The demon leader could travel several thousand meters in one step, and soon arrived at the battlefield.

When the zombies saw the demon leader coming, even the intelligent zombies were scared.

The demon leader was already a god-level existence, and it was easy to kill these zombies.

Therefore, the intelligent zombies did not hesitate to order a retreat, and when they saw the demon leader approaching, the zombies had already retreated.

The densely packed zombies retreated like a tide.

Mo Yu's attention was not on these zombies, he just locked on the demon leader.

Of course, his peripheral vision also glanced at the retreating zombies next to him.

He saw that there was a thousand-meter demon zombie among the zombies, and he didn't expect that the zombies had transformed into a thousand-meter demon.

At this moment, the thousand-meter demon zombies retreated quickly with the zombie army.

After the demon leader came, almost all the zombies had retreated and left.

The demon leader's eyes were locked on Mo Yu, and he came for Mo Yu.

Mo Yu felt the killing intent of the Demon Commander. He was here to kill him. He looked at the Demon Commander solemnly.

The Demon Commander took a few thousand meters in one step and came to Mo Yu a thousand meters in front of him in an instant.

In the range of a thousand meters, Mo Yu looked up at the huge body of the Demon Commander, which was ten thousand meters tall. He could not see the end at a glance. He could only see that the Demon Commander was as tall as the sky and the earth, like a giant pillar.

Ten thousand meters, with Mo Yu's sight, he could barely see the expression on the face of the Demon Commander, which was full of killing intent.


A black hole formed by the abyss gas condensed in the Demon Commander's hand. The black hole became bigger and bigger, and gradually turned into a black hole that covered the sky and the sun, and the sky became dark.

The originally sunny sky suddenly became dark, just like a dog eclipsing the sun. However, Mo Yu could hide in the darkness. He walked in the darkness and was not afraid of the darkness.

The demon commander's tall body blocked the light around him. The terrifying black hole exuded the power of destruction and pressed down towards Mo Yu like a nuclear missile.

Mo Yu had nowhere to hide. The range of this black hole was too large. Even if he turned up his speed, he would not be able to escape in time.

However, he was not afraid at all because he had teleportation.

He wanted to feel the power of the demon commander and teleport away at the critical moment.


The black hole that covered the sky and the sun pressed down, causing Mo Yu to feel a suffocating pressure.

He felt a little difficult to breathe, and the breath of death enveloped him.

Suddenly, he saw the Undertaker behind the Demon Commander.

"Fuck..." He was also shocked to see the Undertaker appear here.

He had heard a lot of rumors about the Undertaker during this period, and he was still a little familiar with the Undertaker.

At this moment, seeing the Undertaker come here, his eyes were also solemn.

The Undertaker seemed to be chasing the Demon Commander, because after the Undertaker appeared, he felt the black hole pressing down on him suddenly paused.

Then, the black hole that was originally attacking him suddenly smashed towards the Undertaker with a brick.


The black hole that covered the sky and the sun directly attacked the top of the Undertaker's head.

The breath of destruction burst out, and the land around the Undertaker was directly destroyed, turning into a bottomless and boundless hole.

Mo Yu stared at the damage caused by the black hole in amazement, which was hundreds of times more terrifying than the missile that destroyed Hanting City.

Such a terrible force should be enough to kill the Undertaker. After all, the Undertaker was hit directly, and the Undertaker did not seem to hide, just straight up to bear the attack of the black hole.

Mo Yu felt that the Undertaker should be dead.

However, there was not much joy on the face of the Demon Commander. On the contrary, the Demon Commander was very solemn, as if he had encountered a life-and-death enemy.

Mo Yu's expression also became solemn. He looked at the place where the black hole destroyed in shock. When everything was quiet, he saw four black men carrying coffins and dancing out of the pit.

"They are not dead yet."

Mo Yu was also stunned. With such terrible power, even if an ordinary little god was attacked, he would be skinned alive.

However, such terrible power did not do anything to the Undertaker. The Undertaker was too terrible.

He thought he was an indestructible cockroach, but now compared with the Undertaker, he was just a scum.

After all, he felt that if the black hole just now attacked him, he might not survive.

"System, what's wrong with this Undertaker? What kind of work is it?" Mo Yu's heart trembled and asked the system.

He felt that the Undertaker should not be so tough, but why is it so terrifying.

"They come from another worldThe world is a being that can destroy the world. They can bury all the living beings in the world, including gods!" The system said in a deep voice.

"Bury all living beings, even gods!" Mo Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that this undertaker was so awesome.

"Then, the undertakers are a group of lunatics. The purpose of their existence is to send all the living people away. It's terrible." Mo Yu felt his scalp tingling. This undertaker was full of ominousness.

It's more terrible than the god of death. The god of death takes away people's lives only because the life of this person has come to an end, so he will take them away. The god of death will not kill people casually. They have their own rules.

However, the undertakers have no rules. Their only rule is to send everyone away.

During this period, many demons and humans were sent away by the undertakers. They are invincible.

Now, even the demon leader can't do anything to the undertaker. Then, no one in this world can stop it. If they are encountered by the undertaker, then they will be sent away.

"I'm afraid only gods of the level of God can stop the undertaker. "Mo Yu thought of his first meeting with the Undertaker in his mind.

That time, the Undertaker got off the time train, and God happened to appear and drove the Undertaker back into the time train.

The Undertaker should not be able to beat God, otherwise he would not be forced back into the time train by God.

However, God is not in this world now. God went to the abyss and never came back.

So, no one in this world can resist the Undertaker.

The Undertaker is an invincible existence. The world is in danger, and everyone may be sent away by the Undertaker.

"Can the Undertaker send me away?" Mo Yu suddenly asked the system.

"Of course." The system said affirmatively.

"Are the people sent away by the Undertaker really dead?" Mo Yu continued to ask.

Because, when the Undertaker sucked people into the coffin, the whereabouts of the people were unknown, and it was unknown whether they were dead.

"Dead, completely reduced to ashes." The system said affirmatively.

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