What the Ten Thousand Meter Demon least wants to see now is the Undertaker's strength becoming stronger.

Although, he really wants to use the Undertaker to attack the zombies, it would be best if the Undertaker kills all the zombies.

However, this is also digging his own grave.

If the Undertaker sends away all the zombies, then the Undertaker's strength will definitely develop to an extremely terrifying level.

At that time, the Undertaker may be able to send him away directly.

Therefore, he directly rejected his inner thoughts. Although he wanted to destroy the zombies very much, he could not let the Undertaker's strength become stronger.

Therefore, the Ten Thousand Meter Demon took the Undertaker to a place far away from human habitation, and even took the Undertaker into an uninhabited desert.

The Undertaker chased the Ten Thousand Meter Demon and entered various uninhabited areas. They could not absorb people for a long time, and their strength stagnated and could not continue to grow stronger.

The Ten Thousand Meter Demon was relieved when he saw this. As long as the Undertaker's strength did not increase, then he would have a way to keep dragging the Undertaker.

As long as the demon leader in the abyss has time to come to the human world, there will be a way to deal with the undertaker.

Now, he alone cannot deal with the undertaker, and even the entire Panlong Star may not have other creatures that can deal with the undertaker.

He must delay the undertaker, and the only way to delay for a long time is to prevent the undertaker from sucking people.

He also observed the undertaker for a long time and found that the undertaker can only become stronger by sucking people, and cannot become stronger if he cannot suck people.

The ten thousand meter demon delayed the undertaker and took him to the no man's land, and the undertaker could not threaten the demon.

Of course, the undertaker left, and the zombies were no longer threatened by the undertaker.

The zombies are developing crazily. Although the demons on the demon side continue to come out of the abyss, the speed of this coming out cannot keep up with the speed of being transformed by the zombies.

The zombies are really snowballing.

Of course, the ten thousand meter demon cannot attack the zombies, nor can he do anything else. Now, he is also entangled by the undertaker.

Therefore, only some thousand-meter demons were left to command the demon army to fight.

However, the thousand-meter demons could not beat the thousand-meter demon zombies on the zombie side.

The zombie side also occupied the absolute dominant force of Panlong Star. Their number increased and became stronger. In the end, the demons could only move slowly in the space crack.

The zombies also tried to rush into the space crack to chase the demons. However, after these zombies entered the space crack, they were torn into pieces by the tearing force in the space crack.

Although many zombies were originally demons, even demons had to condense the abyss energy to resist the tearing force inside.

These zombies could not condense the abyss energy. Although they were demons before, they could not continue to condense the abyss energy.

Therefore, after entering the space crack, they were also torn into pieces.

The space crack blocked the zombies' idea of ​​entering the abyss, and the idea of ​​those intelligent zombies to enter the abyss through the space crack failed.

They couldn't even pass the space crack.

The demons are no match for the zombies outside. They retreat into the space cracks and use the space cracks as a battlefield to fight the zombies.

As long as they see the zombies enter the space cracks, they will attack frantically. Of course, they don't need to attack the zombies now. The tearing force in the space cracks can kill the zombies that enter.

The demons use this strategy to block the zombies' attacks, and the zombies have no way to continue to expand.

However, the zombies are very smart and can learn.

While the zombies are fighting the demons, they are also fighting humans.

When fighting humans, the zombies are learning from humans.

Zombies learn everything from humans, even how humans use weapons.

You can imagine that zombies use guns and ammunition to fight like humans.

Although zombies disdain to use these hot weapons, sometimes they are quite useful.

The zombies snatched the demon pistol from humans and used it to attack the demons.

However, the demon pistol can kill demons, and the zombies think this is different from their ideas.

What they need is to transform demons, not to kill them.

Killing demons does not increase their membership.

Therefore, the zombies directly threw away the demon pistols of humans, and they are not used to using demon pistols to kill demons.

Of course, many powerful weapons of humans were also taken away by zombies.

Zombies use this powerful weapon of mass destruction to target humans.

The human body is very fragile, and zombies can fight like humans with these weapons, so humansThe loss was heavy.

However, in addition to human weapons, zombies also learn human research.

Humans have developed armor that can enter space cracks, and these armors can withstand the tearing force inside space cracks.

The Foundation has sent many batches of agents wearing this armor into space cracks, trying to enter the abyss bullets to destroy the production demons.

Unfortunately, all the agents who entered the abyss have not received any news so far.

Most of them have died in the abyss.

Zombies learn from humans and know the existence of this kind of armor. Therefore, zombies also capture human researchers and want to find this kind of armor.

At the same time, zombies learn to make this kind of armor.

The wisdom of zombies is getting stronger and stronger, and they can also complete things like making armor through learning.

Zombies study everything, like humans, they have become a new type of highly intelligent race.

Zombies capture humans and force them to learn how to make human armor, and they succeed.

The zombies independently developed the armor, and then mass-produced it, successfully making a lot of armor.

Then, the zombies wore the armor and entered the space crack.

The armor blocked the tearing force in the space crack, and the zombies survived and began to attack the abyss.

The demons in the space crack saw the zombies appear in the space crack intact, and they also rushed over frantically.

The zombies were in the space crack, and their bodies were tightly protected by the armor, so they could not continue to bite the demons.

They could not transform demons. In this case, the zombies could only take out the demon pistol like humans.

One by one, the abyss bullets hit the demons, and the demons were wiped out.

The zombies used the demon pistol to kill countless demons. After clearing the demons in the space crack, the zombies came to the vortex channel deep in the space crack.

The vortex channel is the channel into the abyss, and some intelligent zombies came to the vortex channel.

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