Zombies not only evolve quickly in strength and speed, but also in intelligence. Just like a human being, it takes more than ten years or even decades for the mind to mature from birth to adulthood.

However, the speed of the evolution of the intelligence of these zombies is too fast, hundreds of times faster than that of humans.

They compressed the speed of intelligence evolution that humans need more than ten years or even decades into a few days.

It can be clearly observed that some ignorant zombies, from the initial instinctive state to the emergence of intelligence, and then slowly matured and thought like a human, only took a few days.

When zombies have no intelligence, they will only attack living things instinctively, which is not very scary. Humans and demons can easily defeat them with wisdom.

However, when these zombies have terrible wisdom, they will think like humans, and even their wisdom is higher than that of humans.

Combined with their strength and speed, they are simply natural warriors. This is a new race.

The powerful demons also listed zombies as the first target of danger. They also decided to eliminate zombies first and then destroy humans.

During the war between demons and zombies, humans finally had the opportunity to develop. They quietly lurked in the underground base, slowly recuperating and recovering their strength.

At the same time, they also began to build weapons and demon pistols for demons and zombies.

For these mutant zombies, their bodies still belong to humans and demons. For human zombies, ordinary hot weapons can be used to kill them by destroying their heads.

As for demon zombies, demon pistols are still needed to destroy them.

In fact, demon zombies are much more terrifying than human zombies, so humans also mainly produce demon pistols.

Demon pistols can not only kill demons, but also demon zombies.

The first generation demon pistols and the second generation demon pistols are now in mass production.

In the Guidie Laboratory, she and other experts are studying the third generation demon pistols.

They have already collected the information data of the thousand-meter demon, but the third generation demon pistol is not so easy to produce.

After all, the thousand-meter demon has reached the demigod level, and the power of the third-generation demon pistol needs to reach the demigod level, which is difficult to achieve with human power.

Even though Guidie's talent is the strongest among all researchers, it took a long time to study the third-generation demon pistol, and until now, the third-generation demon pistol has not been developed.

However, after such a long time of research, coupled with the war between demons and zombies, they bought time, and they slowly got a clue.

However, the research and development of the third-generation demon pistol is far more difficult than they imagined. The third-generation demon pistols they developed again and again are either defective or semi-finished products, and they can't reach the point of killing the thousand-meter demon.

Guidie is also very anxious. Her brain is frantically calculating data. She must develop the third-generation demon pistol as soon as possible so that humans can survive in the cracks.

Now, various forces gather on Panlong Star, and basically each force is stronger than humans.

The number of humans now is less than half of the previous number, and most people are still ordinary people.

Although they are secretly protected in various bases, they have to eat a lot of food every day.

If there is not enough food, there will be famine, and once there is famine, it will cause chaos and be difficult to control.

Humans all over the world are protected in various underground bases, but the food stored in these bases is not enough for so many people.

It's okay for one or two days, but after a long time, there will be not enough food.

If there is no food, it will cause various harassment, and many people will rush out of the base to find food outside.

Many people don't want to be protected. They want to go out with weapons. They can't starve to death in the base. There are many people like this.

Although the top leaders of the Foundation and GOC have tried their best to protect humans, in the face of natural disasters, natural disasters and hunger, even the Foundation and GOC have no way.

The food stored in each base is not enough for everyone to eat, so when someone wants to leave and survive outside, the top leaders of the Foundation also agree.

They acquiesce to this behavior. Anyone who dares to go out to survive is a person who doesn't want to die, and their will is firm.

Perhaps it would be better for them to go out and explore the world rather than starve to death in the base.

Therefore, the foundation also acquiesced to these people's departure. Many people left for survival and food.The base went outside to survive.

The departure of these people relieved the huge pressure on the base. The base no longer supplied food to everyone. They only needed to supply food to those who did not dare to leave the base.

Those who left the base could survive on their own outside. Although zombies occupied most of the human cities, there was still a lot of food in many cities.

As long as they found these foods, they could survive.

Therefore, each human being showed his magical powers outside to survive, but most people died after going out.

Whether they encountered demons or zombies, it was difficult for them to survive.

Of course, those who survived were elites and masters of survival.

The world plot developed too fast, so fast that it was dazzling. Mo Yu was swallowing space cracks at this moment.

When he appeared near hundreds of space cracks, he found that terrible battles were taking place around these space cracks.

He saw some terrible mutant zombies, whose speed and strength were really terrifying.

He even saw some zombies with wisdom in their eyes. They thought like humans, and were even more cunning than humans.

These zombies were intelligent. They used strategies to fight demons. They were very cunning.

Many demons could not beat these zombies. They were easily bitten by them.

These zombies ignored the demons that were bitten, but put them aside.

In the end, these bitten demons roared angrily, but within a few minutes, they turned into zombies.

The zombies used this method cunningly to continuously expand the number of zombies.

Half of the demons around the space cracks soon fell and became zombies. The number of zombies soon exceeded that of demons.

Zombies exerted a huge pressure on the demons.

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