His body easily entered the space and then came out from another place.

Just like the Zerg around him. However, the power of space he now controls is stronger than many Zerg around him.

Even if the Zerg enters the space, he can follow the Zerg into the space and chase the Zerg in the space.

Many Zergs entered the space, and he followed them in. These Zergs were swallowed up by him using the dimensional space.

The dense Zergs were targeted by him and then swallowed up by him. He felt excited. The space power in his body was very strong at this moment, and even these space powers resonated with the Hunyuan Gongfa he practiced.

His Hunyuan Gongfa was practiced to a high level, and he could break the void. That is equivalent to mastering the space power.

Now, the space power after he devoured the Zerg complemented the Hunyuan Gongfa, and he felt that the Hunyuan Gongfa was rapidly improving.

He felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, and he was getting more and more close to the surrounding space elements. He could fly unscrupulously.

The surrounding Zergs were constantly being devoured by him, but the Zergs he devoured were too few compared to the Zergs killed by the aftermath of the battle of the Supreme God.

The Supreme God could kill countless Zergs with a casual wave of his hand, and no matter how much he devoured, he could not achieve such an effect.


The void collapsed, countless Zergs entered the abyss, and the ground was full of Zergs.

The Zergs have entered the abyss in full force, and despite the crazy resistance of the demons, they can't hold on at all.

The number of Zergs is even greater than that of the demons, and they are as dense as the ocean, pouring directly into the abyss.

"We just want to rest in the abyss for a while, and you can't stop us." The voice of the Zerg King came from the sky.

"Humph." The Lord of the Abyss snorted coldly, realizing that things were not good.

The Zerg army has entered the abyss, and the demon army can't hold on at all.

Moreover, it is not only the Zerg that have entered the abyss at this moment, but also other races.

Not only the Insect King was being hunted, but other Supreme Gods were also being hunted, and they also entered the abyss.

Some Supreme Gods came to the abyss alone like the Deer God, while other Supreme Gods came with their entire race like the Insect King.

Mo Yu teleported to the side of the Zerg and devoured them.

At a certain moment, he came to the edge of the abyss, which was a huge crack connecting the sky and the earth, and countless demons were guarding one side of the crack.

These demons were powerful, and even the Demon Commander was just a small leader here.

Mo Yu saw some demon lords 50,000 meters high, and there were many demon lords who led the team here, as if they were resisting some enemy.

On the other side of the crack, it was dark and nothing could be seen clearly, but all the demons were ready.

After Mo Yu came here, he also looked at the crack in front of him solemnly, although his eyes were more on those demon lords.

The demon lord is already at the level of a mid-god. If he can devour the demon lord, then he may have a chance to become a mid-god.

However, the demon lord is powerful, and he is not sure that he can kill the demon lord.

He needs an opportunity to make a move at a critical moment.

He calmed down and stopped devouring those Zergs. Now, the demon lord is his target.

There are so many demon lords here. As long as he can devour them, it will be much better than him devouring the Zerg.

Around the crack, countless demons are lurking here. The thick abyss air permeates all around, and the demons are all looking at the abyss nervously.

Mo Yu came to the crack. He can also condense the abyss air. The thick abyss air condensed around him to cover his breath, the abyss air covered his body, and covered his appearance.

Even if the demons around him saw it, they couldn't see his face clearly. They could only see a ball of abyss air.

He can lurk around the demons around him. These demons just looked at him calmly and ignored them.

He disguised himself beside the demon and calmly looked at the crack in front of him.

This crack was 10,000 meters wide and was the border of the abyss. Leaving from this crack, one could enter the other side of the world. One could directly reach the universe.

Of course, if one could not fly and travel through the universe, entering the crack would only cause one to fall into the depths of the crack and die without a burial place.

However, at this moment, so many demons were stationed here, not only to guard the border of the abyss, but also to guard against unknown enemies.

A series of terrible sounds of breaking through the air came from the other side of the crack, and all the demons became solemn.

"Stop it!"

A roar from the sky spreadAll the demons roared, condensed the energy of the abyss to form various weapons, crawled out of their hiding place, stood on the edge of the crack, and looked at the crack on the opposite side with murderous intent.

The sound of breaking through the air was approaching quickly, and waves of evil spirits came from the opposite side.

Then, black clouds floated over from the opposite crack.

The black clouds exuded boundless evil spirits, and all the demons stared at the black clouds solemnly.

The black clouds flew towards the crack at a terrible speed.

After the black clouds came, the demons roared, and waves of terrible attacks hit the black clouds like raindrops.

The black clouds shrank and swallowed all the attacks in an instant.

Moreover, the black clouds began to disperse, turning into countless small black clouds, flying towards the crack.

There were pairs of blood-red eyes in the black clouds, emitting ferocious light, and then the black clouds quickly came to the edge of the crack.

Countless demons were shrouded by the black clouds, and then, waves of screams came out of the black clouds.

The black cloud left the place, and there was nothing there. The demons disappeared, as if they had never appeared in the world.

At the edge of the crack, the black cloud and the demons fought each other, and countless demons disappeared, without a sound.

Screams came from the black cloud, and then, shadows of creatures that could not be seen rushed out, they pounced on the demons, and their bodies merged into the demons. Then, the demons' bodies quickly melted and disappeared, and finally turned into shadows.

The shadows stared at the demons around with blood-red eyes, and then, like ghosts, they pounced on the demons. They kept eating demons one by one.

The huge body of the demon was eaten up in an instant by the swallowing of these shadows.

A shadow that was only 2m high could swallow a 100-meter demon. It could even swallow a 1,000-meter demon in just a few seconds.

The demon was stunned and caught off guard. The demon had never encountered such a terrible creature before. The moment it fought with this unknown shadow, it suffered a great loss.

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