Scp-1762 is not big, only a few dozen centimeters long and wide, but there is a space channel on the surface.

As long as they want, they can step into the channel and directly enter the fantasy world. This is their last backup plan.

Of course, as a proud demon and a demigod, they have a very strong self-esteem and look down on humans.

If they are forced to escape to the fantasy world by humans, it will also be a shame for them. Therefore, they will not enter the fantasy world unless it is absolutely necessary.

They looked at the 100 helicopters solemnly, watching these 100 helicopters constantly killing these 100-meter demons as if there was no one in the world.

The hundred demons seemed very fragile at this time, like cannon fodder, constantly being killed by abyss bullets.

So far, only a few of the 100 helicopters have been shot down, and the other helicopters are intact.

Moreover, these helicopters are getting closer and closer to the nine-kilometer demons, infinitely close to their bodies.

A thousand meters away, some helicopters have begun to prepare for the attack.

Of course, if the distance is too far, they can't do anything to the thousand-meter demon.

They are just ready for battle because they have entered the restricted area.

In this restricted area, the thousand-meter demon may shoot them down.

The densely packed helicopters are in the sky, flying quickly towards this side. Among them, there are 10 helicopters. They did not directly participate in the battle, but hid in the helicopter group.

They are the helicopters with the third-generation demon pistols. They can't shoot casually now. They must deal a fatal blow to the thousand-meter demon at the critical moment.

Of course, since it is acting, they have to act well. The agents in the helicopters also use the second-generation demon pistols to attack those hundred-meter demons.

Their 10 helicopters behave exactly the same as the agents in other helicopters, and there is no difference.

Under the protection of the surrounding helicopters, they quickly headed towards the thousand-meter demon in front.

At this moment, nine thousand-meter demons stood solemnly beside SCP-1762, watching the helicopter group flying towards them. They were also ready to fight.

One by one, the thousand-meter demons condensed the energy of the abyss and formed various weapons. After the helicopter entered their attack range.

They also attacked the helicopter without hesitation. The helicopter entered their attack range, but the speed was not as fast as theirs.

Therefore, after they launched the attack, one helicopter after another was violently destroyed by them.

The helicopter suffered the heaviest loss since the battle.

10 helicopters hid in the helicopter group, avoiding the attack of the thousand-meter demons, and other helicopters also took the initiative to attract the attention of the thousand-meter demons for them and create opportunities for them.

The helicopter group quickly approached the thousand-meter demon. They only had the opportunity to attack the thousand-meter demon when they were close to the thousand-meter demon for a hundred meters.

The 10 helicopters also quickly closed the distance with the thousand-meter demons under the cover of other helicopters.

"We can't let them come over."

The 9 thousand-meter demons felt a strong sense of uneasiness in their hearts. They knew that if these helicopters were allowed to approach them, then they would be in danger.

It is possible that the third-generation demon pistols that can kill them are hidden in these helicopters.

Although it is not guaranteed that all helicopters have third-generation demon pistols, as long as there are third-generation demon pistols that can kill them hidden in them, they will be in danger.

Letting the helicopters approach is a very dangerous move. They must destroy all helicopters and prevent any helicopter from approaching.

Therefore, the nine thousand-meter demons are crazy, and they attack all helicopters indiscriminately.

All helicopters that approach them are violently destroyed by them. Their attack range is far and the speed is fast.

After the helicopters approached them, they were destroyed by them.

The ten helicopters are also in danger and may be destroyed by the thousand-meter demons at any time.

Although the surrounding helicopters have tried their best to attract the attention of the thousand-meter demons, they are still in danger and cannot find any chance to approach the thousand-meter demons.

This is a live broadcast.

The senior leaders of the Foundation and the GOC witnessed this attack on the thousand-meter demons in front of the screen.

Everyone looked at the screen solemnly. At the beginning, the helicopters entered the scene well and killed countless hundred-meter demons.It was a good opening.

However, when approaching the thousand-meter demon, the disadvantage of the helicopter appeared, and they were directly destroyed by the thousand-meter demon.

Watching helicopters die in the hands of the thousand-meter demon, but the ten helicopters could not find a point of entry.

If you want to kill the thousand-meter demon, you have to get close to them for a hundred meters, because the attack range of the third-generation demon pistol is a hundred meters.

Only by getting close to a hundred meters can you have a chance to kill the thousand-meter demon.


In the sky, helicopters were destroyed one after another, and the agents inside had no chance to parachute, because their bodies and helicopters were directly destroyed into pieces by the thousand-meter demon.

The combat power of the thousand-meter demon is very terrible. One blow can destroy everything within a hundred meters, and it is easy to destroy a helicopter.

One hundred helicopters flew over densely, but in less than five minutes, half of them were destroyed by the thousand-meter demon.

"It seems that these humans are nothing special."

Originally, the nine thousand-meter demons were afraid, worried that there were three-generation demon pistols in the helicopter that could kill them.

However, now they have destroyed half of the helicopters.

The remaining helicopters are also in danger under their attack. They believe that if they are given time, they can destroy all the remaining helicopters within a few minutes.

Therefore, their self-confidence has also swelled, and the fear of the three-generation demon pistols has also dissipated a lot. They think they can do it and they can kill all the helicopters.

In fact, the 10 helicopters cannot get close to them for a hundred meters, so they cannot attack them.

No matter how much the other helicopters cover, it will not work, because the hundred meters around the thousand-meter demon is a death zone.

Any helicopter that enters this death zone will be destroyed instantly and cannot survive for a second at all.

So, they have no chance.

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