and GOC also selected batches of death squads and let them enter the space crack and then enter the abyss.

Things in the abyss are unknown. Humans cannot know what will happen in the abyss. The life and death of this batch of death squads after entering is uncertain.

It is possible to be killed by the demon at the first time, or it is possible to successfully find the production demon and destroy it.

In addition, in order to destroy the production demon, they brought a large amount of explosives.

Unfortunately, although the data of the thousand-meter demon has been collected, the third-generation demon pistol is still under development.

Otherwise, everyone can be equipped with a third-generation demon pistol. In this way, when entering the abyss, even if you encounter a thousand-meter demon, you can also resist it.

Unfortunately, it is too late now. Humans must find a way to destroy the production demons and prevent more demons from coming to the world.

The number of humans is already very small. If the number of demons increases, humans will quickly fail in this racial war.

Therefore, destroying the production demons has become the first task of humans.

Most of the human cities have been occupied by zombies, and humans have to retreat to the deep mountains and forests and build underground bases to hide.

At the same time, human agents are also fighting with demons in the outside world.

The first batch of suicide squads found some space cracks, and then, under the cover of others, tried to enter the space cracks. However, the space cracks were surrounded by demons.

In addition, countless demons came out of the space cracks.

They not only had to break through the defense line of the demons around the space cracks, but also had to break into the space cracks. Everyone looked very serious.

Although they carried the second-generation demon pistol and the first-generation demon pistol, which were aimed at the 100-meter demon and ordinary demon respectively.

However, it is more difficult than climbing to the sky to rush into the abyss through the defenses of so many demons.

Moreover, entering the abyss, they are likely to face more demons. They are ready to die. This is a one-way trip that cannot be returned.

Each of them wrote a suicide note, and the Foundation will hand over their suicide notes to their last relatives after their death. Of course, their relatives will also receive a certain amount of compensation.

Every member of the suicide squad, their genes and daily life data have all been recorded in SCP-2000.

After the SCP-2000 plan is launched, they will be the first batch of cloned humans, and they can be resurrected in another way.

Of course, if they die, they are just their clones, just with their living habits and genetic habits.

The agents are lying in ambush around the space cracks, waiting for the best time. The demons that come out of the space cracks are not gathered here after they appear.

After they come out, they will disperse in all directions, start looking for humans all over the world, and then destroy humans.

When the number of demons around the space crack decreases, it is time for the agents to act.

The agents who were ambushing around a space crack seized the opportunity. When the number of demons decreased, they rushed out of their hiding place and used the demon pistols in their hands to continuously kill the demons in front.

Of course, there was also a group of agents who accompanied them to protect them in the abyss and were guiding them. These agents attacked the demons frantically in front and made a passage for them.

Then, they took a helicopter and flew quickly towards the space crack.

The space crack was only a hundred meters away from the ground, and those hundred-meter demons could easily attack their helicopters.

A helicopter was caught by a hundred-meter demon on the way to the space crack, and then smashed to the ground, and the agent inside was directly crushed by one foot.

Of course, other helicopters were also attacked by the hundred-meter demons, and there were very few agents who could successfully fly around the space crack.

The 100-meter demons seemed to know their purpose. They stood around the space crack, blocking the way of all helicopters. As long as they approached the space crack, they would be attacked by them.

The first operation, the agents failed.

If they could not deal with these 100-meter demons, they would not be able to enter the space crack.

Many agents took outThe second-generation demon pistol was used to kill these 100-meter demons. The 100-meter demons around the space crack became live targets.

If they continued to stay around the space crack, they would be easily killed by the second-generation demon pistol.

Only by leaving the space crack could they avoid the attack of the second-generation demon pistol.

The agent used the second-generation demon pistol to kill the 100-meter demons around the space crack, and then more than a dozen helicopters flew towards the space crack again.

Many demons suddenly rushed out of the space crack. These demons appeared without any signs. Several helicopters that had just rushed over were directly attacked.

One of the helicopters was directly smashed into pieces by a 100-meter demon.

Several other helicopters were also attacked to varying degrees. Basically, the aircraft was destroyed and the people died. They fell from the sky to the ground, and none of the agents in the helicopters survived.

The sudden appearance of these demons disrupted the agent's plan. The second operation was declared a failure, and they had to retreat to a safe area.

The agent used the demon pistol to hold the position and look for the opportunity for the third attack.

After the demon appeared, it looked for the agent to kill.


The agent wandered around for 4 weeks, using the demon pistol in his hand to continuously kill demons one by one. Their target was those 100-meter demons.

These 100-meter demons were the biggest threat, and the threat of ordinary demons was the smallest. As long as the 100-meter demons were solved, they could occupy the air domain and allow the helicopter to enter the space crack.

Helicopters flew through the sky, constantly killing the 100-meter demons around.

The 100-meter demons also constantly avoided the attacks of the agents. The attack range of the second-generation demon pistol was 100 meters. As long as they were 100 meters close to them, the agents could kill them.

Moreover, every agent was a sharpshooter, and the second-generation demon pistol was given priority to excellent sharpshooters.

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