The time train will stop at the platform for 5 minutes, and then leave after 5 minutes.

The next time train will come after 5 minutes, so the time interval between each time train stopping and leaving is 10 minutes.

Time passed little by little, and the time trains approached the platform one after another, but no one came out when the doors opened.

Thomas and others were relieved, and this state lasted until 11:55.

"Hold on for another hour."

Thomas said in a deep voice, and all the agents nodded.

This period is a special period. The demon army invaded the human world, and the time train also continued to have abnormal situations.

They were worried that there would be unknown beings walking down from the time train, so they had to keep an eye on the time train and control all the people coming down from it.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, a time train arrived at the subway station, and the subway door opened. Then, 4 black & people came down from the time train carrying a coffin.

"The Undertaker!"

Seeing the Undertaker coming down from the time train, Thomas and all the agents became solemn. The Undertaker had come out of the time train once before.

That time, God appeared and drove the Undertaker away.

Now, the Undertaker appeared again, and Thomas and others were very solemn. The Undertaker who could alarm God must not be something they could resist.

After the four Undertaker carried the coffin and walked down from the subway, their eyes instantly turned to the agents next to them.

Then, the lid of the coffin they carried opened, and a terrible devouring force came. The agents close to the Undertaker were almost instantly sucked into the coffin.

"Kill them."

Thomas gave the order in a deep voice, and all the agents fired and fired at the Undertaker with their weapons.

Although the bullets and shells hit the Undertaker, they bled, but they did not die. They seemed to have no feeling.

The Undertaker walked into the agents. They were very fast, like a phantom, and appeared next to some agents in an instant. The coffin lid opened, and suction came from inside, sucking all the agents in.

Thomas was also shocked. They couldn't kill the Undertaker at all. Instead, the Undertaker sucked many people away with the coffin.


Thomas ordered to retreat immediately. They were on the platform, and the space was too small to avoid the Undertaker at all.

As long as the Undertaker approached them, they would be sucked into the coffin, and they had no power to resist.

Even their bullets and shells would be sucked into the coffin after approaching the Undertaker's coffin.

This coffin is like a bottomless pit that can swallow everything.

Moreover, they found that the injured Undertaker recovered after just a while.

The bullets in their bodies would pop out by themselves, and their wounds would heal automatically, as if nothing had happened.

The Undertaker is immortal and cannot be killed. Moreover, no one knows what the coffin is made of. No matter whether it is a bullet or a shell, it cannot hurt it at all.

Thomas also asked the agent to take out the demon pistol to see if it can have any effect on the Undertaker.

However, the demon pistol has no effect on the Undertaker and cannot cause any harm to the Undertaker.

The Undertaker cannot be killed. Thomas and others also evacuated the subway station and returned to the street outside, intending to use the defense line set up here to deal with the Undertaker.

Four Undertaker carried the coffin and walked out of the subway entrance. Their eyes were calm and indifferent, as if they despised all life in the world.


Thomas and others led the Undertaker to the street. The Undertaker instantly stepped on the land mine on the ground. The land mine exploded. However, the Undertaker's legs were blown into a bloody mess, but they seemed to have no feeling and still carried the coffin and chased them.

The Undertaker was too fast. Some agents were caught up by the Undertaker because they were not fast enough and were instantly sucked into the coffin.

One by one, the agents were sucked into the coffin without any resistance. Thomas was also terrified. According to the current situation, all of them would be sucked into the coffin by the Undertaker.

Thomas even felt the crisis of death. He had a premonition that he would be sucked into the coffin soon.

No one knew what would happen when entering the coffin, but they all knew that there was only one result, that was death.

The Undertaker was the one who sent you into the grave.

"Sir, request support."

Thomas also contacted the 05 Council as soon as possible and reported the situation of the Undertaker.Reported, the 05 Council was also very shocked to know that the Undertaker appeared.

The Undertaker has not appeared for a long time since the last time.

Moreover, the last time God appeared, he forced the Undertaker back into the time train. Now God is still in the abyss and has not come back. Who can stop the Undertaker?

Moreover, from the information sent by Thomas, the Undertaker can't be killed at all. Although they will be injured, no matter how much they are injured, they don't feel it, and they will recover soon, as if nothing happened.

Such a terrible Undertaker constantly buries the lives of their agents, which puts them under great pressure.

Originally, because of the invasion of demons, humans can't stop them, they are already busy and exhausted. Now the appearance of such a Undertaker is really worse.

"Sir, we can't hold on. All of us will be killed by the Undertaker."

Thomas sent a message at the end, and then there was no news.

No matter what method the 05 Council used, they could not contact the agents next to the time train. All of them disappeared and there was no news.

The 05 Council also realized the seriousness of the matter. There were hundreds of agents next to the time train.

However, in such a short time, all of them were silent. They also realized that these hundreds of agents should have been killed by the Undertaker.

Even the devil could not kill so many of their agents in such a short time.

The horror of the Undertaker also made them realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Let's not stop the Undertaker, let them go." Jun Tiance said in a deep voice.

Now that the Undertaker is so terrible, they are simply walking into the tiger's mouth to stop the Undertaker.

They are exhausted from dealing with the devil and can no longer distract themselves to deal with the Undertaker.

Anyway, most of the world has fallen into the hands of the devil, so they don't have to spend time stopping the Undertaker, let the devil deal with the Undertaker.

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