The thousand-meter demon fled frantically. Under the human satellite image, the thousand-meter demon finally came to the dozens of space cracks.

Countless demons gathered here. Seeing the thousand-meter demon fleeing like a stray dog, all the demons were shocked.

You know, the thousand-meter demon is already a senior commander among the demons. The enemy can only let him escape if he is a god.

Then, they saw the mourners chasing after the thousand-meter demon. Four mourners carried coffins and chased at an extremely terrifying speed.

After seeing the mourners, the surrounding demons also rushed up without hesitation. These demons were sucked into the mourners' coffins as soon as they approached the mourners ten meters.

The mourners' coffins seemed to be getting more and more terrifying. Before, they were swallowed up when they were only 10 meters away from them. At this moment, all the people who were 20 meters away from them were swallowed up.

The densely packed demons were sucked into the mourners' coffins. The thousand-meter demon looked back and was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat.

He ran madly towards a space crack next to him, and asked the demons around him to block the undertaker.

Then, he stepped into a space crack without hesitation, disappeared here, and entered the abyss.

The undertaker appeared on Panlong Star, which brought huge changes to the demon invasion of humans. The undertaker could already threaten them.

He was sure that the undertaker was at the level of a god, and such a person could change the situation on Panlong Star.

If you want to deal with the undertaker, you can only let the demon leader come over, so this thousand-meter demon fled back to the abyss, ready to pass the information of the undertaker back as soon as possible, so that the demon leader in the abyss could come to deal with the undertaker.

Suddenly, the demons around dozens of space cracks were madly killing the undertaker.

However, they were sucked into the coffin by the undertaker one after another like moths to a flame.

Through satellite images, the humans who monitored the area saw that the Undertaker was like a bottomless pit, swallowing up all the demons around the space cracks. All humans were terrified.

The more demons the Undertaker swallowed, the more terrifying their coffins became. At this moment, demons that were 30 meters away from the Undertaker would be sucked into the coffins. No matter how big or small the demons were, as long as they were close to this distance, they would be sucked in immediately without any resistance.

The Undertaker was simply invincible, and there was no way to deal with them.

Humans were also very heavy. The Undertaker was so terrible that it was not only hopeless for demons, but also for humans.

"The Undertaker is so terrible. They will become stronger and stronger. At that time, they will not only threaten demons, but also human Undertaker. It will also be a doomsday. The Undertaker will send away all the humans in the world." The top leaders of the Foundation and GOC also agreed with this idea.

The purpose of the Undertaker at this moment was to send everyone away.

Just like the demons around the dozens of space cracks, once the undertaker has his eyes on them, no demon can escape, and they are all sucked into the coffin.

The undertaker will not leave until there is no more demon around the space cracks, and then continue to the next place.

They will quickly lock the nearby lives, and then suck them into the coffin.

Wherever they pass, no one can survive, and everyone will be sucked into the coffin by them.

In just a short while, countless demons were sucked into the coffin by them, and humans also felt scared when they saw such a terrible undertaker.

The undertaker is determined to send all the lives on Panlong Star away!

Whether it is a demon or other creatures, as long as they are encountered by the undertaker, they will be sucked into the coffin by them.

Humans originally thought that the undertaker's arrival at Panlong Star was beneficial to them, but now it seems that they are wrong.

Although the Undertaker can deal with demons, they absorb countless demons and their power is constantly increasing.

When the Undertaker just got off the time train, they could only absorb people within 10 meters around them.

Now, by constantly absorbing demons one by one, they can absorb people within 50 meters around them.

As long as you are 50 meters away from them, no matter how strong you are, you will be sucked into the coffin by them in the first place.

Moreover, the distance of the Undertaker will continue to increase. It is very likely that it will reach 100 meters in a short time, or even 1,000 meters...

If the Undertaker really reaches this distance,If they are afraid of the Undertaker, then it will be a doomsday disaster for humans.

Moreover, the doomsday disaster brought by the Undertaker is even more terrible than that of the demon.

As for the demon, they still have a chance to fight against it. They can fight guerrilla warfare or head-on confrontation with the demon and still not fall behind.

If they try hard, they can still deal with the demon, but the Undertaker is simply powerless.

If the Undertaker can really reach the 10,000-meter level, then all the living beings who are close to the Undertaker within 10,000 meters will be sucked into the coffin by them, which is really terrifying.

"We must find a way to target the Undertaker."

Be prepared for a rainy day. Although the Undertaker is now targeting the demon, humans cannot be immune.

The demon was solved by the Undertaker, and the Undertaker will definitely not let humans go.

"The demon should find a way to deal with the Undertaker. We will wait and see and find a way to deal with the Undertaker."

Humans decided to continue to wait and see, and at the same time, they are also trying their best to find a way to deal with the Undertaker.

They must find a way to deal with the Undertaker when the Undertaker is fully engaged in dealing with humans, otherwise, all humans will be sent away by the Undertaker.

The Undertaker is from another world and does not belong to Panlong Star. Almost no one knows the Undertaker, but the Undertaker looks similar to the people of Panlong Star.

Humans tried to find information about the Undertaker, but there is almost no information about the Undertaker on Panlong Star.

Therefore, humans know nothing about the background information of the Undertaker. They only know that the Undertaker can send everyone away.

Moreover, the power of the Undertaker will become stronger and stronger, until one day he is so powerful that he can send away all the creatures of Panlong Star, making Panlong Star an empty planet.

This is an extremely likely thing, which is the result of human speculation after many speculations, so humans are very afraid of the Undertaker.

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